Interesting Offer/Situation

The Observer

New Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Hi everybody,

Last weekend, I went to a strip club and something really cool happened.

I was sitting around waiting while my friend was getting a lapdance. Since I went for another pretty awesome lapdance earlier (hand action and everything), I only had 20 bucks left in my wallet.

This one stripper comes up to me. Thin black woman (and I don't even normally find them as attractive as white girls), late 20s, and a pretty face. She asks me if I want to come into the back room with her. I tell her I would, but I only have 20 bucks left. So she says "you like big ****s?". I said "Yeah, I could get into that. Can I rub it?" She was like "Yes! Please do!!". So I agreed to go with her to the back.

All of a sudden free table dances start, so we weren't let in the back. So we go to this one table where her and this other stripper (the hottest in the joint!) start table dancing for me. They were only obligated to do it for one song, so she grabs my hand right after and says "let's go".

We go into the back, and she takes everything off, before the next song even begins. I asked her if I was being charged and she was like "no, this ones free. I don't start charging till the next one. Before the next song even begins, she's telling me to grab her ****, and I do, and start playing with it.

We get through one full song where she's giving me hand action, while I lick her nipples and rub her ****. Keeping in mind, all of this was being done while I could see a sign in the booth saying "no sexual contact allowed"...LOL!! :D

She even went about halfway into the next song, free of charge. So I was sensing some serious IOIs there. And I didn't even have to run any game!!

She was very enthusiastic, like no stripper I've been with before. She asked me what a guy as hot as me is doing in a strip club, when I should be f*cking girls for free (I agree!)! She asked me if I've ever had sex with a black chick before. I told her I haven't, which is true, since I've only ever had sex once, period (but she doesn't know that). She asked me if I wanted her to be my first and said she would f*ck me right now if this wasn't at work. But out of shock, I never asked for her number or took it any further.

So now I'm thinking about what I should do, if anything. I have no intentions of it being a relationship of any kind (she's a stripper after all), but she's fun and I was able to establish comfort with her easier than most girls. I'm thinking I have a shot at getting some more sexual experience under my belt, free of cost. However, even if I wear a condom, I'm afraid of the possibility of getting an STD because of her lifestyle. It's tough, because of the incredibly male-dominated program I'm in, I'm guaranteed another 6 months dry spell if I don't do anything.

Your thoughts?


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
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She's a stripper....I wouldn't read too much into the IOI's and the comfort and rapport! They're paid to build comfort, give you IOI's!

if you didn't take her out of the joint and **** her for free that night, then I don't see that you accomplished anything!

Just my opinion!

The Observer

New Member
Jan 14, 2011
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shyguy32 said:
She's a stripper....I wouldn't read too much into the IOI's and the comfort and rapport! They're paid to build comfort, give you IOI's!

if you didn't take her out of the joint and **** her for free that night, then I don't see that you accomplished anything!

Just my opinion!
Well considering she:

A) Gave me full service in a place that forbids sexual contact


B) basically gave me another song for free


C) Said she wanted to f*** me and asked if I wanted her to be my first sexual encounter with a black woman

I'd say that those were pretty big hints that she'd do me. You wouldn't say C to a guy if you were afraid he'd take you up on the offer. I just failed to respond on the spot.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2010
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What was the color and type of the doorknob leading to the back room?

The Observer

New Member
Jan 14, 2011
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JustLurk said:
What was the color and type of the doorknob leading to the back room?
None. It was an open area with a bunch of booths. If security wanted to, they could've easily looked in and saw what was going on.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2007
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Just wanted to let you know, every strip club says no sexual contact because they have to. It's the law, otherwise it would be prostitution. But when a girl takes you to the backroom (which they do a lot) obviously no one sees anything illegal going on so nobody cares. Don't read to much into it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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The more I read this forum and the more I feel unlucky,it's already the third thread this week where some guy running no game at all got a 3some or sexual proposal from strippers.
And even more interesting they are all guys with very few posts so it seems that they are not even regulars here...

The Observer

New Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Strelok said:
The more I read this forum and the more I feel unlucky,it's already the third thread this week where some guy running no game at all got a 3some or sexual proposal from strippers.
And even more interesting they are all guys with very few posts so it seems that they are not even regulars here...[/QUOTE]

As much as I'd like to pretend this is normal for me, it's not.

I'm 24, and didn't even lose my v-card until the age of 23. I can count the number of times I rounded 3rd base on one hand. I've never had a relationship before and have had enough problems with women in the past that I could write a novel. Everything you're not supposed to do with a woman, I've basically done at some point. Granted, I learn from my mistakes, but always manage to make new ones.

So trust me, you're not alone.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The more I read this forum and the more I feel unlucky,it's already the third thread this week where some guy running no game at all got a 3some or sexual proposal from strippers.
And even more interesting they are all guys with very few posts so it seems that they are not even regulars here...
This just goes to show you don't have to be a member of this forum to have some success with women. You just have to be out there taking your shots.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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What he said. Maybe she wants to get money out of you, but anyway just see if you can have sex with her. Always follow your gut feeling. No hurt in trying, right?

Draw up some rules in advance!
1. Don't spend (much) money on her! Drinks is maybe ok.
2. This is about SEX, nothing else, don't try to fall for her.
3. If she makes you wait for too long, it's no go and she just wants the money.

You should have gotten her number. Because now you have to go to the strip club again, and you'll bring money!

P.S.: Strippers (and even prostitutes on the street) will approach you if you're good looking and even make special offers... because usually they have to sleep with stinking ugly dudes. It just means they want to make some pleasant money, nothing more. But who knows, see what you can do.