Internal Game, External Game

Inc. ®

Don Juan
Feb 2, 2004
Reaction score
"Just do it!"

So says Nike, so says many Don Juan apprentices.

"Do what?????"

Grab your balls and [ask her out/kiss her/approach her/etc]!!

Enough of that! How does one learn to swim? One does not jump off the deep end and risk failure. That wouldn't make sense. The poor man would die! Now, of course these apprentices will reply:

"But nobody is going to die by approaching that stunning blonde!"

Alas, that is true. However, let's assume the man does not die in our swimming example. He struggled fiercely to stay above water and succeeded in making it to the edge. He is fatigued, but he made it! He has learned to swim! No, he hasn't, he has learned nothing. He is now afraid of water. He will never swim again! Hyperbole? I think not. He has dropped a 10,000 ton anchor in his mind, which will tell him over and over that swimming sucks! Do not go swimming, you almost died!

Now, back to approaching girls and the Just Do It attitude we care about. We all have some experience approaching girls so, of course, we aren't likely to suffer any serious trauma from approaching a girl, but will we succeed? Will a rookie to the game succeed? Maybe if he is lucky. Beginner's luck. But, will he succeed on a regular basis if he does not have solid game? Of course not.

"So, how does one develop game, then?" asks the Don Juan apprentice.

Let us jump out of the pool and enter the basketball arena. A full court game is taking place at Inc. ® Arena. A scout is on hand. He is interested in three players. Player A has all the fundamentals down. He has been practicing basketball skills in his driveway his whole life. He's read every coach's manual ever written. However, Player A has been content practicing on his own or against a friend. His shot is money. Player B doesn't care for practice, except for pick-up games. He plays games every day and he knows every trick in the book, however, he is undisciplined. He is quick as lightning, but he doesn't know how to defend a pick-and-roll. Player C is a mixture of Player A and Player B. Player C spends a lot of time practicing his skills on his own and learning the game, but he also plays practice games quite frequently.

Now, I ask you: Who is most prepared for this game?

The buzzer sounds at Inc. ® Arena. Let's see what happened. Player A was overwhelmed by the athleticism. His shot wasn't nearly as money against strong defense. Player B looked confused by different defenses. He made some fancy moves, but he didn't play a good team game. Player C was solid. He was smart enough to play a team game, and also was talented enough to compete with the more athletic players.

Player C has worked on his internal and external game!

That is what I am going to ask you to do. Do not jump off the deep end, but do not waste your time reading books on how to swim either! Find a balance between the two. Let me show you in more detail what I mean by internal and external game.

Internal Game

Internal Game is what's inside of you. It is your confidence, charisma, conversational ability, intelligence, maturity, etc. It is your mind. Just like your external game, it takes time to develop. There are some many good posts on internal game, which I will refer you to. To get started, check out these two epics by Pook:

Kill that Desperation! -
Be A Man! -

There are many, many more great posts on internal game, but those should get you on the right track. Yes, I know, you've already read them. Read them again! Make them a part of you. Now, work on your internal game some more. You don't know a damn thing about Philosophy, do you? Yeah, right, stop lying...who's Kirkegaard? That's what I thought. Now, go read a book on it. Whatever the subject is, LEARN!

You suck at conversation? Check out The Fine Art of Small Talk by Debra Fine. Check out Talking the Winner's Way by Leil Lowndes. And, why don't you try practicing talking to customer service people while you're at it? Gather theory, practice it. Take it slowly. You'll get there.

The best book I've seen on confidence: The Six Pillars of Self Esteem by Nathaniel Branden. Check it out and apply it! Stop reading these books to add to your freaking reading list. I'm suggesting them because they are useful!

Now, relax a little bit. Ever tried meditation? You might like it...

That's just a start. You can go from there. Work on your internal game.

External Game

So, you've got your internal game down? Good work, it only gets easier from here. External game is your appearance. I'm talking about a couple things here: your physique, your grooming, your physique, your clothes, your physique, and your physique. Shut up, I know I repeated myself, get the point.

Your physique is crucial. I can't teach you how to do every freaking exercise at the gym, but I will make it easy on you. First of all, read Diesel's Guide to Bulking Up and Guide to Cutting Up.

Guide to Bulking Up -
Guide to Cutting Up -

They are money.

Now, go here:

Scroll to the bottom. Those are some good exercises to do. Modify for your personal preference. Now, go here:

Learn about Max-OT training and use it! It works. Yeah, it's a big manual, but don't worry. You'll have the idea after reading a few pages. In case you were too lazy to read all that, here's everything in a nutshell: train heavy, eat well with mad protein, rest up. It really isn't that hard. Do not neglect your training! Make it a part of your life. I get bored on days when I don't go to the gym because I am so used to it. If that's not you, it should be.

If you have a nice physique, keep on working on it, the rest of this is easy.

Get some nice stylish clothes. I can't really help you here because you have to go with what works for you. Check out GQ Magazine. If you want girls, limit the print work on your clothing. Wear shoes, not sneakers. But, like I said, I can't help you. I don't know if you live in the middle of Kansas or Yonkers. But, please, wear 'em neither loose nor tight and no leather pants.

Groom yourself. Find a nice hairstyle. Get rid of acne ( should get you started). Use moisturizer.


Now, where do you stand right now? Consult the following scale courtesy of Inc. ®


AFC 1 2 3
RAFC 4 5 6
DJ 7 8 9

1 = You're a loser and you look like one. Sorry, but Inc. ® needs to be blunt sometimes.
2 = You have no confidence or game, but you look alright.
3 = Damn, dawg. You're a sheep in wolves' clothing. Work on that internal game.
4 = Your game is getting better, but please get some style.
5 = Probably better than most of the fellas out there, but you need work.
6 = Nice, you look like a DJ, but keep on working on that internal game.
7 = Your threads don't match your game, bro. Dress to impress.
8 = Near the top of the game.
9 = Congrats! You're the DJ we all want to be.


There you go, you're a DJ. Sosuave in a nutshell. Internal game, master it. External game, master it.
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Don Juan
Jan 20, 2003
Reaction score
Some definite good stuff Inc. Guys need to understand they have to set the foundation (social skills, confidence, etc.) before they will truly experience success. Two guys can say the same thing but it will only work for one of them and not the other because he has the strong confidence and body language set.

Kinda weird, i posted some stuff about inner game at the same time you posted this. Freaky man