In this case ACTION <> TALK.
I guess I just lost perspective on how much of an ego boost women can get from thinking they are being "pursued", and thus will lead you on to get that stroking.
I also find that a lot of women today don't seem to have very rich lives or interests outside endlessly seeking male attention and validation - that IS their LEISURE and HOBBY.
So while I bought the line "just busy but soon for sure, let's plan something", in the end NO ONE is that busy to not be able to make time for someone you're interested in, especially after 2 weeks... I know, a big DOH! on my part... I did do takeaways and radio silence after she put me off for "later" - that's what seem to precipitate her calling me.
I will run into her at the gym, where we met: how should I handle that go forward? Once we hung out outside the gym, I kept my gym interactions with her brief, C&F, and got back to my workout, had places to go (legit, I'm a busy fella). I like to think I'm a friendly fellow, and there's a lot of other hotties there I could and will chat up... Any warnings there? Should I be concerned about fallout trying to sarge any of 'em with her in the same venue? Ignore her, be cordial, what?
As side question - what is your take on situations where women who seem interested, but insist on "planning" something, as opposed to being flexible and a bit more receptive to spontaneity, or letting them know a bit prior?
Thanks guys.