****ing on first date


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
hey guys whats going on i was just wondering what people thought about ****ing on the first date. If a girl is down for that what should you do. Reason i ask is because i have heard if you do, it never lasts past that first encounter. So if you are just planning on leaving her for the next woman, then go ahead. But lets say the chick is loaded and you want to keep her how should you go about it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
I've been in many LTRs with women who fvcked on the 1st or 2nd date. I wouldn't say that any of those women were quality women.

If she puts out on the first date, you know you have a lower quality woman. So, go ahead and get in her panties just so you know what type of woman you've got. Don't let her "being loaded" be the reason you will change your standards. All girls should be put to the same rigorous tests you've always put them through. No exceptions.

The Bat

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
I wouldn't go as far as saying that women who bang on 1st date are "low quality". You have to keep other factors in mind too when you decide to label her as "low quality". (BTW, stop labeling women from 1st or 2nd dates...look at her actions...not some structured stereotype that she'd easily fit into)

If her attraction for you is high enough and you are good enough to keep that attraction sky high throughout the date, then there is no reason why she SHOULDN'T sleep with you. She will WANT to sleep with you. She will bang your brains out like no tomorrow IF her attraction for you is high enough (and I'm assuming you are attracted to her just as much, if not more).

One night stands is a different story because you've both just wanted to get laid for one night and you both understand that nothing serious should come out of it. A definition of a one night stand is you've just met the girl at a bar/nightclub/party and bang her that same night.

First date bangs are different because you probably met her before elsewhere where you talked to her, build some rapport, got her number, etc. THIS is where her attraction to you MUST be high. That first date will be fun anyway because you are both mutually comfortable with each other and are attracted to each other. If you've got her emotionally charged up, then it will be easy to charge her up sexually.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman who is interested in you emotionally and sexually to WANT to sleep with you on the first date. There is nothing "low quality" about her. Like I said before, look at her actions. Did she put up enough resistance for you to break through? Did she present a challenge to you? Did she challenge you? Did she qualify herself to you? Did she let you qualify yourself to you? If all those things were done, then banging on the first date is perfectly fine.

I don't label women as "high" or "low" quality because frankly labeling is pointless. Now, I've had some women who some here might consider "high" quality who happened to put out on the first date. I'm not the relationship type of guy so I just never pursued anything seriously with them.

My point is, don't be an idiot and go around labeling women as "low" or "high" quality. You're only limiting your own self-perceptions if you do use labels.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
If you have solid game, and very high value, then don't be surprised she sleeps with you quick. Someone of high value doesn't judge based on that, because he knows that most women have a similar attitude when it comes to sleeping with HIM.

You can have zero to no game, and she'll drag it as long as possible, even if she is the biggest hoe. If you find yourself constantly using that standard, you are most likely not high value yourself. Think about it, if you think she shouldn't sleep with you, you're right, she shouldn't sleep with you. She doesn't deem you worth it. If you judge a woman just based on when she sleeps with you, you might be thinking a woman is "high quality" because she's holding out, but she's most likely already banging a higher value guy, and you don't even know it.

Pretty much, almost every woman, wether she's a hoe or not, has had a one night stand, or slept with someone they were really into, quickly, and you wouldn't even know it because she is not putting out for you.

Sure, it is a minor flag for me, but I look at many other factors when judging a woman's fitness for a LTR with me. One who is delaying or putting off sex also should raise a minor flag, because you just don't know what kind of issues she might be hidding. So it is better to really get to know enough about a person before you start judging. Works for me.

If you find yourself judging a woman who's slept with you after 1 or 2 dates, you subconciously are saying to yourself "I don't deem myself worthy, why would she sleep with ME this fast." If you are high value, you don't question it because, #1, you get that type of action, from any type of girls, not just sluts, and #2, you don't know her if she's a slut or not, it is barely the 2nd date, you have yet to find out what is under the surface. She is still putting a front (which most of the time they might be holding back, even though they are really stluts) and you can't really tell if she's quality. That comes later.

We see this almost everyday on these posts with threads dealing with "I just found out she has had one night stands, but I always thought she was different", "Found out GF had a threesome." "My girl won't put out because she's religious, but she's not a virging", type of situations. If you got game and high value, don't judge or apologize for her wanting your meat. It is just what women want.