Inner Struggles: The Curse of Rebeliousness


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
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1 - Introduction

Welcome, to another night of inner demons exorcism.
Tonight, I'll be your host again, and we'll glance at the controversial world of Rebeliousness.
Now let's make some things clear:

2 - Clarifications

I do not want to promote stupidity, conformism, lack of character and personality, and other demonstrations of personal emptiness.
I believe, myself, BBB, that we must grow to become unique, intelligent individuals, with our own opinions and views on the world, on society and on everything that surrounds us.

But, I do want to fight, a novel and "noble" excuse for some people's laziness to improve, to become better people, better friends, better brothers, better sons and better comunicators.

3 - Define it

In the adolescence, we find that the world, isn't a wonderful place full of joy.
We find that life is harsh, people lie, deceive, girls are b!thces and everything else.
So, after this enlightment, we start to feel a certain air of superiority, an arrogance that is "justified" by the pain of our discoveries.
Generally, we find some kind of movement, some doutrine that appeals mostly to us.

Some will turn to heavy metal, other to the rave-scene, some will become punks, anarchists, exilated geeks, internet freaks, terrorists, buddists, hare krishnas, jesus freaks and other things that I can't remember right now.

4 - Getting deeper

We spend a lot of time, and money, diving deep into the literature, the music and the events of the movement we have chosen.
We are different, we're special. We think that because we read news paper, watch TV and spend time online reading the world's news, we're smarter.

We're pollitically intelligent. We "see" how most of the people is dumb, and how we are enlightened. We pity for the people who conform, and go to work everyday, go to parties on the weekend, dress all like each other, drive similar cars, have similar goals.

5 - The Mistakes

So, we think we're better. Period.
And we feel, that we do not need to fit in, we're strong enough to survive and be happy without doing the things that ordinary people do...
We waste our time with political arguments, complaining about things and our lives are taken by a rather pessimistic view, which is natural to the "superior" people. We "know" that things won't get any better, yet, we're relieved by the fact that we're so intelligent.

6 - Nope.

You're not intelligent. You're not unique. You're not clever. You're not intellectual. You're not superior. You're not enlightened.
You're not a little smart.

You're stupid.
Yes, you're a moron.
A stupid jack@ss.

7 - So?

You're stupid, because you create this superiority, to justify your laziness, or your unwillingness to work hard, and become more sociable, more popular.
You don't need to stop being yourself to fit in.
You can still be a punk/nerd/drunk a$$, and still live a rather nice social life.

8 - Why should I?

Because we, human beings, are social creatures. We were meant to interact. Evolution is a collective motion. Only by knowing new and different people, you can learn new experiences, improve your communication skills, and build your social network.

9 - A Sad Chronic

Josh thinks he's too smart. He really thinks he's intelligent.
But he spends his weeks locked inside his house... reading news on the internet, joining political arguments, bullsh!tting americans and foreigners with his "hate", looking for people on the ICQ with screen names like Justin Timberlake or Chris Carter and cursing them, telling them they're gay.
Looking for girls with handles like HotPu$$y69 or Willing2F*ckU to talk all the kinds of dirty horny bastard sh!t.
And he sees a lot of porn, and masturbates a lot.
But, he does not go to parties, because he's a true metal hell heavy metal soldier, and he hates dance music, hates being around people who don't dress in black clothes and hates all the women who go to these kind of events.

Well... isn't that a common picture? How many of you were like that once... sadly, I was... not as bad as Josh, but I was.
Was I any better than these people who went dancing, macking and having a wild time? No. I spent sad, depressed and lonely hours in front of my computer, wondering why I didn't even KNEW any women.

10 - The Solution

Well... nowadays, I still love heavy metal you know? If there's a good concert around, I'd be sure to catch it.
And sometimes, I still read the news, and get to know what's happening. Because it's good to be well-informed.
But, I don't feel better than anyone. I saw that happiness comes from an optimistic way of seeing life as a whole.

For as funnier as I was when I ranted about everything, I learned that you can be funny without having to rant about the things you dislike.
I found out that there are a lot of great people, who aren't metalheads or "politically concerned", but are very funny, good to hang around with and honestly great.
I found out that there's nothing like being humble. After you really become more humble, you connect in a way with people that you just couldn't before.
Because the old man sitting at the bus stop, you, and the cleaning&maintenance lady are all equal, you are all people !

I found out that humans were made to dance, to have fun, to go wild in beat of the music, interacting with new, good looking people who share the same vibe.
I found out that money is meant to be spent with good things, like food, drinks,parties and things for yourself. Stop being cheap, and invest money on yourself.

I also found out that when you dress in stylish way, with fancy clothes, hair and accessories, you make yourself prettier, and you open yourself new chances.
Not only with women, but with people in general and for jobs.

I found out that if everytime I want to argue with someone about the war on Iraq or Terrorism or the Middle East, I go talk to a girl or and old person instead, that would bring me more happiness.
Because the girls will smile, laugh and be sweet and cute with you. That will guarantee you practice, and joy.

And if I go talk to some older people, being older from 25 to 80 years old, I'd learn something useful and sincere, instead of something that I can't change, and will only get me good grades in History/Geography classes.

You see, you can change the world, but first you have to change yourself.
You must learn how to become a healthy, happy, realistic but optimistic social person, who gain respect, admiration and affection from the others.

Doing so, you'll have a lot of people who like you, and are willing to do things for you, so you can make some real changes.

11 - Reality

We're adolescents. We're young men. We're not much better than anyone. We may be smart, we may have some life experience, some good grades, but please, please, be humble.

Everyone has their own life. The things they know a lot and the things they lack the knowledge.
Some people may not care about politics, religions and the future of the nation, but, they might know a lot of funny stories, touching life experiences.

And that's what makes us grow.
You can be smart, you can be unique, you can be clever and political conscient.

But, these things will have no value, if you can't reach other people's hearts.
How many intelligent scientists, politicians and "intelligent" man, can you name? How much did you personally know?

Not much uh?

But, how many funny people do you know? How many optimistic people do you know? How many good soccer players? How many life-experienced people do you know?

A lot, I'm pretty sure.

These are the people we live with. These are the people who make the world exist. These, are the people who REALLY MATTER.

12 - Conclusion

Quoting the great Chris Ledoux:

" I don't claim to be a wise man, a poet or a saint.
I'm just another man who's searching for a better way.
But my heart beats as loud as thunder, for the things that I believe.
Sometimes I wanna run for cover, sometimes I wanna scream... "

I don't want to be the owner of the truth. I just want people to be happy.
I want people to dream big, but to be humble.

Because, I know dozens of engineers who make a lot of money and have a good scholarship, but live mediocre lives, thinking that they're better but having no emotions in their day-by-days.

And I know a lot of old,lived bus drivers, who had very great lives, who know lots of people and places, and can tell you hundreds of good stories, where you can actually learn from.
They're humble, and honestly happy.

13 - In a short way...

... be different, be original, be daring, be bold.

But be humble. Know that you're no better than anyone else. We're all just different.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2002
Reaction score
Roy, Utah
That was beautiful man. I really felt what you were trying to say and this feeling is wonderful. I really liked the last thing you said.

In a short way ... be different, be original, be daring, be bold. But be humble. Know that you're no better than anyone else. We're all just different.

Can't wait for the next installment. Hope it's as good as the last. Keep it up BBB.



Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
interesting idea, and the girls with their "princess dreams" still need to realize this.


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2003
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new york city
This kind of subject is one which can tend to get us depressed. We don't feel like we fit into the world that everone else fits into so well. But being very optimistic and really believeing in it will help pull you out.

Excellent post!! If i'm feeling down about society and my social life, i'll be sure to look this one up. :)
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
very good point......being humble overall is what a DJ is all about, and you get respect from everyone. Thats how I am now. I like a lot of things, I hate a lot of things but those things won't make me "labeled" or stereotyped as a prep, or metalhead. I am just me. And in fact people look up to me and I know this, and therefore I try to bring everyone up rather than make them bow to me or some B.S.

And I totally agree with the parents things. They are the reason you have clothes, food and what not(hopefully) and the most we can do is respect them and do what they tell us to do because its for our own good.

very good post Brazil. Thats what I'm calling you from now on, is that cool?

sausage fingers

Don Juan
Mar 15, 2003
Reaction score
Dirty Jerz
I agree with you, buit I also somewhat disagree. The problem with this post is that it seems to condemn(sp?) people who care about the world and the nation, which is really selfish IMO. All around the world and right here in the US, governments and corporations are butt fvcking people into thinking what they think is right. If you say "who cares, I'm having fun while people are getting fvcked over all around the world!" You are just being selfish, but to each his own. There is no denying that the Us government does alotta bad stuff, and I want to fix this, but do i let it control my life? No i dont.

I go out to parties, have fun with my friends, talk to HBs, but i also find time to learn about political stuff so i can one day work to change it. I don't think im smarter than anyone, but I DO think that I KNOW more then a lot a people.

If all people had the "who cares" attitude we as a species would not progress, which is basically starting to happen in the US.

So basically what I'm trying to say is go out and have fun, but you SHOULD care about the world, because we are all equals here, so you should do your part in helping take care of each other

Sorry if i ranted a bit but i had to get it off my chest.

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
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fvck it
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
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sausage_fingers, I agree with you, that's a flaw I unfortunately had to leave there.

I have a lot of respect for people like you, indeed, if everyone thought like you, the place would be a better world.
But the initial "deattachment" that I defend is good for people who talk a lot and do nothing. You know, even the guy I used on the example started doing voluntary works. He's making it happen instead of sitting on the internet and arguing.

And, Ronny_Neumonic II, do us both a favor and read chapter 11 again.


Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
I'll reread again tomorrow when I'm not so fvcked :eek:

just in from a club :cool:


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2002
Reaction score
BBB, always your posts are just so damn beautiful.

Love it man, keep it up


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
I found out that money is meant to be spent with good things, like food, drinks,parties and things for yourself. Stop being cheap, and invest money on yourself.
Ya i wish this was always the case, but some of us have to pay for things in college, so i gotta save. But i know what you mean, my parents make a lot of money, and they save nearly 1/4th of it, and i have no idea why, they have plenty saved for retirement, and because they work for the government will continue to get money.

Sadly i think i'm going to follow them, i'm trying to learn how to spend money for myself, but its hard and is pretty mentally taxing for me.

Well anyways, an awesome post, helped me realize the flaws i have. Hopefully i can correct them, but still its kinda depressing, oh well.

sausage fingers

Don Juan
Mar 15, 2003
Reaction score
Dirty Jerz
Originally posted by Brazilian_Blues_Boy
He's making it happen instead of sitting on the internet and arguing.
Someone once said "Argueing (sp?) on the internet is like the special olympics...even though you win, your still retarded."


Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2002
Reaction score
great post. motivating, but not quite as much as some of the other posts you've made (maybe because i've never chosen to stay home on the internet when i could be out partying, especially with new people). of course, i also agree that sausage_fingers has a good way of thinking there. i just would rather save my reading up on world events and such for when i have nothing better to do.


New Member
Jul 21, 2003
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São Carlos, Brazil
That post says exactly what has been going through my mind these days!
Please BBB, send me your e-mail or ICQ so I can "trocar uma ideía com vc"
Sou brasileiro tb e tenho a mesma idade que vc!


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
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Due to the chance of this being deleted due to time, Matrix has requested me to bump this for it to stay in the High School bible. Thank you.
May 29, 2006
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