Interesting article by the Dating Wizard


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
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South Padre Island
Why Dating Western Women rock!:

No, this isn't some tirade against women who are NOT western or American. Not about that at all. What I am going to do today, is UNTANGLE a pervasive myth.

A myth about "western" and "American" women, a myth that views these women as if they are aliens OR as if they are so different, OR as if they are "evil".

It's almost FUNNY when I see guys, even guys that have all the stereotypical "pluses" going for them, like being tall or having money or having good looks, whining their asses off about how "foreign" women are "better", and how "tough" it is with western or "American" women.

I don't know if these guys are local or foreign themselves, and/or if they are simply not "getting any" from western or American women, or if they can't ACHIEVE HARMONY with western or American women.

It's a myth used and abused by many, sometimes because they don't know the truth, and sometimes this myth is spread by those who KNOW BETTER, but want to DISTORT the truth anyway for selfish reasons.

So this newsletter is for those confused or who may have been brainwashed by wretched LIES to believe that the ANSWER to their women issues is to find a woman from ABROAD.

The idea they try to promote is that American or even sometimes the idea that "western" women are spoiled, and that "foreign" women are much better for relationships, or better for whatever the heck else they might say.

Some folks out there will try to tell you that there is a problem with western or American women.

You know, I MYSELF used to wonder a bit about this.
BEFORE I finally "GOT" it.

But I am human, and open to LEARNING. In fact, I believe in LIFELONG learning. And learn I did. I never FULLY believed the "foreign women" lie, but I thought maybe there was some truth to it.

There are guys out there (some who call themselves "experts" - yikes!!!!!) who will go on and on (yawn) about how it's a whole big science to understand the difference between cultures and countries if you want to do well with women, and they will especially go on and on about how foreign women are "better behaved".

Look, for a short while, I was curious about this stuff, so I decided to thoroughly look into it.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island

Never mind that the whole idea is suspicious anyway, because we all know that there is HUGE VARIATION amongst ALL INDIVIDUALS. So for example, does anyone REALLY think that at a "religious" school, that all the kids there are "more moral" than at say, a PUBLIC school or secular school?

Let me tell you something, you can't INSTITUTIONALIZE or FORCE good character.

You can promote it, but only through TOTAL LIFESTYLE changes.

It's not about the school you go to, or the country in which you live, unless that school or country truly controls every aspect of your private life. Hence, dictatorships can truly mold people for evil, by controlling every aspect of people's lives.

If anything, PARENTS influence children the most and therefore play the greatest role in shaping each successive generation and culture.

Hey, I like some of Madonna's music, and I think she is a great businesswoman for sure, but somehow I don't think her Catholic school education is what shaped her music, except in the IRONIC sense possibly of her ENTIRE CAREER being a REBELLION to it.

So LOCATION or OFFICIAL CULTURE means NOTHING when it comes to what a PERSON is ACTUALLY like. (unless it is a total dictatorship, and even there there will be those who behave in ways against the official values)

I don't buy the b.s. argument that foreign women are more faithful, more loyal, more loving, blah blah blah.

If anything, in many foreign countries, women are simply more controlled and used to being controlled. They have less rights. And in MANY cases, the women STILL RESIST whenever they CAN.

The bottom line is that if you are an UNCOOL person, a guy who doesn't "get" it, then NO MATTER what woman you meet, you're going to have problems on the attraction front. And without ATTRACTION, the only reason a woman might be with a guy is because she has nothing else going on.

Of course, with a woman who has no rights or power, there is "security" in the sense she cannot leave him easily, so "emotional risk" you might say is limited, but that is like saying that you should only play VIDEO GAME versions of bike rides, to be safe, instead of actually riding your bike. Yeah, it's safe and you prevent damage and falls, but it's not REAL and it's not as exciting or meaningful or rewarding.

Hopefully I don't need to tell this to anyone, but foreign women, and not just the mail order brides, and other women desperate to leave their home countries, aren't the most reliable sources of information for how they REALLY feel.

There is something called DECEIT. Something called using a guy for a passport. Using a guy for money.

Why the heck would a gorgeous woman from say, Russia, want to hook up with a totally UNCOOL guy with no sense of style, no sense of humor, no excitement, not a cool bone in his body? Especially when she could INSTANTLY change her reality and find a cooler guy?

Is it a SURPRISE to hear accounts of guys who didn't "get it", who got married to such women, got her a passport, and then got dumped a few months later?

Does this mean that ALL of these women, whether mail order brides, or any foreign women that you meet, are illegit?

NOPE, I'm sure there are legitimate "quality" foreign women.


It's not about how FAR you travel to meet a woman, it's about HOW COOL OF A PERSON YOU ARE.

If you HAVE what it takes, then suddenly TONS OF WOMEN are drawn to you, REGARDLESS of where they are from. And if you DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW ATTRACTION WORKS, and if you don't have this vibe about you, then even if you travel all the way to another GALAXY, STILL, no woman will be interested.

I kind of suspected this stuff, but wasn't always SURE, 100%, until recent years.

Never mind that in a previous career, I already had over two years experience working with and socializing with elites from all over the world, which exposed me to tons of cultures from every continent, and that I also have formal education in this area as well -- in fact my second degree at university REVOLVED around appreciating the impact of cultural diversity for communicating and educating others. And never mind that Toronto, my hometown, is certainly one of the most ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse cities in the world, if not THE most diverse.

The truth is that having all this background in ADDITION to my understanding of attraction HELPED, but it was like OVERKILL for understanding a rather SIMPLE issue.

All you have to know about the whole "western women" or "American women" vs. foreign women debate is:
American and western women have more FREEDOM.
They are not locked up.
They are allowed to vote.
They are allowed to drive a car.
They are allowed to express their sexuality.
They are allowed to STAND up against bull****, like a guy who cheats on them.

All this stuff sounds pretty damn GOOD to me.

Ummm, why would any guy want to LEAVE these women and go for a woman because she comes from a place where she is DENIED freedom?

That's pathetic!

When guys start saying that American or western women are evil, and that "foreign" women are "nicer", what they are really saying is that they don't "get" it yet.

Which is not their fault, and in fact is one of the reasons I do what I do - to clear up these things.

Once you understand the FULL picture, you start to realize that the REAL problem is that most MEN in the west need to develop THEMSELVES to go along with the times, because so many men are STILL behaving in a way that only made sense a long time ago, when women DID NOT have these freedoms.

Now that women HAVE these freedoms, women have more confidence, self-esteem, etc. So men have to UNDERSTAND this and start being far less formal with women. Far less "tip-toeing" around women. And far MORE fun, confident, charming, interesting, and challenging.

A lot of men could learn from WOMEN about how to have a higher sense of self-esteem, how to not accept bull****, how to frame yourself as the "prize" in a relationship or male-female interaction and how to get what your worth in these situations, and how to have a better sense of humor, etc etc.

Yeah, guys can learn a LOT from women. Even the fact that women tend to pay more attention to fashion is something men can learn from as well. It's all about creating EMOTIONAL IMPACT, something women know but too many men ignore.

And it's NOT about being manipulative, unless you think that having ATTRACTION POWER and being EXCITING AND FUN to be around is manipulative.

There are other issues as well, such as the role of family, but this has affected both men and women, and is not the fault of women. In the 1950's, both men and women were more marriage minded, more family minded, and also it was more possible for only one person to work to bring in the income. This made it easier to have a more stable family life. It can still be done today, it's just a little more challenging. And certainly, this does not make American or western women "bad" any more than it makes men "bad" for having given women their freedoms!!!!

Now that I think about it, it actually took a lot of GUTS for western society and men to do this.

Yeah, things have shaken up quite a bit and it's taking a bit of time for both men and women to adjust perfectly, but ALL societies are constantly adjusting to something, and do you really want women to be locked up in a cage? If that's the only way you can feel secure with a woman, that's NOT GOOD!!!


It starts with realizing that the "problems" are more of sign of NOT HAVING "THE SKILLS" with women, a sign of NOT UNDERSTANDING, a sign of NOT having THE RIGHT SELF-CONCEPT.

American and western women often have HIGH STANDARDS.

They also have OPINIONS, they cannot be CONTROLLED or programmed like ROBOTS.


They are often EDUCATED.

They won't put up with BULL****, like you cheating on them.

This is good s**t!!!
Why would you want a woman any other way?

Any other way would be pathetic, it would mean that the guy has no way of actually attracting the women, that he must control them instead.

That's boring, creepy.

The answer is not to change women, it's for
MEN to develop themselves!


As I've said for OVER THREE YEARS:
To be THE MAN.

Not ONE WORD has changed in my original book about this:

One more time:

Women want THE MAN. Nothing else can compete with this.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Roly said:
So LOCATION or OFFICIAL CULTURE means NOTHING when it comes to what a PERSON is ACTUALLY like. (unless it is a total dictatorship, and even there there will be those who behave in ways against the official values).
absolutly wrong. If i wasn't raised where i was raised and in the condisions i was raised in i wouldn't be the person i am today.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
QUOTE "I don't buy the b.s. argument that foreign women are more faithful, more loyal, more loving, blah blah blah."

It's a know fact that chicks in us and canada are the fatest in the world


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
this is so wrong it's pissing me off, and i don't wana spend time and energy debating this....................i'm done reading.......

Tell her a little about yourself, but not too much. Maintain some mystery. Give her something to think about and wonder about when she's at home.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox

It's making my head hurt: it was probably written by a woman or Dr. Phil.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Mostly bs. "Yes! Everyone is the same, no matter where you came from or how you grew up! Yay equality! Let's all smell some flowers and run like little fairies!"

I mean, come on! Yes, we're all human, but to argue against the idea that your native culture has a huge impact on your values, personality, is absurd.

More and more, what I come across here in North America, are females who buy into the whole Paris Hilton philosophy on life. They are aggressive, almost to the point of being more masculine than some guys! They are pushy, and have an over-inflated sense of entitlement.

In fact, I can identify one of these girls within seconds of meeting her or seeing/hearing her speak.

It's really a shame to see women acting like this. It's apparent to me that they think it actually makes them more attractive, while it has just the opposite effect.

It's similar to guys who try to act feminine, thinking that's the key to befriending, and ultimately, attracting women. Know your roles people!

If, when you stare down at yourself, there is a penis, act like a man, if there is not a penis, but a pyssy, please act like a woman, for fyck sakes.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
This guy does have a point

"Once you understand the FULL picture, you start to realize that the REAL problem is that most MEN in the west need to develop THEMSELVES to go along with the times, because so many men are STILL behaving in a way that only made sense a long time ago, when women DID NOT have these freedoms."

That's really true. Guys today are still acting as if women are in the 1950s.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
spider_007 said:
absolutly wrong. If i wasn't raised where i was raised and in the condisions i was raised in i wouldn't be the person i am today.

But it is ultimately us, not the culture or environment to dictate our personality, values, morals etc.


Jul 14, 2005
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Monte Carlo, Monaco
Roly said:
"Once you understand the FULL picture, you start to realize that the REAL problem is that most MEN in the west need to develop THEMSELVES to go along with the times, because so many men are STILL behaving in a way that only made sense a long time ago, when women DID NOT have these freedoms."

That's really true. Guys today are still acting as if women are in the 1950s.

The way it should be, son

Create self-fulfilling prophecies. Always assume the positive. Assume she likes you. Assume she wants to talk to you. Assume she wants to go out with you. When you think positive, positive things happen.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Roly said:
"Once you understand the FULL picture, you start to realize that the REAL problem is that most MEN in the west need to develop THEMSELVES to go along with the times, because so many men are STILL behaving in a way that only made sense a long time ago, when women DID NOT have these freedoms."

That's really true. Guys today are still acting as if women are in the 1950s.

Yes, they call the new breed of men "METROSEXUALS"


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Roly said:
But it is ultimately us, not the culture or environment to dictate our personality, values, morals etc.
ABSOLUTLY WRONG. Look at the arab culture (this is going to the extreem of cutural programing)

I originaly come from the balcans. My morals, values and personality partaly come from that culture. I'm proud and stuborn.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Whatever the culture, the dominant personality in a couple will have the power. There are plenty of seemingly patriarchal households where the woman manipulates the man totally and he still thinks he's the boss.

Yes I think women outside of the US are less selfish, spoilt, bitter and fat, but the same is true of the men. It's the modern culture of insularity, fear and soulless consumerism that brings out the worst in people.

Luckily if you want foreign women they are more available than ever before. If American chicks are bringing you down, vote with your c-ck and get an imported hottie or do some travelling.


Master Don Juan
Sep 23, 2004
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Inyurvij Eina
Roly said:
"Once you understand the FULL picture, you start to realize that the REAL problem is that most MEN in the west need to develop THEMSELVES to go along with the times, because so many men are STILL behaving in a way that only made sense a long time ago, when women DID NOT have these freedoms."

That's really true. Guys today are still acting as if women are in the 1950s.
And of course, when it comes to treating women "special" and paying for dates and opening doors for them and every other act of chivalry, women complain about how men have changed. What a bunch of inconsistent, hypocritical horsesh*t. Women don't know what they want.

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
This article was written by a Canadian guy by the name of Michael W. who sells his dating advice ebook for $32 American and $40 Canadian.

I am from Toronto and I found that despite the heavy diversity, a lot of foreign girls that go there get westernized fairly quickly (to get "accepted" into social circles), or seem ethnically different but socialized into a western-like girl in values irregardless of where she is from.

While he might be "educated" by the elites on different cultures, it is NOTHING compared to being on the field and going to the foreign countries itself. If I had to venture a guess, he probably hasn't travelled much based on the first generalization/assumption of mail order bride type of foreign chicks. They make up a VERY SMALL proportion of foreign women and secondly a lot of normal (i.e. mentally stable, non-westernized) European and Russian women DO NOT want to leave their home countries.

I agree not all foreign women are "all that", and there are decent Western women. But proportionally, foreign girls are more FEMININE and mentally stable than their Western counterparts. I am not interested in a chick with a mental phallus waiting to sodomize me with the Miss Princess Entitlement Syndrome. While Western Women have high standards some of us guys who break our back to fullfill our potential financially, physically and intellectually ALSO have standards too. Honey, it is a two way street, the "joys" of being with you and your poon just doesn't cut it.

He is right about developing yourself, but it doesn't mean you need to pander to the needs and fantasies of a women as a source of "development". In principle he is doing that, only with a PUA facade. I wonder what this guy has to say towards to the truely independent guys who has NO PROBLEM attracting women but found a lot of Western women hold little attraction, stimulation and interest to them. I guess there is something wrong with those guys right? They must be gay or can't get lay from a western chick. Oh brother.
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
so..I still view women like a buffet.. I'd like some Italian, Chinese, Swedish, Russian, Mexican, and no African to go please


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Western Women Rock! :cheer: :cheer:

Sounds like something one of the posters who was born in Eastern Europe (before his family immigrated to the West) would write. Those guys are the saddest guys on the planet. To know that some freaking tard is able to attract some of the most beautiful girls on earth by simply speaking in loud American (not English, but American :yes: ) must give them nightmares.

I feel that in a way I am kinda like a brave fireman. I run into a burning pit of hell while most are trying to save themselves and get out. Guys like me should get a medal. Spreading democracy and the American way of life to people who need it. I think I will go plant an American flag in the center of some s*** poor village.

This 4th of July my beloved Vika will prepare a traditional American feast. Hotdogs, hamburgers, cole slaw, pork and beans, apple pie, etc. Maybe we will invite some of her friends over and we can all watch "Red Dawn" or something.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
Change must come from within

spider_007 said:
ABSOLUTLY WRONG. Look at the arab culture (this is going to the extreem of cutural programing)

I originaly come from the balcans. My morals, values and personality partaly come from that culture. I'm proud and stuborn.
If you look at the many great people of our time. Guys like Jesus, Buddah, Martin Luther King, Gandi, Casanova, Bruce Lee, Michael Jordan, The Beatles etc. What did these guys had in common? They absalutely refuse to conform to what their society and environment expected from them. The biggest mental disease of all is Fear of the unknown, the fear of being rejected from being yourself and that's why many people goes into conformity. Which is neither wrong or right.


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
WTF? Michael Jordan and Jesus? What did Michael Jordan do that was so great? He dribbled a ball for crying out loud.

Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
