is she avoiding me


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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ok, right now i am still an AFC...

but im tryin...
oh yeah thank you guys a lot, i have really noticed a difference in the way i act and the way people treat me!

neways heres my story

ok theres this girl who i went on a first date with me, and she seems to like me cuz.. you know we went on a date n we talk on the phone, so i asked her for a second date n she said she had a big homework assignment.
soi was like, wellll.. maybe she does...
so the next weekend rolls along... same story.
Then i asked her for a second date again about 2 weeks later n she said that she was shopping for a prom dress!!!
now shes not goin 2 prom wit me bcuz she alrady promised this other guy before i even met her.

is she avoiding me!??
i know she really does have a busy schedule since shes captain of the pom squad and works three jobs, but STILL!

and if she is what should i do?
should i just forget about her, or should i say something.

id rather try and get her back cuz... dude!... captain of the pom squad!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
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Winter Park, FL USA
Sorry dude, I hate to tell you this but...

This chick isn't interested in you as a lover. Ask yourself these questions...

1) If a girl was really really into you, do you think she would pass you up on an offer for a date, instead to sit at home and do homework?

2) If a girl was really into you do you think that she would go to prom with someone else?

You need to NEXT this chick. Start working on other girls. Work on being funny, and having fun on dates.

If I might ask, what kind of date did you two go on? Ya know, like to the movies or putt-putt golf?


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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yea thanks good point

i took her to movies and then dinner, then we drove around for twenty minutes n talked about stuff.

it went well.

ok so you're sure i should just next the *****?
because the problem is i would really hate to find out she did like me.
ill give some more details here
first date, she said we need to talke it slow.
only got a kiss on the cheeck
but stuff seemed to still go well cuz she said next time im drivin.
yea, she drove.

so it seemed to go well until one day i called her n i sounded like a total idiot, cuz i had just gotten in trouble with my parents but i said i would call her.

but i though i saved myself when i talked to her next time.

by the way she lives on the opposite side of town so i cant really see her more than like once a week.

then she asked what i was doin one weekend and i couldnt do nething cuz i was busy with play.

then she went to see my play the next weekend.

about a few days later, she came to my school to watch some cheer tryouts becuase obviously shes into that stuff.

and this whole time we had awesome kino whenever we see each other.
she really likes the whole holding hands deal.

ok heres my plan...
what if i asked her for one last date in 2 weeks (durin this time of course ill b findin some other chicks to choose from)
n if she says no i say i really hate bein the person you do stuff with when you got nothin better to do.


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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ok, i think im ready to next her,

i had some bad oneitis even tho we werent official

so ill jsut call her and say " maybe we should just go back to bein friends again."

so that way she still has a high opinion o me with her friends.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2002
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Dude! Captian of the Pom squad is EXCATLY the reason why you should next her. No matter how much you try with this girl she's not going to give up her time for you. This is sad but true and think about it do you really think things would be different for you if you did go out with her? You even said it she spends all her time on her 3 jobs, etc. but in the end just means she doesn't have time for you.


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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yea jeez its really hard to give up on somethin
bcuz i am an afc so yea
ok, ill prolly next her then.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2003
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ok aedrelity I'll try to help you out bro, cuz you seem like you really need it.

First of all it sounds like she isn't really interested in u as in more then friends. If she was she definately wouldn't have passed up the opportunity to go out with u like 2 or 3 times. Second of all, she is going to the prom with another guy. Trust me this is the biggest sign, I mean it sounds like your at very best # 2 on her list. And I know ur thinking, "But she said yes to this guy way b4 me." That doesnt matter, if she like you she would have tried her best to go to the prom with you, or atleast make up for it if u know what I mean.

Ok and here's another thing, you said that your gettin great kino from her, well thats always a good sign, but bro there's tonnes of tricks out there who are perfectly comfortable with gettin touchy with a guy that they dont like in that way.

Honestly, it sounds like to me that your at the very bottom of her list. You should definately next her, but do it in a good way. If you still wanna get with her this is what you should do. Just stop all contact with her, don't talk to her on the phone or in person, end all communication completely. This will be definately hard but that's why you gotta meet some new ho's. And I bet you anything once u start having new, "Friends." then this oneitis of yours will declare how much she likes you. No joke.

So just next her but dont tell her you just want to be friends, just end all communication from her until she REALLY starts showing u that she's interested. And just go out there and try to find more pu$$y.

Hope that helps


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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ok, ill do that, im just friggin not call her or nething
i got a frshman at my school im kinda intersted in, ill ask her for her # next week.


New Member
Apr 5, 2003
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if she does ask to do somethin should i say no?

please someone answer this ASAP
imean like on sunday, bcuz she said she might want to do somethin sunday if her plans fall thrugh

--that kinda pissed me off too, i was her backup plan

jeez sorry guys for my bein a loser and all, im workin on this crap, i seriously am,... obviously if i got this girl

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by aedrelity
if she does ask to do somethin should i say no?

please someone answer this ASAP
imean like on sunday, bcuz she said she might want to do somethin sunday if her plans fall thrugh

--that kinda pissed me off too, i was her backup plan

jeez sorry guys for my bein a loser and all, im workin on this crap, i seriously am,... obviously if i got this girl


6 posts of total bullshít...
This girl doesn't like you. "backup plan"? I'd tell a girl to go fúck herself if she even hinted at me being a backup plan. Yes, you are an afc. Yes, you are a loser. but we can help - BUT only if you move on from this girl NOW. Don't call her and say "I just want to be friends", cause that is GAY. In fact, stop calling her. Don't be a díckhead to her or anything either. Just forget about her, cause you're bout 20 feet from 'Díckheadville' and the cars goin 300mph.

just occupy yourself with other things and you'll soon forget about her. and read the mofo'in BIBLE


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
I've just got three words for you: ditch the b!tch. I've got another three words for you: read the bible.