Is she into me?


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
There is this chick that I work with that I like alot . She lives about twenty minutes away from me, so I usually only get to see her at work about once or twice a week. I call her on occasion and email her quite a bit. Sometimes at work if she was outside, she comes up behind me and puts her hands on my ears to show me how cold it is outside. Is this considered kino here? What should I do when she does this?

We are both really busy and rarely get an opportunity right now to hang out with each other. We have tried to set something up before, but for some reason we haven't been able to hang out yet. When she was in volleyball, I went to a few of her games, but I never really got to talk to her after any of them.

Should I start calling her more often. And when I call her, what should i talk to her about? Should I just call her to ask her a question about homework or something and then start a conversation? (I thought I was intelligent until I met her. She is incredibly smart and also very athletic.) I really like her and would like to start hanging out with her.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Stop chasing and get her to come after you. From what it looks like, you're the AFC nice guy who is always there. Go find a life. Get busy. And make her get herself involved in your life, not the other way around. Unless you're going out, stop calling her so much, just shows how desperate and needy you are. Total turnoff! Attract her, not let her bait you around.



Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Should I just call her to ask her a question about homework
I thought you work with her. Why would you call about homework?

Why would you call her more? That would make her see you as a stalker, Mystery's version of an AFC, or DeAngelo's version of a WUSS. So please don't call her MORE. Tone back the number of times you call her, because you have better things in life to do than to call her about homework.

When a woman touches you, especially in a playful way, she is showing interest.

The next time she touches you anywhere, you can use one of mystery's neg:
"whoa! whoa! keep your hands off the merchandise, this Sh!t aint for free"

And if she seems offended or whatever by that, instead of saying, just kidding, you bump her lighty with ur side and smile. Its great for defusing almost any situation where you come accross as too ****y/arrogant.


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Damian
Stop chasing and get her to come after you. From what it looks like, you're the AFC nice guy who is always there. Go find a life. Get busy. And make her get herself involved in your life, not the other way around. Unless you're going out, stop calling her so much, just shows how desperate and needy you are. Total turnoff! Attract her, not let her bait you around.

Everything you say is quite true. But, I am pretty busy, I just find time sometimes to show some interest in the chick. If i just ignore her, she's gonna think that I don't like her and she will probably start ignoring me. But, if you say make her come to me, give me some pointers. Dude, I am totally a newb to all of this. I royally suck as of right now.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by Lukef29
Dude, I am totally a newb to all of this. I royally suck as of right now.
I me, I can tell. Just go about your life normally. If she likes you, she'll try to get more involved. Example: She'll call you, say hi when she passes by, initiate kino.
If she doesn't like you, then getting on with your own life is the best thing you can do. Just live your own life, if she wants to be a part of it, good for you. If she doesn't, then you should have ended it a long time ago.



Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Clayton
I thought you work with her. Why would you call about homework?

Why would you call her more? That would make her see you as a stalker, Mystery's version of an AFC, or DeAngelo's version of a WUSS. So please don't call her MORE. Tone back the number of times you call her, because you have better things in life to do than to call her about homework.
I do work with her, but as I said, I only work with her like once or twice a week. And I work in a grocery store and we are in different departments, so it's not like i have direct contact with her the whole time im working.

Also, I don't call her that often (like once or twice every couple of weeks). I was wondering if I should start calling her more.

Learn how to read man!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
I read correctly. STOP CALLING HER SO OFTEN! And stop thinking of the worst-case scenarios. Worst thing that could happen is that she starts giving you IOIs and you end up in bed together, then when you wake up, your dong has been chopped off. Just relax and stop imagining all the what ifs. Instead, think "Why not?".

If she starts ignoring you, ALL THE BETTER. Means she didn't like you to begin with and you've been wasting your time, but hey, at least you get to keep your **** on.

Is she reinitiates contact, ALL THE BETTER. Count this as a solid IOI and go from there, but watch out, keep all cutting tools away from the bed.


That's all the advice you need, now stop griping and go do something about it.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
hey man, thats one day of the week,
You walk over to another department, a few isles over,
and just talk to her about whatever.

How hard can that be? Be a man and take the initiative.

If the Grocery store doesn't give you opportunities, You make your own opportunity for yourself.

Are you gonna let one Grocery store limit what you do with your life?

If you're gonna let a Grocery store walk all over you, and dominate this dating part of your life, then no women will respect you as a man, leaving you with no chance with her.