Introduction to a new life


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
On campus
I'm 18 years old, 5'11 at 200lbs with visible abs. I'm currently in my first year of a commerce degree at one of the best Universities in Canada. I'm huge into working out, eating healthy and getting good grades.

I've slept with 4 girls in my life, only one of which I would rate over 7 on the looks scale. I would rate my body a 9 and my face about a 6. I don't have anything wrong with me except being pretty pale (have tried tanning beds to no success), my teeth are straight and white, I'm clean shaven with about as much acne as any 18 year old and I keep my hair cut short. I dress like your average University student; I usually wear jeans and a polo, occasionally a button down. I'm currently living in a house with 3 nerdy older guys that I hadn't met until the day I moved in, but next year will be moving in with some buddies that I have met at school.

I have recently broke off a 7-month relationship with a girl that I thought I loved. Things started off great; really cute, innocent small-town girl with a great personality and similar goals. After a couple months things changed and she began to treat me like garbage; something that I was oblivious to. Her words were always sweet but her actions rarely coincided. The final straw was her grinding up on another guy at a club, something that she was doing solely for attention. Her lack of compassion when I asked her about it put everything into perspective for me.

After some heavy thinking I eventually told her it had to end. At first she walked away like everything was fine implying it was 'my loss,' but eventually she started calling me and messaging me on MSN/Facebook apologizing which makes forgetting her difficult. There's not a chance that I am taking her back, the girl has far too much growing up to do and I'm not being paid to be a babysitter / therapist. Despite the fact that I ended things and know that I have made the right decision, it has hitten me pretty hard through lost gains at the gym, lack of concentration in class and a lack of sleep at night. So I've basically just pulled a 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' and got rid of anything that reminds me of her and hopefully I'm well on my way to getting back into the game.

Damn that turned out to be much longer than the paragraph that I was anticipating. Anyways that felt good to get off my chest and will be the last time she is mentioned.

By now I imagine that you have guessed the reason I have come to this site. I want to get my social life back together and start dating as soon as possible. The problem is that over the course of the relationship I haven't really talked to many girls which has made me kindof socially awkward. I see that many people have already formed their circle of friends and I am on the outside looking in. The relationship has also segregated myself from my group of guy friends. I went out with them to the bars and found myself standing around awkwardly clutching a beer as they all got wasted and talked to girls they knew.

I haven't always been awkward in social situations as I was quite the partier in high school. I used to be a really heavy drinker in high school, consuming over a 26er (a fifth for my American friends) of Vodka per night and basically getting black-out drunk. The problem is that I became an idiot, started fights and generally made a fool out of myself. I always ended up waking up feeling stupid and preying that I did not say or do anything embarassing. The end of my heavy drinking days was when I narrowly escaped some assault charges from a fight that I truly cannot remember. To fill the void I became extremely dedicated to weightlifting and I don't feel like turning back is a good decision.

I should clarify when I say get 'back in the game.' A more realistic statement would be getting 'into the game.' I have never been one to go out and meet new girls. All of my successes have been girls that I have known for a long time who have become attracted to me. My last girlfriend was the first relationship of my life and the only person that I had meaningful sex with.

Anways I'm looking over the DJ bible right now. Any other questions, tips or specific advice is welcome.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Laguna Beach, CA
Hmmm well it's kinda hard to give advice when you haven't started. Best bet for you would be to read as much as you can by the weekend, go out, get yourself into some trouble and see what happens. You might be a natural for all you know. If not, come back and post specific stuff. In a general sense, smile, be confident, don't be afraid to be a man, escalate conversations to sexual with girls you want to be sexual with, lead her in conversation, and don't act like a pvssy. Read up on frame control and body language. Most of all have fun and don't worry about the outcome. If you screw up, you'll learn and be prepared when a hotter chick comes your way.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
On campus
Alright well I've got my journal going in the fitness forum, so why not start one here tracking the rest of my life?

So the other night I went out to the bars for a buddies birthday as I'm trying to become more social. Unfortunately my ex and I have many of the same friends and he was one of them. I ran into her, we exchanged friendly hello's and I was hoping that would be the end of it.

I immediately walked away but with the awkwardness of the whole situation, I got DRUNK. I don't remember everything but I remember she kept bumping into me, ****blocking me when I was talking to other girls, even grabbing my ass and winking at me and stuff. This made me drink more until I was numb. She kept getting real close and looking me at the eyes and stuff and unfortunately we ended up making out a few times; a huge mistake I know.

I got out of there and called up a girl for my first booty call since the relationship ended. I know that my ex found out and she also found out that I had been hooking up with another girl when we were on a break. At first it killed me but then I thought it was for the best as it would end everything. Things have only gotten worse.

She now IMs me everyday, multiple times per day even inviting me out to the bar with her tonight (NOT going). WTF is going on, shouldn't she be livid? I try to keep the conversations short but I don't know what to do.

I have her deleted off of my IM and cell lists, but I feel like blocking her is a little extreme.

How should I handle this?

William Vass

Don Juan
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
first, who's in control, you or the booze? drinking a lot will ruin any good dj's game.. have a couple but pace yourself or cut off at a certain point.

Also I really recommend you take this time to work on your inner game, specifically discovering that you are the prize, any girl would be lucky to be with you, looks/money don't matter nearly as much as confidence, emitting a positive "energy" and the general feeling that your life is going to only get better and better every day as you work towards your goals.

I can relate because I broke up with a girl where all my friends were people I knew through her.. over the last year i've had to start my life almost from scratch but during that time I've reconnected with the groups I used to hang out with before I met her. (who were you hanging out with before you knew this girl?)

You're in university! the place is swarming with single intelligent women.. try to learn to get in the mind set of being open and make the decision to be happy everyday (because the feeling of happiness is a state of mind that you can accept or reject at anytime) take every opportunity to say hi to girls passing you by, approach a girl and ask a question not with the goal of getting her on a date but just to learn to be social and approach.

I'll make a funny observation or comment to people at the coffee shop, in the elevator, on the subway etc. just to make that person smile and it helps with your social abilities when you get in a situation where you want to open on an attractive woman.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
On campus
Thanks for the advice William, I appreciate it coming from someone who has been in the same situation as me. I'll try to address a couple of your questions here.

Yeah I'm not a huge drinker anymore, it wasn't a conscious decision. It was just then whenever she kept coming around it made me feel awkward so I dealt with it by having another drink, but clearly that's something I shouldn't have been doing and I will definitely learn from that.

Before I was hanging out with this girl I was hanging out with friends from home so it's not really an option. I've got a group of 5-6 good buddies here who like to go out and party, but she tags along with them quite often. I've got other guys and girls that I talk to regularly in classes and stuff so I'll just have to start making more plans for weekends.

All the other advice is spot on and I've made a conscious effort to be more social the past week and it's actually helped me meet some interesting people.

As far as the ex goes, I think next time she messages me I'm just going to tell her I'm not interested in talking to her / seeing her for a while. I know she only wants to get back for the ego boost and I won't give her the satisfaction / put myself through that.
