Introduction and first few questions


Don Juan
Aug 17, 2022
Reaction score
Hello guys,
I am a 22-year-old kissless dateless virgin living in the USA, and am also about 4/10 in looks in my own opinion, have Aspergers’ Syndrome, and am only 180cm tall. As you may expect I have gotten virtually no success so far, have become completely Blackpilled, and WOULD have gone MGTOW a long time ago, be trying to come to terms with my low value and learning to just cope with the lack of sex right now if it weren’t for one dumb promise I made on the Internet a year ago, which I now can’t revoke because I pride myself on being a pathological truth-teller who never tells any lies. That promise was to never give up on the idea of ascension until I complete 1,000 approaches, and additionally, if I do ascend, I will never settle down for an LTR until I have had casual sex with at least ten different girls. I am prepared to do everything in my power in terms of self-improvement and attitude adjustment in order to achieve this, because this is now my crusade.

With that in mind, what are the most important books and free online texts that I should read in order to start learning pickup artistry? More importantly - and the primary reason I posted this thread - how much of the old stuff like the book Game still works for non-Chads in the post-Tinder era? I am willing to try absolutely anything because I have far too little respect for modern women at this point to give two ****s about whether something will come off as creepy to them - I am only concerned about covering my ass so that me being creepy doesn’t get escalated and wind up with me kicked out of venues and such.

Secondly, is there such a thing as a method of game that are “always push” and more like “hard sell”, rather than “push-pull”? I realise that I have too little SMV to ever “pull back” from a girl and not lose her to Chad by doing so.

Thirdly, what is the best reply over text to a flaky girl who makes up an excuse for not going on a date without suggesting an alternative time? I would like to seem like I’m not desperate but at the same time not look like I’ve forgotten about her.