

New Member
Jan 28, 2004
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hi i`m new here , if been around here since a while(1-2 months) but never registered cuase i never had a good question and i think ppl learn better from expierence then asking everything.
I`m doing better and better in the dating game but if seem to attract the wrong girl and need some advice cuase i`m stuck on this.

This girl i`ve been dating 2 times is not what i thought she was.
the first date whent great we had both real high IL. and after the second date when i was driving her home she asked me to come up and have a drink ..we ended up having sex so it was all good i thought but when i wanted to leave her house she said she needed to tell me something.

So i was like okay i`m lissening. She tells me she has a BF , so i was like OMG how could you tell me this NOW so she told me she was gonna break up with him and she was scared to tell me and all. so i left her house mad. and after 2 days i got an email telling me she broke up and was sorry for the trouble blablabla. So i replied that i dont want to date or have a relation with a girl i could never trusty anymore.

so i thought myself : its over now. but apparently she went back to her afc bf and he took her back eventho she told him what happened. couple days later he calls me up telling if he would see me he would f*ck me up. so i tell me friends what happened and after i left they went to his house without me knowing about it and told him he needed to bakc off or they would clap him.

now i dont think this situation is gonna escalade anymore so its over ( i hope) but how do i prevent me from getting in this type off situations cuase i always get stuck in sh*t like that and i dont want something to escalade. do you have any tips or something.

thanks for reading

PS: sorry for the poor grammer i`m not American or English

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well, all I can say is that my grandpappy was right. When it's that easy there's usually something wrong with it. This girl, no doubt, told her afc boy lies about you, or else, he'd realize that he's supposed to be pissed at her, not you.

Just try to avoid the two if you can. You can't be responsible for the actions of other people.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2003
Reaction score
Well theres nothing you can really do about a girl not telling you something like that. It also depends on what you are interested in her for... relationship or just ****ing. If just ****ing then be happy you got some and next her deceitful a$$. I would tell the boyfriend the situation so he knows its his girl that he should be mad at. You could also try meeting girls in different places... not saying that all girls you meet at a club or something are like that, but the liklihood of meeting a good girl at a library is better than at a club.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
You tell him, "Is risking your physical safety really worth a hors company?". Be stern, and say, "so be it!!"
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
You tell him, "Is risking your physical safety really worth a hors company?". Be stern, and say, "so be it!!", as if not to care of the consequences!