Is complimenting a good or bad thing?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, so me and my friend were talking about this the other day, because he got played by some chick, and was trying to give me advice on what i should do with the girl i'm talking to.

He said that complimenting is a good thing, while i think it's a pretty bad thing.
I mean, yeah, saying someone looks nice every now and then is cool and all, but if the girl is actually really hot then she's going to be hearing this **** all the time. I figure if you compliment someone, you compliment them on something that people don't notice. Like if a girl curls her hair you could ask her if her hair is naturally straight or something. Anything that makes you stand out.

What do you guys think


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I think compliments are good, as long as you don't overdo it. Like Wolf says, they should be sincere, and rare (somewhat). I'm not sure they actually get you anywhere because if the girl is interested in you, she'll be pleased. If she's not, she'll just take the ego boost from you compliment and us it to ramp up her game with some other guy.


zekko said:
I think compliments are good, as long as you don't overdo it. Like Wolf says, they should be sincere, and rare (somewhat). I'm not sure they actually get you anywhere because if the girl is interested in you, she'll be pleased. If she's not, she'll just take the ego boost from you compliment and us it to ramp up her game with some other guy.
There is no harming in building them up and then watching them crash and burn.

It's an interesting game, if you are a sadist like I am. :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
nateistoraw said:
lol, i am gonna try saying this:
"nice nose"
Funny you should say that, I was looking at a girl this morning and thinking she had a nice nose.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
Compliments are fine moderation, dont tell a girl everyday that shes "beautiful, gorgeous, hot etc.." it looses meaning and it quickly makes you and AFC and in the friend zone. What I do with the girls i like is when out on a date or on the dance floor or even via text, just throw out "I just want to remind you, youre beautiful" Use this ESPECIALLY if you know theyre having a sh*tty day.

Another good one I recently used since school started again "theres over 3,000 girls that go here, but as far as im concerned theres only one;)" she melted.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
How do you see her? If she is timid by you then yeah a little beautiful comment will work wonders. If she isn't timid, then you prolly don't see beautiful in her, more like something sexy. Tell her she is sexy as f*ck. If she is more than you can handle, don't be shy and let her know... Say your the sh*t (bit*h?). Follow your intuition on this. Remember, one compliment per woman, thats all they want, all they need..


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Idk, i'm in highschool. Wouldn't that just offend them?


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
The older you seem the more they want you... If you see a compliment you feel you must share then go ahead. If your thinking about complimenting a girl because it MIGHT be the right thing to do then leave it alone. Whatever comes natural to you. I really liked that last sentence I made for some strange unknown reason, as if it were like a message or something, I must repeat.... Do whatever comes natural to you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Idk, i just feel like if i tried to say something like that it would be out of character. I'm a really down to Earth person. Saying that to someone would make me feel fake. I just use to use negs a lot, and i got this reputation for being a jerk, even though i'm really not one.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
unless someone influenced you otherwise. can you say for sure that the negs werent part of you? do you have friends? if so how do you act around them? if your not fake to your friends, act the same way with her... its all about feeling comfortable with yourself and doing/acting whats comes natural...

Just reading this stuff on here wont help, you have to experience it. <---- that isn't intended to pressure anyone, actually quite the opposite. Quit worrying about what your supposed to do and just do you, however you were raised (, role models) should bring out the best of you. Try not to be influenced by girls at all though, they think very differently from guys...


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
I have a lot of friends. I'm actually considered kind of popular by most everyone. I'm usually just a funny person, but at one point in my life my mindset was wrong. I was so used to seeing the worst in people, that I couldn't see the good in anyone, not even me. That's why I negged so much, because that's all i could do. I'm just a lot happier now. I really am.

People come to me for advice now. A lot of kids that aren't as popular as myself ask me for help with public speaking, or with just confidence in general. They ask why i'm always so laid back or in such a good mood, and it's only because i realized that i'm always in control of everything.

Teachers like me, I have tons of friends, and it's like people want to get to know me now. In all honesty, the one quality you HAVE to have is charisma. People like someone that's in control, or who isn't afraid to be different.


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
as long as you dont kiss ass and happy with who you are you can do whatever you want with chicks... You just don't want to feel like they are of some value, treat them as normal people with just a tad touch of i like you in there... There is no set don juan law so no need to worry about being a certain way. This place should be more like a jump-start to get guys out there, not telling them how to behave, that changes your whole personality and women spot this as insecurity (it is) and causes failures... Women are more attracted to down to earth people like yourself. Step back and take a look: Your on a message board asking if what you feel you would do is right or wrong. One person says yay, another nay, other maybe. That just leads to confusion. Go at it yourself and forget looking for hows. Where are you at with girls?