Internet met and met in person REPORT


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Ok, I finally met a girl from the net and she is HOT beyond belief for me, even though she looks alot like my cousin :-\ LOL

Anyways, she comes to my house and picks me up with her other g/f and we go to this club to meet up with 2 of my guy friends... one who has a g/f.

We dance, have a good time, everyone is dancing on each other and having a blast. The girl I met from the net wants to leave early and start drinking at her apartment with me, one of my guy friends, and the 2 girls.

We get there, and sit around chatting for awhile and the girl I LIKE turns out to KNOW the guy I brought because they were both in the military together and they chatted like crazy and seemed to have that connection (I only had good looks and a decent personality for the internet girl).

Anyways, we drink some beer and it tastes like crap so we decide to play truth or dare. The internet girl is dared to make out with me and she mounts me and does it. Then my friend makes out with the other girl I don't like.

The game goes on and the dares get more intense but the girls aren't willing to even get naked (no liquor in them really).

Soo.... with the connection between my friend and the internet girl all night I'm wondering if the internet girl is more interested in him and prolly wouldn't want to see me again or what?

At the end of the night when we were leaving I stopped and gave her a hug goodbye and she said "call me tomorrow"

I did and she was in a cranky mood (around 7pm on a friday at her house) while her mom was yelling at her in the background so I told her I'd call her back some other time. She said call me tomorrow.

What should I do? When it comes to games and trying to get this girl to DO me! BTW: This girl told me on the net she's sick of games and is looking for a b/f to settle with for awhile.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score

Genghis Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, MA

You're only 19 and I am assuming she is around your age. Never take a girl's word! Only look at her actions. If she isn't interested in playing games with you; she must prove it to you over several weeks by virtue of her actions NOT what she says. Don't trust her on her word, but don't be cynical either. Your a judge, be objective, she has the burden of proof.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Always isolate a girl on a first date - your goal is to get her to want you - bringing others into the equation takes away from that. Don't go out with others along on a first date!!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Always isolate a girl on a first date - your goal is to get her to want you - bringing others into the equation takes away from that. Don't go out with others along on a first date!!!
^^^ yet another "set in stone" rule that could just as easily be thrown out if the guy doing the dating was a man.

look. sounds to me like you guys had a pretty good time overall. you said you made out with this chick and she sounds like she's still interested in you. if this was the first time together than i'd say you did pretty well.

...and the girl I LIKE turns out to KNOW the guy I brought because they were both in the military together and they chatted like crazy and seemed to have that connection... Soo.... with the connection between my friend and the internet girl all night I'm wondering if the internet girl is more interested in him and prolly wouldn't want to see me again or what?
women are masters at seduction and one of the things they like to exploit is called "triangles". if you don't know what a triangle is, its when you have kind of a one-on-one rapport/thing/whatever with a chick and she introduces somebody else into the picture to up her stock price. she can do it any number of ways but you'll know when it happens. this is when you play it cool and indifferent. play along. just because she has a good convo with your friend doesn't mean she's not still in it for you.

there were some things that did bother me however.

Originally posted by nan3109
Ok, I finally met a girl from the net and she is HOT beyond belief for me, even though she looks alot like my cousin
first of all this scares me. hehe :p

Anyways, she comes to my house and picks me up with her other g/f and we go to this club...
whos commanding this love boat anyway? maybe this isn't an unpardonable sin, and maybe I have control issues, but it just doesn't seem like the way to start off.

I did and she was in a cranky mood (around 7pm on a friday at her house) while her mom was yelling at her in the background so I told her I'd call her back some other time. She said call me tomorrow.
still doesn't sound like you're in control here.

What should I do? When it comes to games and trying to get this girl to DO me! BTW: This girl told me on the net she's sick of games and is looking for a b/f to settle with for awhile.

DO you??? Well when are you gunna DO her bruh? thats the question.

and thats what they all say. thats the attitude most women have about guys that act interested just to get sex and don't make their lies believable enough. if you want to fvck the sh!t out of a chick, most of the time, unless they are complete slvts, you have to really make them believe you care about them or even love them. if you're a good actor you stop putting out "im only in it for sex" vibes and work on creating a connection(whether its all an act or real)

anyways sounds like you'll be fine if you just relax and take control of your destiny.

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Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
no big deal

she said call her the next day(for the second time)

dont supp to her...

if she wants you to call her her like monday, and then dont hang out with her until're gonna appear to needy otherwise....


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
she is sick of playing games, but it sounds like she is the one playin imo


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
She was probably in a bad mood because her mother was yelling at her, are you going to talk to someone when your mom is yelling at you over something? She might have even known it was you on the caller ID and that's why she bothered to pick up the phone when she was getting yelled at.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by rrrrr
She was probably in a bad mood because her mother was yelling at her, are you going to talk to someone when your mom is yelling at you over something? She might have even known it was you on the caller ID and that's why she bothered to pick up the phone when she was getting yelled at.
So what your saying is that because she took the time to answer, with her mom doing that and her being sick, shes prolly interesyted?


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
"What should I do? When it comes to games and trying to get this girl to DO me! BTW: This girl told me on the net she's sick of games and is looking for a b/f to settle with for awhile."

Let me analyze this.

A girl who is sick of games? BULLSH!T This is a red flag - When a girl says this, SHE IS TRYING TO MAKE YOU LOWER YOUR GUARD. This does not mean anything good at all.

She told she is looking for a BF to settle down? Don't fall for another BS. A girl does not tell a guy she just met less than a month that she is looking for a boyfriend.

She sounds a little psycho, careful dude.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
I've picked up women of the internet before and successfully laid them. I thin you're doing this correctyl, except in MY experiences, chicks off of the interent are either VERY sexual, or closet freaks. It seems to me like this girl could be a closet freak, seeing as how she "mounted" you and kissed you, despite the fact she wouldn't get naked.
Your next date should consist of her coming to your place, or you going to her place, to watch a movie and possibly order some food. As long as you present this idea in a strong "you don't have a choice" attitude, she'll go along with it.
About the phone calls thing. Please don't call girls when they tell you to. makes them think they have mind control over you. Just like if you told her to call you at a certain and she did. If she tells you to call her tomorrow, tell her "we'll see, I'm kinda busy tomorrow." Then she'll start to think that you place high value on your tiem (which you should).

Good Luck and keep us posted!