Is it me or should I dump this girl?


Don Juan
May 27, 2003
Reaction score
So, I'm seriously dating this girl for 3 months now. She asked me to be exclusive and I said yes, sex with her is very good. She was very interested and seems to be deeply in love with me, she starts getting worried when I talk less than usual or act distant. She is flexible and is not a gold digger, she is willing to pay for her things. Her family and friends like me a lot.

I checked her phone (she always locks it - but not this past weekend) when she was taking a bath and I checked her texts. I't seems she was dating a d'bag before dating me, the only thing I found was d'bag telling her she has forgotten about him and asking for some things back. Last text was May 23rd, he was asking if she was OK and that he saw her but couldn't tell her where. She did respond to his texts, but wasn't enthusiastic about it.

Everything was going great and after a stellar friday and saturday in bed with her, on sunday she starts acting distant and I asked her why. After some resistance (claiming its an issue that only she has to work on), she says she's afraid of being hurt, that what she feels for me is so great she would be devastated if I cheated on her (she was in a relationship where she was cheated on - not with the d'bag). So I assure her I'm not going to hurt her (seems she's bothered that I've been talking way too much about a close female friend of mine because she constantly talks about some of her male friends).

What really bothers me is her past are her male friends (I told her I don't believe in true male - female friendship) and that she drinks more than I like. She passed out drunk once with me and was extremely horny. I talked about her alcohol use and she admitted she had a stint where she partied a lot but she is over it, truth is she hasn't been drunk since we had that talk.

I'm not sure she has truly gotten over her partying (she's 39 - divorced no kids) and that d'bag still seems somewhat interested in her (and he is a partier). The fact that she dated d'bag grosses me out (I'm the complete opposite) and that she seems just kicked d'bag out to start dating me doesn't speak very well of her.

Should I worry about d'bag? Should I talk to her about her past to let her know in no uncertain terms I'm not the one to party with her or should I just move on?


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2014
Reaction score
Another warning sin you start to see is when you are completely different from the guys she usually dates. If she was dating D'bags and partiers and players, and all the sudden she is onto a guy who isn't, its a sign that she will eventually go back to what she knows.
Think about it anyway- 39, still a partier, drinks too much, dated less than savory characters and is now questioning your character? She's not much of a catch man.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
I know, it sounds weird but that's how they think. The other one is "I don't deserve you."
Just put on my Pair BPD flame suit before I entered this thread.



Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
you're her safe bet right now, she will cash in her chips on the dbag and you will be out on your ear and drug through the mill. this sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, find a better prospect.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
No don't worry about him, he's no threat. As long as you don't slip up to an AFC. The partying and drinking thing is a boundary issue that you should've established earlier. And if a girl tells you that she'd be devastated if you cheated, then she has high interest. If she claims you cheated or is suspecting it, then she probably cheated- if you didn't actuly cheat that is.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
No don't worry about him, he's no threat. As long as you don't slip up to an AFC. The partying and drinking thing is a boundary issue that you should've established earlier. And if a girl tells you that she'd be devastated if you cheated, then she has high interest. If she claims you cheated or is suspecting it, then she probably cheated- if you didn't actuly cheat that is.
How do you know? If she believes he cheated on her she will cheat too. Hell, she already thought about it.