Interested in a MUCH younger girl


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
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First of all, Hey guys. I'm new to the forums. I have actually reast most of teh DJ Bible before though and also read up on some DD newsletters.

I am 17 and will be a senior in highschool when school starts up. Anyways, about 2 moths ago I went to my friends party and her little sister was there. Her name is Heisel, and she is 13(will be fourteen in a month). She will be a freshman at my school next year. I was talkign to everyone at the party... just having fun and stuff, so I talked to her a bit. To my surprise, she's a very awesome girl.

Anyways, since my friend and her sister are pretty close, and I hang out with my friend sometimes, I see her sister, Heisel, kind of often and we get along great. I like her because she "get's it". I can joke around, be sarcastic, and just have fun and she get's it. I remember when I was in 8th grade, none of the girls were as cool as this(at all). She is just so fun to be around. She is also very pretty for her age. She looks about 15. Also, I kinda look young for my age, if that matters. What i mean is that if someone saw us together they wouldn't be like "OMG he is too old for her," because I only look about 2 years older.

She has given me hints that she likes me but hasn't said it straight out. I play around with her, but have never told her I'm interested in her like that... because I don't know if it would be... too weird.

So what should I do? There are two other girls that I kinda like at the moment, one my age, one only a year younger. They are really pretty and cool girls but I just don't feel the "connection" with them.

So... any comments/suggestions?


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
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Personally, i would never do anything with an 8th grader. But hey, my friend talks all the time about hot ones, soo i guess to each his own. Btw im a junior


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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one...she's ur friends sister? how good of friends are you? remember...bros before hoes. only look two years older, but that doesn't change the fact that you aren't just two years older.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
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not telling :P
ZeroZero said:
First of all, Hey guys. I'm new to the forums. I have actually reast most of teh DJ Bible before though and also read up on some DD newsletters.

I am 17 and will be a senior in highschool when school starts up. Anyways, about 2 moths ago I went to my friends party and her little sister was there. Her name is Heisel, and she is 13(will be fourteen in a month). She will be a freshman at my school next year. I was talkign to everyone at the party... just having fun and stuff, so I talked to her a bit. To my surprise, she's a very awesome girl.

Anyways, since my friend and her sister are pretty close, and I hang out with my friend sometimes, I see her sister, Heisel, kind of often and we get along great. I like her because she "get's it". I can joke around, be sarcastic, and just have fun and she get's it. I remember when I was in 8th grade, none of the girls were as cool as this(at all). She is just so fun to be around. She is also very pretty for her age. She looks about 15. Also, I kinda look young for my age, if that matters. What i mean is that if someone saw us together they wouldn't be like "OMG he is too old for her," because I only look about 2 years older.

She has given me hints that she likes me but hasn't said it straight out. I play around with her, but have never told her I'm interested in her like that... because I don't know if it would be... too weird.

So what should I do? There are two other girls that I kinda like at the moment, one my age, one only a year younger. They are really pretty and cool girls but I just don't feel the "connection" with them.

So... any comments/suggestions?
Hey and welcome to the forums. I appolagise in advance for what I'am about to type but someone needs to say it and it's for your own good. Reading what you put makes me sick. Your 17 and your going after 13 year olds? Damn whats wrong with you, why cant you go after girls your OWN age?

ZeroZero said:
I am 17 and will be a senior in highschool when school starts up. Anyways, about 2 moths ago I went to my friends party and her little sister was there.
Your friend is a girl, right? She will tell her friends if you hook up with her younger sister. The other girls your age will look down on you for hooking up with a 13 year old and laugh at you behind your back. You wont be able to go out with girls your age.

ZeroZero said:
Anyways, since my friend and her sister are pretty close, and I hang out with my friend sometimes, I see her sister, Heisel, kind of often and we get along great. I like her because she "get's it". I can joke around, be sarcastic, and just have fun and she get's it. I remember when I was in 8th grade, none of the girls were as cool as this(at all). She is just so fun to be around. She is also very pretty for her age. She looks about 15.
This is one-itis.

Some symptoms of one-itis are;

-thinking she's so much different from any girl you've met.
-thinking she is the most beautiful girl in the world.

I can defenetly see this in there.

And do you know why you are feeling like this towards her? Because she is showing lots of interest in you. The reason she is showing such great amount of interest is because you are so much older. Girls look for guys with a higher social status than them so they can show them off to there friends. We all know girls like older guys? So wheres the challenge in picking up this girl? None. She's an easy catch.

Which brings me to the point that your probably not very good with girls and need practise. I suggest joining a DJ bootcamp.


Senior Don Juan
May 1, 2005
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Tampa, Florida
first how good friends are you with your friend??
bros before hoes
if it's cool then **** her, she's easy... but don't go out with her, you'll be her *****, she's prolly a ***** too
man **** *****es
I just broke up with my *****
yeah **** you *****
can't even **** me the day before you leave for a holiday... slutty ass ***** **** you
yeah my ***** was a 14 year old freshman, i'm a sixteen year old sophomore
**** *****es right?
yeah **** all the *****es on this planet
that ***** can burn in ****ing hell for not ****ing me on the night before she left the country for holiday
****ing *****


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
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Lol asterisk galore at above post.Anyway,DAAAMN im debating if i should go after this 17yo (im 19)...14 wow,dude stay AWAY from her,she may be into you and all but its not worth the hassle with her parents,your social circle and all that.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
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No. Just no.

Do I really need to go through all the negatives? You can't shag her, what you gonna do? tuck her in? read her a bedtime story?

It'd be too much like babysitting.


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
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LOL. You guys bring up some very good points, specially shadowfox.

It is one-itis because I hang out with other girls and I'm still thinking about her. Today I'm going to a sweet 16 party and there will probably be a lot of good-lookign girls, hopefully this can distract me from Heisel.

I know, in my mind that I should just forget about it but teh idea of actually being with her is so tempting. I know, a 3 year difference is pretty big at this age though...


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
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if she was a freshman last year.. then maybe... but that's still stretching it a little... Don't go for it man.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2006
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dont touch your friend's sister man, seriously. he'll resent you and you'll get a crappy reputation if anything happens.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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Minden, Nevada
At my school, everybody's dabbled in that kind of relationship before, but most of us never get serious or even let other people know about it. Those that do pick up 13-year olds are known as "pedophiles." I mean, for ****'s sake, if you get in a 6 month relationship with this chick where her beauty will actually be put to "use," it will be statutory rape. Nail a senior, it's much more gratifying. They also don't have the maturity gap that dating a girl 4 years younger than you does.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
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I'm about to be a senior this year too. The upcoming freshmen have already started on me. My friends' little sisters, girls on myspace, girls at parties, etc. etc. A lot of these girls look a couple years older then they really are too. It's a tough decision, but you have to just take a deep breath, step back, say no, and walk away.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Well in TX under 17 is jailbate. So once you turn 18 and you're still with this girl you could get in trouble.

Also 4 years is pretty bad dude, a girl isn't even mature at 13.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2006
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Los Angeles, California
well why stop at 8th grade? my motto is (copyrighted, don't steal this **** haha) "If they're old enough to pee, they're old enough for me"

I mean come on, what better way to break the girls in, and pick up lines are so easy! "Hey, do you have pubes? SWEET! I have a car!!" Works all the time....
Nov 8, 2005
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***** palace
Wow.. dude just WOW how low is your standards? Are you too AFC to pick up girls who's your own age!? you freaking lozer what makes it worse is she's your friend's sister! What a LOYAL and GREAT FRIEND YOUR ARE!

So unless you want your ass beaten down by the brother and have a new reputation of child rapistin creep DO NOT TOUCH HER. She's in middleschool, she hasn't hit puberty yet this is totally wrong. Seniors dating freshmen are sad... "they're like the left overs, no girls in their grade wants them." (HB9)

Probably the only reason she "likes" you or "attracted" to you is because your older than her so she "thinks" your mature... don't listen to dumbasses like Rocko (I hope he's joking when he said the pee joke...) That's my reasons if you want it do it go ahead, more mature and hot girls for me! :D