Interaction after First encounter


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys, just asking a question, do any of you have any tips or tricks on how to keep interaction going after the first date to help lead to the second.

I ask coz i went out with a girl few days ago after we met at a club. I got her number we msged for a number of days and went out. I knew she was abit of a teaser when I met her, the night of the date she msged me saying her friend was crying n needed her support, i ignored her text, she msged back she'll try get out of it, again I ignored. After 10 min she msged back saying shes ok now r we still on?? I responded back saying yes of course.

The date went well she came 20 min late, her excuse was she had to try n look pretty, to which i replied, im touched u went to all that trouble for me. Went to coffee all good, just getting to know each other over coffee, we left after 2 hours, I paid, and walked her to her car, talked for abit outside her car, opened the door b4 she got in grabbed her hand n kissed her. I stopped the kissing n told her goodnight, and to tell me how her day goes tomoz, since we were both working long hours.

Now the next day I msged her with no q is did I msg to soon? Should I have waited after a few more days to msg or call her again? When it comes to girls who I would consider as LTR Im always trial n error since i only go for intelligence n beauty which is a rarity. Would love to hear what u guys think.

Cheers :D


New Member
Jan 7, 2012
Reaction score
Mate, why are you stressing! So she didn't reply to a message. Go out and do something you enjoy!

You should be so busy changing the world to notice that she hasn't replied.

If she's interested she'll contact you! Then you take it from there. I was on a date last night, went for the kiss close got a peck, no more. I laughed and said, 'ah girly games, I love them'
I said good night and walked to my car. Before I go home which is 10 minutes away, she had text saying she'd give me a proper kiss next time. I never replied, this morning I have 3 texts and 2 missed calls.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Yeh i get what u mean, really was tripping abit, like i said, I usually go out with girls hook up n leave em, so trying to get a second date with a girl thats actually interesting is out of context, thats y i was asking for advice tips on the best way to meet up with her again


Senior Don Juan
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
yes she is testing you by not replying imo...look at how you got your best results with this girl. She tried it on with the friend crying stuff and you ignored it. So ignore her lack of response. It is now up to her to reply and when she does ignore it a few times like you did the first time.