Is she married or not?


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys I have a weird situation for you. I work at a gym and had a thing for a female coworker. When she started working with me, I never really talked or noticed her like that.Vice versa with her I guess. One day at the gym I work at, I went in the front to go to our coffee station. She was their filling it or restocking cups (she works at our front desk). As I approached her I just said hello. Then after a mintue she said "Your 28 years old etc. You should be already with someone. Why are you not with someone?". I'm paraphrasing a bit here. That completely caught me off guard here. I said to myself how does she know I was 28 years old and single. I keep my life private and never discussed my life outside of my job. It suprised, as I have never had an in depth conversation with this female. After a while while I started liking her. So to be sure I asked a coworker if she was married and he said yes with two boys. After that I was disaappointed a bit. I kind of distanced myself with her and kept it professional it was time to move on.

Fast forward to this year I talked a little more with her. Not too much though. She is just a sub at this point at the gym and not their that much. She has another job. Here's the confusing part to me. One day I had on a nice sports watch while working the gym floor. She grabbed my wrist and said "where do you get that." She wanted me to order one for her. It's a cheap two dollar watch with a lot of colors I got off ebay. So I remember saying I can send you the link via email from where I bought it. She said let me give you my phone number. I was a little baffled because if she's married normally a women wouldn't give you their number from my experience. So basically she would text me what kind of watch she would want. Then she would either text me or have me meet her someplace where she would give me the money so I could order it for her. She actually came back to the gym to pick up the first watch I ordered for her weeks ago. The beginning of this month I get a text out the blue saying she wants me to order more of the watches. She wanted 18 of them lol. They were for her coworkers. So I told her via text, "you give me the money I will order them." Now at this point where going to meet again so I can give her the watches.

Today, I saw her at the gym where she was coming in to see about front desk work. Didn't plan to see her today. So we talked a little bit. She told me she was off at 3 tuesday, so I could give her the watches and meet in a public place. She told me her coworkers wanted the watch I had. We were talking about places to meet and she told me where she lived. She said "where do you live". I then told her where I lived. She told me where she lived. As she was leaving, she said "call me". The way she said "call me" caught me off guard. It was in this sexy tone lol. Anyway, why would she need my phone number and for me to order a bunch of watches? Would you just ask where I got it and go online and buy it yourself. It seemed a little to extra don't you think? I was suprised how available she is as someone who I heard is married and has two boys. She texted me before at 12 am onetime, as she was telling me what colors she wanted to for the watches. When I look at her hands, I don't see a wedding ring. I never see it. She probably just took it off when talking to me or somebody else. I don't know... Either or I am trying to find out if she is officially married or divorced. If I find out she is married, I am backing off. I'm not looking into getting into a mess like that. What is your take on this?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
why dont you ask her?


Works with you = next
married = next

well thats my opinion anyway - why make life difficult theres 3.5 billion other girls out there.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Buddha_Mind said:
Ask her about her husband, "what's your husband do?" And see how she responds .. You'll know more then ..
I'm a try that. Before she left yesterday she said call me. So I was thinking of saying something like what time is a good time to call you. She actually said she lived an area close to me. So I was going to send a facebook request to her and I noticed the location of her husband is living in a different place than what she told me. I'm trying to be slick about it without being to revealing lol. Thanks for the suggestion.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
husband is probably not doing his "job"