You had a 10 year long relationship with a woman that ended in divorce. That's not bad. The fact that you had an extended relationship is an achievement. The major critique on that is that you likely stayed too long. You probably stayed about 5 years too long. Most romantic relationships have a shelf life of goodness of about 5 years, and that's with the man having a solid frame (Iron Rule of Tomassi #1). If the man's frame is weaker and more beta, the shelf life of goodness will be shorter than that 5 year number. Also, putting a ring on it probably wasn't your best decision. Most women aren't worthy of marriage today and there are too many pitfalls in 1990-present era marriage. But you know all that from reading Rollo and Richard Cooper.
There’s a very interesting article right here about the percentages of newlyweds unsure about the wedding and whether this correlates to the four year divorce rate, which is the first big spike among divorces, statistically speaking. -By Caleb Jones The four year mark is about right, since as...
Here's a quote from the author, who has some good ideas but also has some kooky ideas.
"women hate monogamy. The only time they like monogamy (a little) is when it's SERIAL monogamy, TEMPORARY monogamy. They also love getting married and having a wedding and a honeymoon. That's the fun part. But actually staying monogamous to one guy for 45 years? Uh, no. Not only do they hate that, in many ways they hate it more than men do.
Don't believe me? Fine, don't take my word for it...try the experiment yourself and see. You'll find that most women are quite honest about the fact they don't consider marriage as "permanent". Therefore, neither should you."
Those 3 achievements are better than what many men achieve, especially on Tinder. Tinder is a super competitive bloodbath for most men.
Thanks - day 4 girl was IRL - met her out with my boys
You chose well with getting some good voices like Rollo and Richard Cooper in your head, both from their books and their YouTube content.