Is "beta" synonymous with "ugly"?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I have yet to meet an alpha male who wasn't at least decent looking. They have broad shoulders, and probably have a big support system around them.

If you're skinny, nerdy, etc it is physically impossible to become alpha.

Let's take for example Randy Orton. Now, he is able to become alpha because he has the face and body to become alpha. If a person is 5'8 and 150 lbs, and has a troll face they will never be able to reach his level of confidence because they simply don't have the looks.

So, I think that when guys on here are talking about beta males, they are actually talking about ugly males.

So much of life is just determined by genetics. There are guys on here who are "supposedly" successful with women giving other guys advice. But what worked for you won't necessarily work for a guy with bad genes. The example I give is confidence. A while ago, a very smart person on this site said "confidence from an ugly guy = creepy". You see, you can have all the confidence in the world, but with a troll face it won't get you anywhere.

I felt a lot better when I realized that I should stop going after women. Completely. When you think to yourself that you should stop going after women, say, for 3 months, you feel less vulnerable and start doing things that you care about more. Sometimes, you slip up, but then once you go back you feel better.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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Man.... I thought I'd gone through this before with you. Alpha/Beta are BOTH mindsets NOTHING ELSE. They only exist internally (inside the mind). They are both outlooks of how you perceive the world/women. If you are "open minded" enough (or aware of your own mind) you can become ANYTHING. YES ANYTHING !! You can even get to the point where you overcome your ego and learn to accept everything for what it is.

Your problem is that you have no awareness of yourself (thoughts) what so ever. You just stroll along in life believing the a women has the answer to everything. They don't. All women are very temperamental and insecure and will most likely drag you down and spit you out, making you feel even more lonely than you did before you met. I can promise you'll never be happy unless you can find happiness in yourself. Next time you do get a women , or a nice new item - ask yourself - is this really perfect ? Is this really making me happy ? Does your mind "jump" onto the "so called" next best thing ???

Sooner or later you may realise what I'm actually getting at... sooner rather than later I HOPE.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Steve Jobs doesn't count...he's insanely wealthy and successful. I'm talking about the average joe.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
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Define "the avarage Joe" we're all human beings... No one is better or worse than anyone else. ..


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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skinnyguy said:
Steve Jobs doesn't count...he's insanely wealthy and successful.
How do you think he became wealthy and successful? By being a beta chump?


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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Dammit..this dead horse has been beaten to dust and people are still beating at the remains. Walk outside of your house and observe the world. Every less than ideal looking dude with an attractive chick on his arm proves you wrong. Hell the fact that there is at least one ugly dude out there with an attractive chick should be motivation enough for you. However if you wanna wallow in your comfortable little bubble, using your precived ugliness as a buffer against trying to improve and succeed with women then so be it. No one can help you. Or maybe youve decided that women arent worth the work required. This is much better than just giving up, which is what you appear to be doing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
JoeMarron said:
Dammit..this dead horse has been beaten to dust and people are still beating at the remains. Walk outside of your house and observe the world. Every less than ideal looking dude with an attractive chick on his arm proves you wrong. Hell the fact that there is at least one ugly dude out there with an attractive chick should be motivation enough for you. However if you wanna wallow in your comfortable little bubble, using your precived ugliness as a buffer against trying to improve and succeed with women then so be it. No one can help you. Or maybe youve decided that women arent worth the work required. This is much better than just giving up, which is what you appear to be doing.
The guy is a troll, lets stop feeding him, I found a video of him


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
I have yet to meet an alpha male who wasn't at least decent looking. They have broad shoulders, and probably have a big support system around them.

If you're skinny, nerdy, etc it is physically impossible to become alpha.

Let's take for example Randy Orton. Now, he is able to become alpha because he has the face and body to become alpha. If a person is 5'8 and 150 lbs, and has a troll face they will never be able to reach his level of confidence because they simply don't have the looks.

So, I think that when guys on here are talking about beta males, they are actually talking about ugly males.

So much of life is just determined by genetics. There are guys on here who are "supposedly" successful with women giving other guys advice. But what worked for you won't necessarily work for a guy with bad genes. The example I give is confidence. A while ago, a very smart person on this site said "confidence from an ugly guy = creepy". You see, you can have all the confidence in the world, but with a troll face it won't get you anywhere.

I felt a lot better when I realized that I should stop going after women. Completely. When you think to yourself that you should stop going after women, say, for 3 months, you feel less vulnerable and start doing things that you care about more. Sometimes, you slip up, but then once you go back you feel better.
I like your name, dude. As a skinny guy myself, I can relate.

God just didn't give us the right genes, so we're fvucked. Nothing we can do, really. If you're like me, no matter what you do, you'll always be thin, so might as well accept it and give up trying to get with any hot women.

There will always be fatties and ugly feminists that want a loser like us to push around. I'm not into broads like that, but maybe you are? Either way, learning to accept your lot in life is a good thing.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
skinnyguy said:
I have yet to meet an alpha male who wasn't at least decent looking. They have broad shoulders, and probably have a big support system around them.

If you're skinny, nerdy, etc it is physically impossible to become alpha.

Let's take for example Randy Orton. Now, he is able to become alpha because he has the face and body to become alpha. If a person is 5'8 and 150 lbs, and has a troll face they will never be able to reach his level of confidence because they simply don't have the looks.
Not that I take your posts seriously, but I like to answer for the people on the forum who actually want to discuss things....

The foundation of your entire argument crumbles when you realize that there's more to be confident about in the world than your looks.

If the entire world existed within a nightclub, then sure. You'd have a point.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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marx77 said:
I like your name, dude. As a skinny guy myself, I can relate.

God just didn't give us the right genes, so we're fvucked. Nothing we can do, really. If you're like me, no matter what you do, you'll always be thin, so might as well accept it
Nothing you can do. Absolutely right. That sucks...nothing like weightlifting and eating more food.....nope absolutely nothing.


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
TheException said:
Nothing you can do. Absolutely right. That sucks...nothing like weightlifting and eating more food.....nope absolutely nothing.
I did that and stayed skinny, just got a little bit of muscle and lots of veins.

It didn't change my physical structure as an ectomorph. If you're small-boned and naturally thin, you'll never be 250 lbs of rock hard muscle, barring 15 years of weight-training at the gym. If you think pursuing that path for 15 years is worthwhile, be my guest.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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skinnyguy said:
I felt a lot better when I realized that I should stop going after women.
And imagine how much better you'll feel when you realize you should stop posting in a forum about women too!


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
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marx77 said:
I did that and stayed skinny, just got a little bit of muscle and lots of veins.

It didn't change my physical structure as an ectomorph. If you're small-boned and naturally thin, you'll never be 250 lbs of rock hard muscle, barring 15 years of weight-training at the gym. If you think pursuing that path for 15 years is worthwhile, be my guest.
There's no need to be dramatic. No one needs to be 250lbs of rock hard muscle. A ton of skinny people, myself included at some points, claim that they can't gain weight. In actuality they're mostly bullsh!tting themselves and not putting forth the necessary amount of effort. Sure you're results won't be as good as the genetically fortunate but there's still room for improvement.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
JoeMarron said:
There's no need to be dramatic. No one needs to be 250lbs of rock hard muscle. A ton of skinny people, myself included at some points, claim that they can't gain weight. In actuality they're mostly bullsh!tting themselves and not putting forth the necessary amount of effort. Sure you're results won't be as good as the genetically fortunate but there's still room for improvement.
I'm one of those people that swore I could never gain weight. 5'5, and my tiny ass was stuck at 110 lbs for years. Eating fast food 3 times a day and still no changes. But somehow in a few months, I ended up at 130lbs. So yeah, if you think you can't gain weight it's bullsh*t.

protip: make sure you're working out while bulking up/gaining weight. Since it was so unexpected for me, it all hit my stomach, and now I'm a tiny guy with a belly, it's gross.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Solomon said:
The guy is a troll, lets stop feeding him, I found a video of him
Please keep calling me a troll. It makes me feel better knowing that you're a moron who can't pick on people in real life. The guy in the video is not exactly skinny.


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
JoeMarron said:
There's no need to be dramatic. No one needs to be 250lbs of rock hard muscle. A ton of skinny people, myself included at some points, claim that they can't gain weight. In actuality they're mostly bullsh!tting themselves and not putting forth the necessary amount of effort. Sure you're results won't be as good as the genetically fortunate but there's still room for improvement.
Perhaps I could, if you're idea of the "necessary effort" involves consuming 6000+ cals a day and spending 3 to 4 hrs every day at the gym, I probably could bulk up, somewhat. I've still have a slight bone structure and still be relatively skinny, but I'd have a lot more muscle mass. I don't really feel like quitting my job and doing nothing but working out at the gym on every spare moment either, just to get women. If that's your thing, fine, but it ain't mine.