Interest went from 9/10 to 0/10 in a few hours


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2016
Reaction score
I need to vent and I realise that this is very AFC but I am just so frustrated.

I had this great girl: HB9, confident, intelligent and a host of other great qualities. Her interest level was so high: she was suggesting going on holiday and showed that she really liked me - I ran a very solid game for a few weeks whilst we lasted.

However, something through me off that I overreacted to and I became awkward for a few hours and she just lost all romantic interest in me (I find it astounding how girls can change so quickly btw). It happened incredibly quickly and the worst part is that at the time I was thinking that I must not act like a chump, yet I did it anyway. My brain was just fogged by the event that was out of my control and I guess i couldn't think straight.

What do you do when you are so angry with yourself at how you acted and ruined your chances with a girl where there was potential to become something more serious?

I'm not trying to win her back as I know this is near impossible but I just cannot let this go. I know that just I want what I can't have but this is really bugging me.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Did you guys have secks?

In the early stages, you have to retain all emotional control and if you can maintain it later on, you are in even better shape


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
must have been a pretty big over recation for her to lose all interest in you especially after dating for a few weeks

usually by this point ive found they've developed an emotional attachment to you and are difficult to get rid of

what happened !?!


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
must have been a pretty big over recation for her to lose all interest in you especially after dating for a few weeks

usually by this point ive found they've developed an emotional attachment to you and are difficult to get rid of

what happened !?!
How good of an "emotional connection" does a babe gain that has sex with you almost every day? Im my experience they keep coming around and they end up wanting more.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
When this happens, you simply have to walk away until she reaches out.

The more you messed up, the longer the wait for her memories of you to return to mostly positive (people forget bad memories over time).

Over the course of a few months, women's behavior towards a man is usually defined. They won't stray too far from this in the future. If they do, they will return to equilibrium so just wait. Every girl I ever loved is still in touch with me, though there were times with each one when I swore it was over forever. They want you to think that sometimes, which is why they test us.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
What do you do when you are so angry with yourself at how you acted and ruined your chances with a girl where there was potential to become something more serious?
I just went through a similar situation. I think first try to give yourself emotional distance from what happened. When you're ready..... look at what happened with clear fresh eyes. Often enough with wisdom or insights from DJs, you can figure out where the attraction broke down. Don't chase. If she reaches out just act cool like you've been busy with your life doing other things, plan the next date if you still like her, if you don't just be short or don't respond at all.

As much as the ego doesn't want to take it, if she had high interest level, she would overlook the offense. If her IL went from 9/10 to 0/10 that fast, ask yourself if you inflated her IL to begin with. Tbh, though, it's not worth sitting there and thinking about her, just move on and work on yourself and you'll feel less angry with what happened with her in time. Onto better horizons!


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
I need to vent and I realise that this is very AFC but I am just so frustrated.

I had this great girl: HB9, confident, intelligent and a host of other great qualities. Her interest level was so high: she was suggesting going on holiday and showed that she really liked me - I ran a very solid game for a few weeks whilst we lasted.
Bro if this is story true you didn't have solid game. Girl comes on this strong at the beginning, especially a 'HB9' as you say, she is playing you. What good looking girl who has the option of having any guy she wants suggests to a guy she just met to go on a one on one vacation with him alone? Any guy, who has a little confidence and experience, would think that's extremely weird.

However, something through me off that I overreacted to and I became awkward for a few hours and she just lost all romantic interest in me (I find it astounding how girls can change so quickly btw).
Come on bro, HB9 who loves you and wants to go on a vacation with you alone where she can have constant sex with you because you are game is so tight changes her mind in less than 60 minutes?She has a 6'1 boyfriend, you spit in her face, or this story is made up.

It happened incredibly quickly and the worst part is that at the time I was thinking that I must not act like a chump, yet I did it anyway. My brain was just fogged by the event that was out of my control and I guess i couldn't think straight.

What do you do when you are so angry with yourself at how you acted and ruined your chances with a girl where there was potential to become something more serious?
I really have the feeling this story is made up to emphasize with other beta posters.

If it's not, you really think a girl so enamoured by your game would change her mind that quickly? She either didn't like you, was using you, or you weren't good enough for her. Imagine if you were a CEO, you think she would leave you alone? Girl would blow up your phone every night.


El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
What exactly happened?


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
Tell us what happened!


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
I need to vent and I realise that this is very AFC but I am just so frustrated.

I had this great girl: HB9, confident, intelligent and a host of other great qualities. Her interest level was so high: she was suggesting going on holiday and showed that she really liked me - I ran a very solid game for a few weeks whilst we lasted.

However, something through me off that I overreacted to and I became awkward for a few hours and she just lost all romantic interest in me (I find it astounding how girls can change so quickly btw). It happened incredibly quickly and the worst part is that at the time I was thinking that I must not act like a chump, yet I did it anyway. My brain was just fogged by the event that was out of my control and I guess i couldn't think straight.

What do you do when you are so angry with yourself at how you acted and ruined your chances with a girl where there was potential to become something more serious?

I'm not trying to win her back as I know this is near impossible but I just cannot let this go. I know that just I want what I can't have but this is really bugging me.
Sir, first of all.....RELAX.

Now tell me, did you meet this girl on a dating site? If so, she's flakey.....that's not your fault. She came into the entire situation with you on bullshyt and her PLAN was to do this from the very beginning.

If you didn't meet her on a dating site, women in general can be flakey, it's okay brother.

What are you looking for right now? Do you want a serious LTR or to spin plates?


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
I need to vent and I realise that this is very AFC but I am just so frustrated.

I had this great girl: HB9, confident, intelligent and a host of other great qualities. Her interest level was so high: she was suggesting going on holiday and showed that she really liked me - I ran a very solid game for a few weeks whilst we lasted.

However, something through me off that I overreacted to and I became awkward for a few hours and she just lost all romantic interest in me (I find it astounding how girls can change so quickly btw). It happened incredibly quickly and the worst part is that at the time I was thinking that I must not act like a chump, yet I did it anyway. My brain was just fogged by the event that was out of my control and I guess i couldn't think straight.

What do you do when you are so angry with yourself at how you acted and ruined your chances with a girl where there was potential to become something more serious?

I'm not trying to win her back as I know this is near impossible but I just cannot let this go. I know that just I want what I can't have but this is really bugging me.
So basically you put on an act by "running solid game while it lasted" in order to try and get some chick to "like" you because you pedestalized her because she's a "9".

you need true confidence in yourself. not running an act and being needy because a chick is a 9 etc.

learning lesson. don't run acts. 9s are people too. they aren't perfect. you need to be a whole complete person with or without someone not needing them specifically to live vicariously through as if you are broken to begin with.

work on yourself. if you cannot be honest with yourself you can't expect honesty from others and someone to repair what's broken in you. no matter if they are a 9+ etc.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
You are human.

Give yourself a break and stop taking the situation so seriously. Taking the situation too seriously is why you are in this situation ironically.

Chill out. Relax. Plenty of fish in the sea and none of them are that important.