....to make it where there is a personal page that shows all of the posts you have made, that way you can keep track a lot easier. it is on VB boards, and it is very useful.
if there is this feature already please explain it to me..
AnY oPiNiOnZ eXpReSsEd bY heCtIc1 aRe cOpY rIgHtEd. aNd wILL rEsUlT iN iNtErNaL cOmBuStIoN iF cOnSuMeD..
if there is this feature already please explain it to me..
AnY oPiNiOnZ eXpReSsEd bY heCtIc1 aRe cOpY rIgHtEd. aNd wILL rEsUlT iN iNtErNaL cOmBuStIoN iF cOnSuMeD..