so this girl saw my photo on one of my friends phone and i thought i was cute and told the booy she wanted me. the boy told me and gave me her number and i started talking to her. ive talked to her in person once that was almost 5 years ago. we start texting once in a while and she knew i had a girl. my recent relationship went bad and i told her we broke up. she always initiates texting like 80% of the time. im confused as to whether shes interested or really friendly. my friend told me she said she likes how im funny and she likes my company.she calls me boo, sweetheart, darling, friend is a boy who is very close to her. he teased us once to me personally that we're lovers...i tried using the "chase me card" so she rather chases me but its confusing.shes out of the country though. she used a different phone number to text me trying to be my friend but i knew it was her so i tried not to lookdesperate to make it seem like im more of a bigger guy here. she tells me im cute andhandsome sometimes. is she interested or just being extra friendly?