Is she a Friends w/ Benefits Candidate?


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
I have been going out with this girl for several months, and Im very attracted to her physically and personality-wise. I started out with the intention of having a serious relationship with her, but after a while I began to notice that she was hanging out with other guys, and said herself she didnt want anything serious. She was doing that all along, though, she never had the intention of a serious relationship.

Instead of focusing now on the emotional relationship, Im thinking about hanging in there for a physical one.

But Im not sure if she will be into it. Im thinking she might, because she likes to flirt and go out with other guys a lot, hell, she may be doing stuff with them and im just getting left out. If it says anything, she kissed me on the first date. She likes close contact, but we havent made out yet, i just havent tried yet.

I guess Ill never know until I try. So, how do I do this? Do I ask her blatantly, or do I just go there? I want her to know that I dont want a commitment, but also that I want something more than friendship...

Any input?


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
You've been going out with this chick for several months and haven't made out with her yet? After several months you should be tickling her belly button from the inside. She dating other guys because you haven't been assertive enough to put some moves on her. She's horny bro. You most likely are in the friendzone now.

Find out for sure. You have nothing to lose. The next time you two are together make your move. Be a MAN and take what it is you want. The worst she can do is snubb you in which case you try again and if she's not having anything to do with your advances you kick her ass to the curb and move on.

Don't be her emotional tampon. Don't take any shyt. Don't ask her shyt. Use some c+f and push/pull to get her attraction up (this may or may not work for you at this stage of the game) and strike if the iron's hot. Don't be a man of words be a man of action.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
"Find out for sure. You have nothing to lose. The next time you two are together make your move. Be a MAN and take what it is you want. The worst she can do is snubb you in which case you try again and if she's not having anything to do with your advances you kick her ass to the curb and move on."

So how far do I go? Sounds stupid, but if I try to go past first base it may seem like "hey, whats with this all of a sudden?" I guess there is no harm in going until she snubs me like you say