Inside The Mind of a Ten

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
Picture this:

You walk into a venue, look around, see a HB10 standing 10 feet in front of you. She never makes eye contact. She doesn't need to.

Freeze time. You hear the clock stop ticking? The heartbeats and breathing have stopped too. Now, let's turn this scene around. You're flying through space for just a moment as you are transported into the HB10's mind.

The world suddenly look different. You feels eyes staring at you. You hear people whispering, no doubt about you. Guys drooling, tripping over their words. Girls gossiping about you to make themselves feel better.

You sigh, but only on the inside. You surely can't let the world know how you feel. You secretly wish a man would come up to you and present himself to you. You have tons of guys hit on you everyday, but all they do is tell you how hot you are, or how much they want to @*#$ you, or how they will literally pay all of your bills and take care of you. They even go as far as telling you that you will never have to worry about anything for the rest of your life . . . if only you will be with them. How boring. It frustrates you to no end. Why can't you just have a man come up and talk to you? You desperately need some excitement in your life. A real man that will get your blood moving. A man that will turn your internal flame on high, and keep it there. One that will make you smile, and laugh. One that isn't so predictable that you will know his every single move . . . a year ahead.

If only you could find a man that would know how to touch you. How to make you crave him. Instead of the typical guy that just thinks of his own pleasure. If only those guys knew that you never even came, though you made them think you did, just to get rid of them.

You don't even care if this man had money, although that would be a plus. But, if this man could excite you, that alone would be awesome. He doesn't even have to look like Brad Pitt.

Now, if only that guy that just walked into the room was that man that I'm secretly craving . . . if only . . . but he's not. How do I know? Because he's still standing there, staring at me. And I haven't even looked at him.


Just like every other guy that crosses my path every single day . . .

And now, you're ripped back out of her head, and warped back into your own body. Taking a few seconds to settle, you look down at yourself, realize she/you were just talking about yourself. You are that guy that just walked in. The one that's still staring at her, but hasn't approached her. And it's too late. Her opinion is already set of you. You've been standing like some robot, frozen in time.

Ah yes, speaking of frozen in time, let's start the heartbeats back up, start the breathing, and finally, get the clocks ticking again.

That glimpse into a 10's mind is now fading quickly away into the voices of the daily world. Let's not the lesson fade so quickly.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
10s are much more friendlier during the day, and the mindset that you described is more of a day time mindset.. in the clubs they still have that desire to be approached by a true man, but also love shutting people down, behaving as mini celebrities...


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Nice post man. Just want to point out that at sosuave we have a tendency to generalize about females. Different girls want different things, at day and at night. The same thing applies for 10s.

I would say than a 'real man that will get your blood moving' girls just want guys to be real with them. That's more important that trying to be a DJ who is described as: 'a man that would know how to touch you. How to make you crave him.' Now of course most girls may want that but you don't need to be a great DJ to get a girl. You just need to be real. Even if you are sterotypically lower value than other guys, just by being real you are raising your value a lot.

Have to point out, Daygameguy, I love your sig. Although again '
in the clubs they still have that desire to be approached by a true man, but also love shutting people down, behaving as mini celebrities...' does not apply to all girls.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
L.A. Tripp said:
You don't even care if this man had money, although that would be a plus. But, if this man could excite you, that alone would be awesome. He doesn't even have to look like Brad Pitt.

Now, if only that guy that just walked into the room was that man that I'm secretly craving . . . if only . . . but he's not. How do I know? Because he's still standing there, staring at me. And I haven't even looked at him.


And could I get a bl0job... at least once in a while.. so I would not have to pay for it.. and from someone who is not too painful to look at... if only? She doesn't even have to look like Angelina..


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Inside mind of a ten..
**** that.

^^^^^ that's whats going on in the mind of ME throughout the day - to each their own. If you ever saw/heard me in real life you wouldn't believe I'm even having these problems - FVCK.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
I think a lot of hot girls don't even necessarily realize they are that hot.

I had one telling me today that everyone says she has no hips or ass and "sorry to disappoint."

I didn't know what she was talking about but i sure didn't try to correct her as that would be pointless.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
yes 10's are no different then any other girl, they eat, **** and fart just like everyone else. however there is a reason why most guys don't approach them, because they know they will most likely be turned down because of the women's pickiness. she can afford to be and expect nothing but perfection because of her looks. every 10 i've ever seen had some buff rich guy as a boyfriend. how is a regular guy supposed to think he has a chance when those kinds of guys are competing for her attention? i mean come on, if you had 10's wanting you all the time, you would not settle for 7-8's.

it's not a matter of just approaching as the op stated, otherwise it would not really be a problem.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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rapidfire said:
yes 10's are no different then any other girl, they eat, **** and fart just like everyone else. however there is a reason why most guys don't approach them, because they know they will most likely be turned down because of the women's pickiness. she can afford to be and expect nothing but perfection because of her looks. every 10 i've ever seen had some buff rich guy as a boyfriend. how is a regular guy supposed to think he has a chance when those kinds of guys are competing for her attention? i mean come on, if you had 10's wanting you all the time, you would not settle for 7-8's.

it's not a matter of just approaching as the op stated, otherwise it would not really be a problem.

This is my first post here... so let me know if I screw it up. I was at a bar 2 weeks ago when I noticed the strangest thing: A group of 3 super hot girls came into this bar and stood in the middle of the floor talking to each other. Then, one would be left alone and two would go off and do whatever--dance or something, and they would rotate who got left alone every 20 min or so. Then, when one was alone, you can guess what happened-- a constant stream of chumps came up to her and tried to make conversation, but with every guy she literally looked right at him, pointed at him individually and said "NO" and did a "cut-u-off" gesture and turned to the next one, then continued until she had destroyed the self-esteem of no less than 15 guys!

Here is the scene, the bar/club that I was at is famous as the place to pick up an infinite number of sleazy girls-- but heres the catch, they are mostly 'alternative' types who are not fond of the glamourous 'blonde+BMW+martini' girls. So, needless to say, these three were very, very out of place and in particular, the one I was watching was your typical size 0 blonde, tall, implants, tan, tight jeans girl.

I have never seen anything like that in my life-- I was sitting at the bar the whole time watching this spectacle when I decided to go find out WTF these girls were doing. But... as I walked across the floor genuinely curious, I was blindsided by two other random cute girls and ended up taking them home and staying the night with the hot one.

Does anyone have any input as to what was going on with these chics? Anyone seen this before?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Duffdog said:
This is my first post here... so let me know if I screw it up. I was at a bar 2 weeks ago when I noticed the strangest thing: A group of 3 super hot girls came into this bar and stood in the middle of the floor talking to each other. Then, one would be left alone and two would go off and do whatever--dance or something, and they would rotate who got left alone every 20 min or so. Then, when one was alone, you can guess what happened-- a constant stream of chumps came up to her and tried to make conversation, but with every guy she literally looked right at him, pointed at him individually and said "NO" and did a "cut-u-off" gesture and turned to the next one, then continued until she had destroyed the self-esteem of no less than 15 guys!

Here is the scene, the bar/club that I was at is famous as the place to pick up an infinite number of sleazy girls-- but heres the catch, they are mostly 'alternative' types who are not fond of the glamourous 'blonde+BMW+martini' girls. So, needless to say, these three were very, very out of place and in particular, the one I was watching was your typical size 0 blonde, tall, implants, tan, tight jeans girl.

I have never seen anything like that in my life-- I was sitting at the bar the whole time watching this spectacle when I decided to go find out WTF these girls were doing. But... as I walked across the floor genuinely curious, I was blindsided by two other random cute girls and ended up taking them home and staying the night with the hot one.

Does anyone have any input as to what was going on with these chics? Anyone seen this before?


I remember back in 06' a buddy and I, just went to the club, These 3 hot chicks where walking and one said loudly "any guys hit on you tonight?" the other responded "no" and then one said "well it sucked anyway..."

I realized, at that instant hot women, thrived of how many guys hit on them a night, there some women who love the attention becuase it boosts their ego and makes them feel vaidated. Hence when I go to a club i never holla at the 10's (im good with a 7 or 8 or even 6) why? not because I'm scared but the ***** shield is up to the 10th power


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
The absolute 10s definitely need a completely uncanny approach.

1. Walk in with girl(s) in your arms.
2. Make eye contact and show the middle finger (credit: Mystery)
3. Flash game the hot girls, and then approach them.

If you want to save all these steps :crazy: , find them during the day.;)

10s or 8s or 6s, if you are in a club, you must develop social value quickly. Life is so much easy with social value.

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
You just let things like that go. Who knows what their deal was that night. Obviously they were out of place, so maybe that had something to do with it.

I'm sure that if a very confident guy had approached them in a DIFFERENT manner they would have still been open to it.

Which brings me to this point. Some guys reading this are completely missing the point. 10's don't ALWAYS have big buff guys hanging around them, aren't always married or have b/f's.

It ALL starts in your OWN mind, in your personal mindset. That's what truly makes all the difference.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
This illusion of not noticing how hot she is works best with HB10s because they already have a taste of rich guys who are ready to buy them expensive stuff, so they kind of start missing the fun in being with a genuine cool guy who is down to earth and treat her like a normal simple girl.