Is all this talk of improving your finances, looks etc. men trying to set up other men for a fall?


Nov 3, 2017
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Is this in reality a case of misery loves company or a way to one up your fellow man by telling him to improve for “himself” on a seduction forum aimed at pickup in order to set him up for huge future issues?

Think about it. You are told to get your finances in highest order and be a top 1% male, while at the same time dating different women constantly as if none of them will ever turn around on that same 1% male in order to get in his bank account due to being jilted, shunned, one and done’d etc. by that same 1% male or just looking for a high value mark. What actual screening tips are being given other than just telling men to “vet properly” leaving the onus on them if things were to go bad? All the while again telling men to date as many women as they can based off subjective, superficial number rating systems.

We see this happen all the time. The Harvey Weinsteins, the Bill Cosby’s, the Floyd Mayweather’s, actors, athletes, CEO’s, and on and on. Multi-Millionaires and even Billionaires in the top 1%. They get involved with multiple women who in their opinion would be their 9’s and 10’s and pay out dearly even WITHOUT signing marriage contracts no less.

In other words you are being lead astray. Being told to become that 1% male who’s top of the chain in being seen as a mark. Will these same advice givers stick around when the sh!t hits the fan for you?

Ask yourself how these same 1% men who give you the advice to become a 1% man and date as many women as possible daily wind up vetting, screening these same types of women who prey on 1% men? Or is their screening process simply "because they're them" and all these types of women just "Fall in line" for them?


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
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No, you aren't being led astray....maybe in the sense to aim to be part of the 1% and only then is your life worth something...yeah that's unnecessary but there is nothing wrong with working towards getting a higher salary or a better job. That should be everyone's aim- you should be constantly looking to grow in all areas of your life, this includes financially. To be on earth and just vegetate is a very sad existence in my opinion. All this you have to do for YOURSELF. If your motivation for more money or anything really is women driven, your existence revolves around women, than you are a ****in fool in my book. That's why those dopes you described eventually get suckered.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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Do you think Floyd Mayweather and Bill Gates give a **** that a supposed 9 or a 10 ****ed them over? Those guys do not have problem with wealth anymore, they're done more than enough already to just live the rest of their life in peace.

Date as many women as you want. There is no need to date "as many women as you can". That is an utter waste of time on one aspect of life when it has so much more to it. They should be a distraction for you up until you hit age 30/35, nothing else. A nice distraction that you enjoy while you work on something of your own, something you wake up hungry in the morning to do. Not for women, not for other people's opinion, but for yourself.

And why would anyone date "9s" and "10s"? Why should you care what society considers 9s and 10s? I have my own personal rating and I date women who are a 9 and a 10 in my view. Matter of perspective.