Don Juan
I know most don juans are out all day and night and should always be on the prowl but I think it would be a good idea to have a don juan irc channel somewhere djs can go when at work when times are tough etc. aim chat is ok but I think irc is a prime enviorment for dj communication.
If anyone wants to suggest servers or if anyone wants to be an op like someone who has their computer on 24/7 and is already established as a leader on these here message boards.
I've set up 2 channs at undernet
#donjuan -main chan
#donjuanHS -high school chan
If we get a user base the chan can be registered and always be on I can't garantee the chan will be on when you get there as Im on a dial up connection.
If someone can join as a place holder to keep the chan open it would be greatly appreciated.
If anyone wants to suggest servers or if anyone wants to be an op like someone who has their computer on 24/7 and is already established as a leader on these here message boards.
I've set up 2 channs at undernet
#donjuan -main chan
#donjuanHS -high school chan
If we get a user base the chan can be registered and always be on I can't garantee the chan will be on when you get there as Im on a dial up connection.
If someone can join as a place holder to keep the chan open it would be greatly appreciated.