****ing female flatmates


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2008
Reaction score
Alright as some of you know i moved in with a house full of 5 women.

Theres 1 girl in particular that is seriously pissing me off. About a month ago she went crazy at me accusing me of stealing stuff, leaving the place in a mess and blah blah she started throwing stuff around, screaming etc ...

Yet again she just told me to clean up after myself ... by this she means the kitchen.
I am rarely ever in the kitchen because its usually taken over by them and their friends ... *****es :mad: nor do i leave any mess behind me but always clean up after myself ie wash my dishes etc UNLIKE them.

Shes one of those fat annoying girls that never shuts the **** up. What realistically can i do except stick a knife down her throat ? Talking to the landlord isn't an option either since we dont get on the best and i imagine the girls will all stick together. I have another 3 months rent in this place so moving out now isn't an option.

PLEASE give me your guidance wise people :(


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2008
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Buy your own set of dishes that only you use. That way you can totally own her on who's not washing dishes. It's something I know a friend of mine has tried with his roommates and according to him seems to work. Best of luck surviving 3 more months with these girls.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Tell her firmly when she acts up , your not a prick who she can push round and tht she can shout cry kick and scream all she wants, but it aint gona change. and ask her straight up what her problem is when the next time comes, and get her to spell it out why she thinks she has the right to carry on how she is. it will put her on the spot, then whenever the lame excuses come, tell her your not her emotional punch bag and to learn some respect.
never raise your voice and get drawn into her fights and as and when she tries to draw you into fights by taughting you, just look at her, hold her gaze for longer than is comfortable.then ignore her. when it comes to doing chores in the house, surgest a rota for the house. so that there is no excuses. basically offer solutions to all her crap. realistic ones that dont make you a mug. involve the rest of the house in your solutions, so that its a house thing. not jsut you vs. her.final and fundamentally, dont let her actions make you feel theres anything you cant do, its YOUR house as much as hers. you both pay rent.etc. politeness and firmness, its the way forward. if she's still a cow in a few months, you've done your best, let some other poor sod deal with her


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
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pingpongz said:
Alright as some of you know i moved in with a house full of 5 women.

Theres 1 girl in particular that is seriously pissing me off. About a month ago she went crazy at me accusing me of stealing stuff, leaving the place in a mess and blah blah she started throwing stuff around, screaming etc ...

Yet again she just told me to clean up after myself ... by this she means the kitchen.
I am rarely ever in the kitchen because its usually taken over by them and their friends ... *****es :mad: nor do i leave any mess behind me but always clean up after myself ie wash my dishes etc UNLIKE them.

Shes one of those fat annoying girls that never shuts the **** up. What realistically can i do except stick a knife down her throat ? Talking to the landlord isn't an option either since we dont get on the best and i imagine the girls will all stick together. I have another 3 months rent in this place so moving out now isn't an option.

PLEASE give me your guidance wise people :(

Man, I feel sorry for you. I lived in a similar situation with six roommates last summer for an internship. Three other guys and three girls. It was HELL. They were the *****iest people I had ever met in my life. We barely had any dishes and they were always *****ing about cleaning them and blah blah while I rarely even used the kitchen yet somehow they would all come down on me and I become labeled in the house. It was hell. The worst couple of months of my entire life. I had never encountered such miserable *****y people over the pettiest of issues. Lesson...don't EVER choose roommates who you don't know. In fact...don't ever live with roommates is best.

My advice, figure out a way to move because odds are it will only get worse.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
zinc64 said:
Man, I feel sorry for you. I lived in a similar situation with six roommates last summer for an internship. Three other guys and three girls. It was HELL. They were the *****iest people I had ever met in my life. We barely had any dishes and they were always *****ing about cleaning them and blah blah while I rarely even used the kitchen yet somehow they would all come down on me and I become labeled in the house. It was hell. The worst couple of months of my entire life. I had never encountered such miserable *****y people over the pettiest of issues. Lesson...don't EVER choose roommates who you don't know. In fact...don't ever live with roommates is best.

My advice, figure out a way to move because odds are it will only get worse.
Some people are hard to live with, but I think it's more like driving a car: everyone always complains about terrible drivers out there, but very few people actually admit to being a bad driver. The same goes for roommates. Everyone always complains about roommates, but rarely do people admit to being a bad one.

Maybe I was lucky, or you can call it something else, but in college and the 2 years after, I had around 10 different sets of roommates (probably about 25 people total) that I have lived with, and I got along with all but two. One of them ended up fleeing the state from creditors and criminal charges, and the other simply ignored me until our lease was done. However, for the huge majority, we all got along. If you look at them as your friend as opposed to some jackhole who is dirty, things go a lot smoother. Most people I know always complained about cleaning, but it's not really a big deal; who cares if you clean twice a week and they once? Chill.

To the original poster, I'd make sure to remain friends with your other roommates, because this whole situation is all about people skills. If your problem roommate gets confronted by the house, she'll either change, freak out and leave, or do something she'll regret. Hopefully it's not the later, but at least you'll have the other roommates to rely on. Also, it always helps to take initiative and be the guy who cleans more. How often do you hear people complain that their roommates clean too much? I never heard that one.

You should be thankful that your problem is not with money, those are the only situations that get really hairy.

Oh, and to one other comment someone else made, I've seen just as many "best friends" have a terrible time when living together as with randoms. In fact, in my freshman year dorm floor, we had two rooms where they were best friends from high school, and those were the only two rooms the entire year that requested new roommates.


Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Sounds a little bit like my old place. I moved out a couple of months ago and it was the best thing i have done in a long time. I would just move if i were you.