duke104 said:
theres a girl im kinda interested in...is it an off limits topic or is it ever ok?
Yeah of course it's okay.
If you want to be friendzoned, that is.
Asking a girl specifically about other guys shes dating puts yourself in the position of HER girlfriend.
You're coming from the position of "I'm wondering what other guys have done with you because I don't have the BALLS to start doing things myself."
That's what it portrays subconsciously to her.
Not those specific ideas, but she'd feel like you're coming from an insecure position, as if you had spoken that out loud.
You can however turn it into c&f by asking her stuff like: "Who was the WORST guy you've ever dated?"
And then make fun of her for having bad taste in men.
If you want to try this, I suggest you write some c&f lines yourself and post them here for some feedback. Before you can really become a master, you have to be prepared for everything, rather than trying to wing your way through.