Is anyone capable of cheating?

Feb 21, 2004
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Hi guys

I know this is like asking "Is anyone capable of murder?" Some of you will say of course, anyone put into a situation bad enough might murder someone (say they murdered someone you love) and others will say that not everyone is capable no matter what they go through.

I have come to believe that ANYBODY (man or woman) who meets a person that is more attractive than their partner, presented with an oppertunity to get involved with this third person, WILL cheat.

Am I wrong? I have just got out of a messy relationship with an AW who cheated on her BF so my view of reality might be distorted :). I think that whether or not they cheat (i.e. do not break up with their partner before getting involved) depends on the circumstances. If you are married with two kids, etc and your life feels "normal" nothing exciting, but not that bad either and you meet this fantistic free-spirited woman (at least that's how she looks ;) then you are likely to cheat because you it is far too difficult to "take a chance" and leave your wife and kids for this woman.

I guess I just wanted opinions on this, as I said I am biased at the moment. Who where has ever cheated or been cheated on? Let's hear about.


Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
To be REALLY REALLY honest with you, if right now I have a girlfriend whom I'm really happy with (both emotionally AND physically speaking:D), I WON'T CHEAT no matter what.

But I'm not saying that I won't want to get some ego-stroke or some other things like that from some HB8+, but cheating? NO!


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
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There might be guys out there that would say: My woman will never cheat on me. But the fact is: You will NEVER know.

Cheating is not even always about falling out of love, or falling in love with someone else. It is stroking of the ego, the need for revenge, exitement, finding out if you are still 'in the market' and all of these other reasons.

I am not saying it is good or anything but it is very natural to lust after others while you are with a partner. This used to be a free world untill society claimed a man and a woman should get married and have kids. It was no longer permitted to have more than one partner and thus 'cheating' was born. This goes for both men and women.

Again, I feel the need to stress that it is not okay to go out and cheat, but I am saying every single one of us has an instinct that tells us to go out and have sex with several partners.
And as long as you feel the need to do so, you should not get married. If you are already married and feel an urge to cheat, think about the consequences first. If you are only dating someone and feel the need to cheat, be cool enough to break up first.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
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Australia, Brisbane
yes, simple as that, if gamed right yes..

maybe 1% of the ho's really in love, not that hallmark lovey dovey shiet, but real love, then that's hard to crack.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2004
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everybody has that option to cheat or not. but you can't go into a relationship thinking the person will cheat. unless that is how you all started.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
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USA, Graduated Already - old screen name!
A couple that is cohabitating is more likely to cheat than a couple in a marriage (I'm not saying get married, just throwing the fact out there). Cohabitators take the arrangement less seriously.

Cheating is less likely to occur if you both are of similar attractiveness. This is probably because the cheating partner usually "trades up," but if the target to cheat on is more attractive than you, there is higher risk of failure to hook up. I would guess that jealously is also minimized when you're both of the same attractiveness.

Personally, My LTR girl is of similar attractiveness as me, so a lot of these points make sense to me. When I see other women, I may take a look, but I'm not tempted to do more than that. She blows them all out of the water.

Obviously, the health of your relationship can influence the chance of cheating.

The type of girl you're with is a factor.

The presence of competition is a factor.

Your culture is a factor.

You can never be 100% sure about the chance of cheating, but following these rules minimize the chance.

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
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Another Dimension
This is polemical

I think that cheating is a matter of personal values. If you believe that cheating is not ok, you'll not do it, even if you've chances for it.

I may date a girl that has a BF, IF she comes to me and hits on me, but I'll never be the one hitting on her!

Funny thing is that some girls usually, when are attracted to a guy (for whatever reason), will get involved and will blame the guy for "indulcing" her to cheat!

So, it not just a matter of personal values but also how suggestible and easily attracted/seduced you are, how immature you are, and so on.

E.g: Aws are easily "suggested", so this increase dramatically her chances of cheating, not to mention the "dirty game" she plays!

So, it's getting more and more complicated. I'm not going to enter in the philosophical matter!

We just have to get ready, not to put our heart/life in someone else's hand and if cheated, just dump her ass!

Do not set too much expectation. Today's world had become a "jungle", take care of yourself. That's it!

Live for yourself, but please don't go around inflicing pain to others! If you like to fool around, great, but don't enter in a LTR.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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P-Town 503

Wow ;)

I agree with the values part of your post. If your values won't allow you to cheat, you won't cheat. If you view it as wrong, you won't do it regardless of the situation. I mean, I think stealing is wrong, and I'm not gonna jack an X-Box from the store because I 'really want it', or because I had a lapse of judgement (that's a classic BS excuse).

Some things you just don't do. If you want to have sex with somebody else out side the relationship, be man (or woman) enough to get out first.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
In my mind, everyone is capable of it. So never get too comfortable, and always leave a door open for a quick getaway if you start seeing red signals.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Is anyone capable of cheating?

People with good morals will tell you after. People with poor morals wont.

Or then you can have a combination, people with good morals, but who realise it is best not to tell u, wont tell u. lol.

But to the question at hand, definately. Put the person in the situation with a guy or girl who really knows how to work it and has some chemistry with the person, and bam, its on! Oh and by cheating I mean kissing, not necessarily fukcing!