

Senior Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
As DJ we know we never provoke people, insult, nor start fights...Its against what we stand for...

1.But I have some trouble with some kids at school and my work that start **** with me and I am a sensitive guy you know and its hard for me to deal with...I never start **** with people...Let me give you some examples...First off i told 1 of my FORMER friends that i thought i could trust some **** about another kid that i thought talked **** to this girl i used to like...So i called him some names and such and he goes along and TELLS THE ANOTHER KID...I 'm LIKE WTF???!!!!!...

The next day the kid approaches me I deny whatever and move on...I then tell my friend (the one who i told the first thing toO) something else and then he tells the other kid...So he can no longer be trusted...Anyway...This kid became friends with another kid who i think is it a bastard...and now they sometimes say stupid shyt to me and i want it to stop you know...Thats 1 example...

2.Another is with this kid at work...Who gets on my case just to argue about literally anything...he just harasses me and gets on my case for no god damn reason....I guess cause i overreact to it so he keeps doing it...We actually used to be friends believe it or not...and like a month or 2 ago is when he started up...How can i deal with this???

Basically help me out guys...I want to be tough...and not take this shyt...I mean i take crap seriously when people annoy me ONLINE people who i dont even know...LOL i have to stop this shyt...\Like whoever said this is right...

"People who fight on the internet are like playing in the special olympics...Even if you win you're still retarded"

but anyway guys help me out with problems 1 and 2


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2002
Reaction score
Well, there must be a very real reason why your friends seem to abandon you, and then turn against you.

You must have some personality trait that repels male friends.

I can't guess what it is, but you probably know.

The best anti-insult is social proof, get some.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Well i think i know what u my AFC days i used to brag about how i can get all these girls and i could never back it up...and i knew these people at that time...thats why they are pissed...but still i have changed but they wont accept it


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
I'll transfer my reply to this one. Mods, close the other one ASAP, please.

Deep thoughts and answers to your questions follow. Pay special attention:
Answer to question no. 1:
Kick their ****ing ass. Your 'friend' dissed you by spilling it out to that other guy. May that be a lesson to you: for the love of God Almighty, do not tell your 'friends' about other people. I only have two good buddies whom I've known for 10 years plus, and I tend to keep some things from them, too.
Answer to question no. 2:
Kick his ****ing ass. Don't take crap off of no one, especially at work. It will influence the way your boss sees you. And you don't want your boss to think you're a wuss, do you?

Do it in front of a lot of people. It makes a better point. Don't yell at them, just be calm and collected as you do the kicking. That's what I'd do, anyway.
That's just my opinion, don't go by it if you can proceed with the kickage (e.g. they're stronger than you or something.)


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Well, let me tell 3 things that might work for you:

1 - Ignore them : just iognore. Pretend you don't hear, this will make them even more pissed.

2 - Humiliate them : pick on their faults and their weaknessess and mock them harshly, in front of everybody else.

3 - "Over-proof" them : be seen by them with lots of ladies, especially ladies the're interested in.

Do them separately or in the listed order.

Just one thing, these people do not deserve your respect. They've betrayed your trust, they deserve harsh treatment.


a denial

Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2002
Reaction score
Dont kick them ****less......that'll just drag people in further.
Look at them and laugh for being pathetic little boys.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Outside Boston

Disrespect = Retalitation

I would prefer not to humiliate them by picking at faults they have no control over (never ever insult on the basis of another person's looks) however, unless you're perfect, and nobody sees any of your flaws...

If I get crap from others, I usually just get in their face and ask them why the fvck they're saying / doing what they are. I'm really big and tall, kinda' intimidating, and I've never had a problem where the other person didn't back down before having to get rough.

Darkart: Yes, it is true that there may be reason for friends to jump ship, and turn on you. But unless this is a trend with a large number of Wreckless' crew, it's just as likely (if not more...) that the people with issues are the ones who've turned on you.

Xanderbaz: Good call. I agree with what you have to say other than that non-violent confrontations are best, but yes, he does need to stand up for himself. His boss would probably go balistic if he roughed up a co-worker on the job, I doubt he would look at him better for it. I agree that you need to keep a lot of your thoughts to yourself. I too just have two super close friends. Only one will I share anything with, because he is ten years my senior (27) and we don't share any of the same acquantances.

- Maurizio


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2002
Reaction score
LOL... I didn't mean to say that he should rough him up at his workplace... Outside of it, rather.
Anyways, it all depends on the level of agitation these guys produce at Wreckless2000. If you can go with non-violent, then that's cool. But if you need to show these bastards a lesson, then kicking their can is the best solution.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Poland, Warsaw
The best way to deal with insults... Just like BBB said, ignoring is a very good way. But remember... One bad move and you're out. Here's an example of a bad "ignoring":

Some guy - "I heard you're a gay!"

*You look at him, and then ignore him.*

What'll happen? The guy won't stop.

That's not a good way. If you'll hear someone saying something like that, don't even CHECK if he said that to you. If he'll stop or will still be saying stuff like that, don't do anything, just ignore. If he'll come over to you humiliate him.

Then there's also my way which I don't use often, almost never. If someone starts to humiliate you, then go over to him, say something (QUIETLY) and hit him once, but hard. Not so hard that he'll faint, but i.e. in his belly so he'll "go down". But then again, you have to be ready to defend if he'll get up. I'm good at avoiding attacks, but if someone isn't then don't even start.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
I feel ya, wreckless. I dont have this problem with friends tellin on what I say, but I do know kids that enjoy talking crap to me. I just ignore them most of the time, but If someone tries to get physical, I suggest that you have to defend yourself.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2002
Reaction score
San Francisco
Oh give me a break guys... we gotta be suave right? that's smooth, that's not "get up and kick his ****ing *** because shouldn't ********* ****************** **** ************" (yea those last ones were just for those people out there who enjoy jerry springer). Anyways, I wonder how many of you guys watch The Sopranos? Well... in the last episode, this rich lawyer dude screws him over in a conract, Tony (a.k.a. Mr Soprano this big ass mafia boss) gets pissed. The lawyer tells him, "if u harm one hair on my head the cops will already know it was you" so Tony goes... "Hey look, I don't know who you think you're messing with but i'm not some common thug" and then hangs up the phone. A few scenes they shift the view to the rich lawyer's house which over looks the water. A couple of Tony's people pull up in a nice big boat, with two BIG speakers. Then they start blaring the speakers and some crappy stuff, bad music, offensive comedians, etc. The Lawyer calls the cops and the cops come and fine them $200 (big deal, he's THE mafia boss...) so in the end.. the guy let's Tony out of the contract he was tryin to trap him in. (his house was more valuable then what he was making in the contract).

Well, the point of this decent sized summary of a T.V. show is that you can't just go up and knock the ************** out of whoever ******es you the ********* off! you have to be suave about it. Girls don't want some big hulk who's only good at scratching his head and his nut$. Give it a little thought. Now I work out, so when people want to mess with me (and i don't start anything, and i don't think u could... not because of morals, but just because it doesn't look good) and I make fun of them. Go up, start talking about their unibrow, go over and compliment him on his fat pack, and go ask him when the last time is he got any... hm..? oh.. is that why he's trying to show off his masculenity? ah hah! compensation.. now it makes sense. You think he'll swing at a DJ (who i think are mostly all str) H3LL no.

GooD LuCk -jc


Senior Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Bumping...Thanks for the replies but im still not seeing anything that could really shut them up...I mean ignoring is ok...but i cant start fights ...its the not DJ there anything else i could do?