Master Don Juan
How do you avoid overtraining and how do you know you are?
Here is my workout I started Monday.. I finally bought a 300 pound Olimpic weight set
Press behind neck 3 sets of 10---- 45 pounds to 55
Bend over rows 3 sets of 12------95 pounds to 105
Curls 3 sets of 12------55 pounds to 65
Pullsovers 3 sets of 24 reps----35 pound disk
Squats 1 set of 12---100 pounds for now
Deadlifts Romanian 4 sets of 8 max to 135 pounds
Weighted push ups with Push up bars 4 sets of 40 reps for now until I get a bench.
I get a least 8 to 10 hours of sleep take the Whey protein and supplement and eat well with plenty of chicken.
After Mondays workout the past two days I feel a comfortable soreness in my lower and upper body and a bit stiff in the lower back but feel ready to go again this evening with wanting to increase poundages on the deadlift and squat. I intend to do this again Friday after this evenings workout and then rest the weekend.
This is where I am after a few years layoff, am I doing to much to soon?
Thanks for any insight.
Here is my workout I started Monday.. I finally bought a 300 pound Olimpic weight set
Press behind neck 3 sets of 10---- 45 pounds to 55
Bend over rows 3 sets of 12------95 pounds to 105
Curls 3 sets of 12------55 pounds to 65
Pullsovers 3 sets of 24 reps----35 pound disk
Squats 1 set of 12---100 pounds for now
Deadlifts Romanian 4 sets of 8 max to 135 pounds
Weighted push ups with Push up bars 4 sets of 40 reps for now until I get a bench.
I get a least 8 to 10 hours of sleep take the Whey protein and supplement and eat well with plenty of chicken.
After Mondays workout the past two days I feel a comfortable soreness in my lower and upper body and a bit stiff in the lower back but feel ready to go again this evening with wanting to increase poundages on the deadlift and squat. I intend to do this again Friday after this evenings workout and then rest the weekend.
This is where I am after a few years layoff, am I doing to much to soon?
Thanks for any insight.