Information on sex and chakras

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Consisting of:
Scroll I: The Foundation Practices
Scroll II: The Orgasm Practices


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“Advanced Sexual Practices”, “ASP”, “Aralzon” and the star/flower device are all registered trademarks of Aralzon Institute Ltd.
Advanced sexual practices


All too often spirituality, meditation and energetic practices are concerned with denying and overcoming one's humanity. True, it is wise and helpful to refine the rough edges of your character, attain superb health and increase your awareness. But at the same time, life is a gift and it is there to be enjoyed and appreciated not denied and negated. There is a definite order to the universe, to nature and to the human being and it is by becoming familiar with the forms and aspects of this order that we are able to use it to make our desires, our actions and our whole being flow with ease and with pleasure. It is by using these natural forms, rather than by abusing and going against them, that one is truly able to walk The Way. And then – every step is a pleasure and a joy in itself. This book covers the nature of those forms and how to use them with regard to that most central and pleasurable aspect of life – The Art of Sex.

It is a complete work; contained herein is all the deep esoteric knowledge and techniques necessary to progress easily and step by step from absolute beginner to the greatest heights and the most profound depths of lovemaking. In the process you will also learn a great deal about yourself, your own body, your energetic system and structure and the nature of your own soul. And, most importantly, your experiential awareness and capacity to change all of these will greatly increase. That is the way of things: go to the very depths of any sphere of natural activity and you will soon discover that all is one and all paths lead to the same destination. The key advantage of going there sexually is that it is comparatively a very easy and enjoyable path to follow and really only entails the refinement of an activity which you probably focus on quite considerably already. A refinement which as well as deepening and enhancing your lovemaking also deepens and enhances you yourself and the rest of your life also.

Specifically sexually then, by following the cumulative practices in this book you will learn how to, amongst other things: become aware of, increase and control your sexual energy, deepen intensify and make more powerful your orgasms, become strongly multi-orgasmic, exchange energies and mind-states with your partner and merge souls with your lover. The more external forms are also covered: ejaculatory control, thrusting techniques and the enlargement of the penis for men and internal vaginal tightening, muscular control, and the attainment and deepening of vaginal orgasms and sensitivity for women. All that remains is to begin and then practice, practice, practice!
Wishing you a transformative and highly enjoyable journey,

Ikaria, Greece
August 2001 disclaimer

Caution: All the practices contained in this book are powerful and do work. As such they will have significant and marked effects on your body, your energetic system, your character and your life as well as on your sexual practice. The decision to use and apply the knowledge and techniques presented herein is yours and yours alone. Neither Sebastian Heller nor The Aralzon Institute nor Quaral Trading nor any other person, entity or body corporate will be held responsible for any effects, adverse or otherwise, resulting from the use or application of the material presented here. If in doubt as to the suitability of any of these techniques to you yourself (due for example to your age or physical condition) then meditate more deeply and get to the point where you can make up your own mind, trust your own judgment and take responsibility for your own life. If in the meantime you deem it wise or helpful to seek the advice of external authorities (for example, your doctor) then do so. It is recommended that if you're in poor physical condition or during sensitive periods of your life (for example sickness, pregnancy) you exercise care and caution in your use of some of the techniques presented here, if you use them at all.

Outline of Contents

Scroll I: The Foundation Practices
The Meditative Practices
The Five Tibetans (plus one)

Scroll II: The Orgasm Practices
The Male Orgasm Practices
The Female Orgasm Practices

Scroll III: The Sexual Practices
Advanced Sexual Practices level I
Advanced Sexual Practices level II

Scroll IV: A Little Extra Insight
In twelve parts

Extras and Appendices

Table of Contents
Scroll I: The Foundation Practices
I. The meditative practices
Internalizing your attention
The blackness and clearing the mind
Beauty and ugliness
A pine tree and a black panther
The chakras: an introduction
Understanding the chakras
Balancing the chakras
Sexual energy
The chakras and sexual energy
Gathering energy into the dan-tien
The physical orgasm channel
The microcosmic orbit
The central route
Any part will do
The relationship of the energetic structures to the sexual practices
How to quickly fix a broken heart
II. The Five Tibetans (plus one)
Tibetan #1
Tibetan #2
Tibetan #3
Tibetan #4
Tibetan #5
The “Sixth Tibetan”: an introduction
The Sixth Tibetan
The advanced (i.e. effective) practice of The Five Tibetans

Scroll II: The Orgasm Practices
I. The Male Orgasm Practices
Part 1
The energetic nature of orgasm
Energizing the sexual organs
P.C. squeezes strength
P.C. squeezes speed
P.C. squeezes slow contract
P.C. squeezes different parts and directions
The “thrust-and-stop” flutter orgasm
Standard ejaculatory orgasm
Recovering quickly from ejaculation
Intensifying standard ejaculatory orgasm
Fetching the male g-spot into play
Fetching the base point into play
Part 2
Strengthening, sensitizing and increasing the size of the penis
The basic jelq
The pressurized jelq
The reverse jelq
The girth up-down slide
The girth squeeze
The two-handed length-and-girth jelq
Advanced jelqing practice
The Taoist tug
The Temple of Venus double-pack
The masturbatory maintenance stroke
A note on artificial methods
Enjoying the full length of the penis
******ds orgasm and energy loss
Directing penile stimulation into orgasm
Standard tantric orgasm
Expanding orgasm through the physical orgasm channel
Expanding orgasm through the spine
Expanding orgasm through the central route
Intensifying tantric orgasm
Deepening tantric orgasm
Ejaculation after a tantric session
Advanced tantric orgasm
The importance of the right partner to advanced orgasmic practice
The process of continual orgasm
The conscious inducement of orgasm
The conscious control of sexual readiness
Part 3
Ejaculation and energy loss
When energy has to be lost to produce balance
The transmutation of sexual energy and the reduction of ejaculatory frequency
What is necessary in order to safely stop ejaculating completely
How to stop ejaculation entirely
The advantages of stopping ejaculation entirely
II. The Female Orgasm Practices
Part 1
The energetic nature of orgasm
Energizing the sexual organs
P.C. squeezes strength (tightness)
P.C. squeezes speed
P.C. squeezes slow contract
P.C. squeezes different parts and directions
****oral orgasm and stimulation
The g-spot: location and stimulation
G-spot orgasm and female ejaculation
******ds and downwards g-spot orgasm without ejaculation
G-spot orgasm with female ejaculation
Inwards and upwards g-spot orgasm
The deep point and uterine orgasm
Intensifying orgasm
Part 2
Sensitizing, tightening and controlling the vagina
The sides
Front and back
Downwards and upwards
In thirds level I
In thirds level II
In thirds level III
Milking part I
Milking part II
Directing the vagina
Advanced Vaginal Manipulation
Enjoying the full length of the vagina
******ds orgasm and energy loss
Directing vaginal and ****oral stimulation into orgasm
Standard tantric orgasm
Expanding orgasm through the physical orgasm channel
Expanding orgasm through the spine
Expanding orgasm through the central route
Fetching the ovaries and the fallopian tubes into the orgasmic process
Intensifying tantric orgasm
Deepening tantric orgasm
Advanced tantric orgasm
The importance of the right partner to advanced orgasmic practice
The process of continual orgasm
The conscious inducement of orgasm
The conscious control of sexual readiness
Part 3
The energetic nature of the menstrual cycle
Menstruation and energy loss
When energy has to be lost to produce balance
The transmutation of sexual energy and the reduction of the intensity of menstruation
How to remove or altogether prevent period pains
How to safely stop your period altogether
Fine tuning the technique for a full contraceptive effect
Fine tuning the technique so that no contraceptive effect whatsoever results
A final note
How to restart your menstrual cycle and your periods should you wish to
The advantages of stopping your periods and your menstrual cycle completely


This book is dedicated to Venus, in memory of the days of friendship and passion. Mostly passion. My lady, truly have you mastered the art of being a woman. When the time comes, I’ll be here for you babe. With great love, Sebastian.
Scroll I: The Foundation Practices
Last edited:

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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To make one thing very clear at the start: this book is primarily about pleasure. Its purpose is to explain, in a precise step-by-step way, how to attain intense, powerful pleasure which can reach the very depths of your soul and transform both you and your lover. But it remains “only” pleasure nevertheless. The focus is not placed on the conservation of energy nor on the attainment of enlightenment through the tantric path. These are often pleasing side-effects of any deep sexual practice, but to place the emphasis here is to somewhat miss the whole point of sex altogether.
The purpose of this first section of the book is to present the techniques and exercises which will enable you to bring your mind, your physical body, and your energetic structure to a sufficiently developed level to allow you to experience new depths of pleasure yourself and to be able to induce them in your lover. These are the foundations: without a sufficiently high level of sexual energy (not the same thing as a high sex drive), along with the physical fitness necessary to contain it and the awareness necessary to direct it, you will make little progress, and that only slowly. The techniques presented in this chapter will give you all of this and more. Like everything that I teach or recommend, they work quickly and to an extreme degree. Nor are the benefits limited to the sexual arena: physically you will be much fitter, your energies will begin to flow more freely, hence ensuring better health and brighter moods and your increased awareness will allow you to begin to gain some degree of control over the subconscious forces affecting you and hence your life. So do pay attention to this section and try to devote at least a month to it before moving on. The effects will be very noticeable, and it is worth remembering that you get out of life what you put into it. And nothing comes from nothing.
Finally, all the other practices recommended in this book are generally cumulative and it is therefore usually possible to leave off your use of the initial techniques once you have mastered the advanced levels of practice. The techniques presented in this section however – particularly The Five Tibetans and the tracking meditation – do need to be practiced on a daily basis in order to help maintain the physical body, the energetic system and the mind-state at a sufficiently high and developed level. However once you have learnt and are competent at them, these techniques can be completed in less than half an hour each day, total. A remarkably small amount of time and effort for a remarkably large return. So, to begin.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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. The meditative practices

In this section the nature of the human energetic system is outlined to the extent necessary for you to be able to easily understand and apply the more advanced techniques presented later on in this book. As such you probably won’t use much of the knowledge covered in this chapter until a bit later on, but it is good to begin to become aware of it now so that it is all comfortable and familiar to you when you do get round to using it. Also covered is how to internalize your attention for the purposes of refining, directing, and moving energies around within your body. It is this which forms the basis of much of the advanced work, and so it is essential that you gain a good degree of competence in it before moving to that advanced work. Not to worry though, it really is very easy and with a few weeks of practice will flow most naturally. To start with then, let us begin by looking at how to become more aware of you yourself and your own deeper nature.

Internalizing you awareness (otherwise known as meditation)

Probably the most important factor in learning how to meditate effectively is to realize that it is best to take things slowly enough to enjoy them. Don’t rush straight off and try to meditate for 3 hours in a row. You will only cause yourself to come to view meditation as yet another form of arduous work and so will come to dislike the whole process. After which you’re not going to get anywhere, no matter how much effort you put in. Much better to initially meditate for only a minute or so at a time. Very soon you will come to so enjoy the peace and the pleasure of this one minute that you will begin to enthusiastically look forward to it every day and will actively desire an increase in the amount of time you meditate for. At this point, do increase the length of your daily meditation. But only at the rate at which you still continue to enjoy every moment of the meditation. Focusing on the sensations of the meditation and the effects which it has on your body and the free flow of your energies it produces will probably help you to do so. And soon you’ll be able to meditate comfortably and with pleasure for 15 minutes, ½ hour, even an hour or more if you wish.
To turn more towards the technique side of it all, a large part of what meditation consists of is holding your attention focused on various parts of your body and then seeing how it feels there. Combine this with the refinement and development of the energies and energetic patterns within your system and the drawing of various energies into the body and moving them around internally and you have as complete an understanding of meditation as is necessary for our purposes.
The next step in learning how to meditate is learning how to internalize your attention. This is incredibly easy to do. First take the index finger of your left hand. Gently bite the tip of it. Now focus on feeling the tip of that index finger, which should be quite easy to do as you will still feel the pressure of the bite.
Next take the index finger of your right hand. Now try to focus on this as intensely as you can, without biting, squeezing or touching it in any way. Really try to feel the tip of that finger. Close your eyes if it helps. You might feel the finger heating up or getting tingly. This is to be expected in anybody who has a reasonable energy level for energy will flow to where the focus is held. Practice this for a few minutes, or until it is quite easy and natural for you to focus on the tip of a finger and feel it or be aware of it.
At this point you have learnt to internalize your awareness. When you are focusing on the tip of your finger you are more aware of it than of any other part of your body, and you feel it more intensely. That insight alone, if applied, is sufficient to make all the sexual sensations more intense.
Next you might try gently rubbing the point between and slightly above your eyebrows and then holding your focus there for a while. Or gently rubbing you navel or your ****oris / head of your penis and holding your attention there for a while. This is just to accustomize you to focusing within, on your own body, rather than out there in the external world. Once you are familiar and comfortable with the process, move on to the next stage: clearing the mind and holding a steady focus.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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The blackness and clearing the mind

In this section you learn two of the most important aspects of meditation: how to clear the mind and hold a steady focus. Most people do not have a clear mind. They are continually thinking all the time. Usually it will be a series of random, fairly disconnected, buzzing, unfocused thoughts which fills their head. Either that or they’ll be recalling the past or worrying about / planning for the future. Though they’ll probably only really notice this properly when they sit down to meditate for the first time.
All these random, unfocused thoughts which pass unbidden through your mind prevent you from holding a strong, single focus on one thing alone. And it is such a strong, single focus, properly directed, which best produces results, both esoterically and in the physical, “real” world. Further a stream of random unfocused thoughts prevents clear awareness. All your perceptions, all your logical thought processes and all your conclusions will be coloured by your random thoughts and preoccupations at the time, rather than being pure, clear and true.
This need for purity and clarity is especially pertinent with regards to meditative practice. It is subtle stuff we’ll be dealing with here (at least at first, until your energetic structures open up more), and as such you need to be able to clear the mind and still the imagination first so that you know that the impressions which you get in meditation are the real truth of the matter and not just a product of your over-active imagination. In other words, you need the clarity which being able to empty your mind offers.
So then, let us turn to the technique. Place your awareness at your 3rd eye point. This is the point in your body just above and between your eyebrows and about ½” – 1” into your head. Though when you’re just starting out holding your focus close to the surface of the skin is OK.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
If necessary, the first few times you try to hold your focus at this place you can rub the area between your eyebrows with your finger for a few moments and then close your eyes and focus on the lingering sensation of pressure at your 3rd eye point which rubbing it with your finger produced. Much as you bit the tip of your finger in the previous section in order to help you focus upon it.
So, holding your focus at your 3rd eye point, imagine, visualize or “see” in your mind’s eye pure blackness. Nothing else. Just pure, dark blackness. Focus on this blackness to the exclusion of all else. If other thoughts come, gently throw them out and return your focus to the pure blackness. If you begin to see other colours, turn your attention away from them and focus on the blackness once again.
And that’s it. Repeat the meditation every day, or twice every day, for around five minutes or so until you get the hang of it. Once you can hold a concentrated, forceful focus on the blackness, try relaxing that focus, making it gentle, relaxing, observing. Then focus on the blackness in this gentle way.
It is this gentle, yet at the same time pure and steady, focus which characterises the meditative state of mind. A concentrated, forceful focus you can only hold for so long: 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes somewhere there. But a gentle meditative focus now? That you can hold pretty much indefinitely. Which is it’s great advantage.
At any rate, through your practice of the technique given in this section you will have learnt to clear your mind and to hold a steady focus. Let us now turn to the next section where you begin to learn how to productively apply these skills.

Beauty and ugliness

The meditations presented in this section you need only ever do once or twice each. The purpose of doing them is to experientially realize that what you focus upon affects the state in which your mindforce is held. This shall be explained in more detail below. First, the technique.
Focus at your 3rd eye. Enter a clear, meditative state of mind using the “seeing the blackness” technique presented in the last section to get there if necessary. Once a calm, clear, meditative state of mind has been attained imagine, visualize or “see” in your mind’s eye the most beautiful natural scene you can. A seascape or a mountainscape for example. It is best not to make it a person as you don’t want to fetch other associations into the process. Really experience, within your head, every aspect of that beautiful scene. What it looks like, in detail, the smell in the air, the slight breeze drifting over your skin. Really get into it and see it, experience it, as totally as you can. And see how it makes you feel to do so.
As a result of your focus on beauty you’ll probably feel calm, pleasant and be smiling gently. Or something equivalent or very close. Remember that sensation and that focusing upon beauty produced it.
Next, focus upon ugliness. Once again, place your awareness at your 3rd eye and enter a clear, meditative state of mind. Then imagine, visualize or “see” the ugliest landscape you can think of. Something like a crowded cityscape, in the industrial zone, with lots of cars, noise and pollution. Really see, feel, smell and hear it all. And see how it makes you feel to do so.
As a result of your focus on ugliness you’ll probably feel stressed, unpleasant and not calm. Compare that sensation, that state of mind, to the one which was produced within you when you focused upon beauty. And the thing you will have realized is that what you focus upon affects your inner state of being.
Now, you can control your focus and so you can control your inner state of being. Therefore you yourself are responsible for your inner state of being: your emotions, your moods and your mindstates. And you can control and change all of these things merely by changing what you focus upon. In practice what this usually amounts to (at least when you’re still starting out on the esoteric path) is deciding for yourself which aspects of any experience you choose to focus upon: the fact that she’s left you or the fact that you now know where you stand and are free to pursue other women? The heaviness of the problem itself or the solution to that problem? The choice is yours. It may be that it is other factors which fetch your experiences into your life but the way that you perceive and interpret those experiences, and so how you live them and what effect they have upon you, is up to you to decide.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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A pine tree and a black panther

Let us jump straight to the technique here. Focus at your 3rd eye. Enter a calm, detached, meditative state of mind. Focus on a pine tree i.e. visualize, “see”, imagine or connect to, a pine tree at your 3rd eye. Really experience the pine tree in all its detail. And see how doing so makes you feel.
If you want to take it deeper then, rather than just “seeing” the pine tree before you at your 3rd eye, you can move your awareness forwards into the pine tree itself and see what it feels like to be there.
Now do likewise with a black panther instead of a pine tree.
Whatever level you are at, you will have felt at least some difference within your mindstate when you focused on the panther as compared to when you focused on the pine tree. If you already can, or as you learn to, hold a clear focus more strongly you’ll pick up on all the little details to this difference: how the pine tree feels calm, expansive, content, purifying etc.; and how the panther feels detached, feline, powerful, aware of its surroundings and quietly aware of the strength and viciousness it has to draw on if necessary.
And so through your practice of the techniques given in this section you will have experientially realized another important thing about focus: when you focus upon something you pick up on that thing’s essential nature. What in fact happens, esoterically technically speaking, is that the energy of that thing and the energy of your mindforce merge when you focus upon that thing using your mindforce. So by focusing on a particular thing – anything – you can experientially understand that thing’s essential nature.
It is this ability to directly experientially understand a thing just by focusing upon it which we will use in the next section when we turn to meditating upon the chakras. However, this ability is also useful for finding your own answers in every and any area of life whatsoever. You want to know what a particular person is like? Focus upon him in your meditation and you’ll know far more clearly and accurately – and quickly – than if you were to try intellectually analyzing his words and actions. You want to know a solution to a problem? Focus on that solution (not on that problem) and its essential nature will become clear to you. Of course, the more strongly that you can hold a clear focus, the clearer will be the understanding you get when you focus upon a particular thing. Once you can get a clear understanding of things in this way, you can begin to use it as a tool to arrive at your own beliefs, understandings and opinions.
The trouble with a belief structure which is a rational, logical construct built upon the information you’ve learnt or received in your life is that such information is rarely completely accurate: it will come from people and institutions who have their own axe to grind and their own limitations holding them back. And often such information will be completely inaccurate due to the limited scope and depth of human knowledge at the moment, and also for some more insidious reasons. Far better then to arrive at your own understandings independent of the biased, incomplete and frequently downright wrong information put out by any governmental, corporate or mass media body. And arriving at your own understandings is precisely what the technique presented in this section is for.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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The chakras: an introduction

Within your body there are many energy centres known as chakras. Part of the way in which these energy centres work is that they spin and draw in and give out energy as they do so. This though is what they do, not what they are.
In popular western religious / metaphysical belief, due primarily to bad translations of old Greek and Hebrew texts, there exists the idea that the soul is immortal. This is in fact largely incorrect. It is the Spirit that is immortal, and Spirit is almost exclusively just pure awareness. The soul is that which most people of a religious or metaphysical persuasion most identify themselves with: the sum total of all that your personality is. Another way of looking at it is as the memory track, the memory storage bank, of all your incarnations in this cycle of existence. All your experiences, your thoughts, your emotions, your proclivities, your desires, your habits, your ways of doing things. Everything that goes to make up your personality right down to the very deepest level. This is what constitutes your soul and it is not immortal for it is made up of, it is held within, the chakric system. And the chakric system is a part of that which is referred to as your astral body and, on a different level, also that which is referred to as your causal body. Within your physical body, and also extending beyond it, you have two further bodies known as the astral (or emotional) body and within that the causal (or mental) body. It is these which your self-awareness inhabits after the physical death continuing your existence on the astral or the causal plane. Now these two bodies are not immortal, though their longevity far exceeds that of the physical body. The lifespan of the causal body for example is normally measured in terms of thousands of years. However, just as with exercise you can change the physical body beyond recognition, so too with the right sort of exercise can you change the astral and causal bodies beyond recognition. Thereby changing the patterning within the chakric system and thereby changing the nature of your soul. The right sort of “exercise” in this case are things like meditation of the right sort, changing your desires, your thought patterns, your ways of doing things – and also through merging your energies with your partner in a very specific way during lovemaking. In other words, lovemaking properly practiced has the power to change the very nature of your soul! And that is why it has the potential to be such a deep and profound experience. The exact technique is explained in detail in the section entitled “The soulmerge: the technique” on p. “…”.
For now, it is important to come to realize that the soul is not a unitary entity but is composed of the various chakras and the various patternings held within the different chakras. Whilst it is true that there are many, many minor chakras, it is those located along the spinal axis which are by far the most important. The seven which are traditionally identified and described, along with one more, together account for most of the contents of, the nature of, the deep personality, or the soul. Now each of these chakras governs a particular aspect of that personality. The Mars chakra for example has a lot to do with your attitudes towards fighting, aggression and usually also sexuality. Just like the ancient Greek / Roman god Mars. This is one of the reasons that I have used the Roman names rather than the Sanskrit ones for the chakras because in the West nearly everybody is at least to some extent familiar with the old Greek myths, and so will immediately have some idea of what each chakra refers to. Below is a list of the various chakras along with the areas of the personality that they govern.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Saturn: solidity. The desire to see, produce and embody real, tangible, primarily physical-world results. Also the inclination to question whether something is really real, is really worthwhile or is really as good as it can be. The Saturn chakra is a very exacting taskmaster, and as results in the physical world usually take time in coming – and are rarely perceived as being absolutely perfect when they do – this chakra can produce a strong sense of limitation. As such it often relates to judgementalness, self-judgementalness, skepticism and other similar heaviness within your belief structure and the way in which you look at yourself, life and other people.

Jupiter: expansiveness, optimism. The feeling that life is good and that everything is going to be alright. The inclination to just give a hearty laugh and get on with enjoying life and whatever it is that you are doing; there is no need to worry about the past, the present or the future, where it is that you’re going to or whether it’s worth going there. Everything will work out fine, so just enjoy the journey. This chakra relates very much to your capacity to enjoy life.

Mars: forceful determination. The inclination to try to force results and make things happen. The resolution necessary to strongly see a course of action through to its very end. Very focused, very determined, very much the use of personal will. As such this chakra often relates to aggressiveness, combativeness and a total lack of consideration for the interests and feelings of other people.

Venus: harmony, ease. The inclination to lean back, relax and partake of the pleasures of life in a rather elegant and charming way. Very much connected with a natural sense of beauty and living this beauty, being this beauty in an enjoyable, easy sort of way. Avoiding conflictual confrontation not so much because you actively wish to but rather because life is comfortable and easy and what is there to fight over anyway? As such this chakra relates very much to your capacity to love and accept, not only your fellow humans but also life, circumstances, etc. Also relates to your capacity to be at ease and appreciate life and people.

Mercury: the urge to know. The inclination to actively seek after knowledge, data, information and facts. To be rational and logical about it all and to classify everything and put it in order. Also the desire to effectively communicate all of this, your ideas and your thoughts, to other people. And thereby convince them of your point of view. This chakra relates very much to your capacity to be rational and logical and consequently to this aspect of your mind. Also relates to the extent to which you can communicate easily and effectively.

Admeitus: Justness, courage. Admeitus is the lesson of the warrior-hero, the knight in shining armour. It is about determination, standing up for yourself and for what you believe in even if you are scared or it would be imprudent to do so. It is about being willing to take a stand and fight against injustice, and being unwilling to compromise your principles or back down. In its pure form there is at the Admeitus chakra a belief in righteousness, in doing the right thing, and its value. Honesty, forthrightness, forwardness, courage and beauty.

Sun / Moon: understanding. The Sun chakra relates to understanding in its more conscious, male form, rather like that feeling when it all suddenly clicks and you think “aha so that’s what it’s all about”. The Moon chakra relates to understanding in its more intuitive, female form, rather like a gentle feeling of guidance. It is one chakric level though and essentially relates to that quiet, peaceful feeling of understanding. There is no need to run around seeking the meaning of it all, collecting facts and experiences and analyzing life. You already have all the answers inside you anyway. The two different chakras which exist at this level just reflect the two different ways in which this mindstate can be approached / experienced. The Sun and Moon chakras are not so much lessons in themselves but are rather the tools which you use to understand and master the lessons embodied/represented by the other chakras. In fact, mastering your Sun and Moon chakras, or balancing them more, will not, of itself, make your Earth life any easier or more pleasant. But it will in practice make your Earth life both easier and more pleasant because you’ll be better able to understand and master the lessons embodied by the other chakras.

Note: The thousand pedalled lotus is not a chakra, but a lotus – an entirely different structure. It does not directly relate to your personality nor to the form or the nature which your life experience takes. Its function has more to do with being a gateway through which specific types of energy can enter (and leave) your energetic / chakric system.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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That’s the chakras which relate directly to the main lessons of life covered. The Sun and Moon chakras do not relate to the main lessons of life, as explained above, but they were included here for the sake of completeness. Again for the sake of completeness I include the personal heart chakra below. The personal heart chakra is just an offshoot, in a way, of the heart, or Venus, chakra in that it takes the basic lessons of the Venus chakra and approaches them from a different direction. However, because the particular direction of approach of the personal heart chakra to the heart chakra’s lessons relates to factors which are very central to most people’s lives and happiness I have included it here. It is the only such “subsidiary chakra” which I include here, because the other such subsidiary chakras are not as central to most people’s lives and happiness as the personal heart chakra is.
Also, each chakra has a lighter and a deeper aspect to it. The deeper aspect to the main chakras is detailed in the section: “The deeper aspect of the chakras” in Scroll IV on p. “…”. I include both the lighter and deeper aspects of the personal heart chakra here however to enable me to avoid digressing in that section also.

The personal heart chakra

Chiron: The lighter aspect of the personal heart chakra. Love for the ego personality. For yourself, your character, your actions, your choices. Not only self-acceptance but a step further to self-love.

Aesclipius: The deeper aspect of the personal heart chakra. Love for the body. If fully open and working properly it is capable of filling every part of the physical body, even the deepest crevice, with pure love. The self-healing chakra.

It is worth noticing the way in which the chakric system is internally balanced. The work, struggle and achievement of the Saturn, Mars and Mercury chakras are balanced against the peace, pleasure and comfort of the Jupiter, Venus and Admeitus chakras. Once you come to realize and accept that both these aspects are part of who you are and that both are necessary to the life process then you will more easily be able to let go of your attachment to either one of them (and consequent judgementalness of the other one). This will lead to your life very rapidly becoming a lot easier and beginning to just flow. And you as a personality will become a lot more peaceful, a lot more content, a lot more tranquil. Whether you are working or relaxing, pushing forward or waiting and accepting. Perhaps the realization that there is a time and a cycle for everything is necessary also.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Understanding the chakras

At this point it would be useful to meditate upon the chakras in order to personally, experientially understand them. To do this take your attention and focus it at the point where a specific chakra is located. For our purposes this is as shown on the diagram: at the level depicted there, about 1/3 of the way into the body. It is true that the chakras extend out and beyond that point and that the centre of each chakra is located at the centre of the body (i.e. halfway into the body) but it is at this depth of 1/3 of the way into the body that their lighter nature is most easily felt. The natures of each of the deeper chakric levels (all of which are clearly marked in the diagram below) is most easily felt about 2/5 of the way into the body or simply 1” or so deeper than you focus when meditating upon the lighter chakric levels. The very centre, the core, of each chakra – which both the lighter and deeper chakric levels are expressions of – is located exactly halfway into the body, along the central route. The nature of each chakra as expressed at its core is however quite esoteric and quite distant in relation to the chakras’ expression in terms of physical, Earth-life experiences and character. It is for this reason that the focus in this book is directed predominantly to understanding the lighter and the deeper chakric levels located at different levels of each chakra’s outer “shell” rather than at the very centre of each chakra’s core. For the deeper chakric levels see the section “The deeper chakric levels” on p. “…”. For the chakric cores themselves see “Appendix I: The chakric cores” on p. “…”.
At any rate, at this stage, if it helps, you may want to visualize the chakras as spheres of white light about the size of a tennis ball. If for you it doesn’t help then simply do not use this visualization.

Dg. I-04: The chakras: side view

Relax, breathe gently and deeply (using the standard belly breath if you like; see p. “…” for details on how to breathe in this way) and try to feel the nature of the chakra on which you are focusing. Try to understand it, to grasp the nature of the sensation which arises as you focus there. Just as it feels very different when you focus on your genitals than it does when you focus on your 3rd eye, so too will it feel very different when you focus on your different chakras. Pay attention to these differences and spend some time focusing on each chakra and soon you will know with certainty what each chakra represents, for you yourself will have experienced it. One technical note. Though it is each different chakra which you are sequentially focusing on, in practical terms the mindforce is actually split into two whilst you do so. About half of it is held within the particular chakra on which you are focusing. The other half is held at the 3rd eye point (Sun chakra) in order that you might consciously understand the nature of the particular chakra on which you are focusing. It will in fact feel, initially at least, that you are holding two focuses at the same time. Later on, you will tend to always hold a part of your focus at the Sun/Moon level anyway and so it will become natural and almost automatic for you to do so. With practice rather than maintaining half of your focus at the Sun chakra, try holding it in the centre of your head, thereby drawing on both the Sun and Moon chakras and so understanding in a deeper, more total way.
As you progress in your practice, try to increase the extent to which you can hold a steady focus on each chakra. If other thoughts or emotions enter your mind, gently throw them out and return your focus to the chakra under consideration. Once you can keep the focus strong and steady, take it deeper. Try to pierce to the very depths, the very core of the chakra. Feel the force of the mind increase as you deepen the focus in this way. This deepening of your focus is technically concentration rather than meditation. As are most of the other internal energetic practices presented in this book. Meditation comes about after you have established at least a relatively deep, steady focus, and then you relax the force of the mind and just observe/experience the state you are in. Unlike concentration, meditation is easy and effortless. Concentration is however, usually necessary in order to enter into a state of meditation or to take that meditation deeper. When you enter true meditation you’ll be able to identify it because the rate at which you breathe will greatly slow down (and may stop altogether), your thought processes will greatly reduce (or stop altogether) and a powerful, deep internal peace will permeate your being as opposed to the intense, forceful, somewhat more shallow and more insubstantial feeling characteristic of concentration.
In time, you might want to focus your meditation and try to feel / understand how each one of your chakras, personally, is held: what is the attitude that you have to the areas governed by that chakra? How does this cause you to feel in relation to these areas? How does it cause you to live your life with respect to each of these areas? Not only will this help you to know and understand yourself a lot better, it will also prove very helpful when it comes to soulmerging and being aware of exactly what you are doing and the transformations that it produces.
Finally, it is worth being aware that, whilst for most people their attitudes and approaches to sex (such as sexual drive, sexual preferences, what they want from sex, etc.) are governed predominantly by some combination of the Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus chakras, this is not always the case nor does it have to be always the case. Mastering the sexual urge involves reaching the point where you can detach, stand back and then decide what exactly do I want from sex? In what way, therefore, should I have sex? And with this specific person? And at this specific time in my life? It involves being able to control, determine and direct your sexual urge, the extent to which it manifests and the ways in which it manifests. Rather than having all of these things controlling you. To get to this stage, as well as mastering the practices in this book, it is worth spending some time objectively, unemotionally, unintellectually looking at your attitudes and approaches to sex. Which chakras, in what sort of combination, and each to what extent, are involved? What is the nature of the way in which these chakras are held in you personally, as evinced by their effect in other areas of your life? Are you completely happy with these attitudes and approaches? If not, to what extent do you want to change them and what do you want to change them to? And then do the necessary work on your personality, your attitudes and in your meditation to produce these changes.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Balancing the chakras

Essentially there are two ways in which you can balance and master the chakras. One is to work energetically, through concentration and meditation and the other is to work more psychologically / philosophically by changing the ways in which you think, emote and do things, by working on your personality, on your emotional values and tendencies and on your ideas and conceptual structures. Traditionally and historically, mystics throughout the ages have found it far easier, quicker and more effective to work energetically than to work psychologically / philosophically. And indeed it is much easier, much quicker and much more effective to work energetically provided that you know what you are doing, are aware of the effects it will have and are willing to accept them. Too many people meditate and work energetically yet achieve very little progress because they are unwilling to accept and integrate the effects of the meditation due to unawareness and to their attachment to the patternings of their ego personality, attachment to the ways in which they are accustomed to thinking, emoting, acting, being. In the end all they succeed in doing is producing tension within their system, setting the sub-conscious mind against the conscious mind. With luck they’ll probably attain limited, slow progress because the subconscious mind tends to be more powerful and will overrule the inclinations of the conscious mind. But why settle for slow, difficult progress when you can go about things in the fast, easy way? (hint: Saturn chakra imbalance – you want things to be difficult and take time, it gives you a sense of achievement, something to test yourself against. You still feel that you have something to prove, be it to yourself or to others).
So, if you are going to work energetically do so with awareness and whole-hearted commitment. First focus on your chakras one-by-one and understand what the chakras of themselves, in a perfect, balanced state, relate to. Then go through them again one-by-one seeing how they are held in you personally: what are your specific attitudes and approaches to the area of life that the chakras govern. These first two steps are as covered in the section “Understanding the chakras”. If you are meditatively experienced you can work your way through them in the space of an hour or two. If not, it should still be quite quick, not taking you more than a few weeks. Once done, you will experientially know and understand how your chakras are held now and the way for them to be held towards which you are working (their perfect, ideal state). In other words you will understand the nature of your character now and that which you are working towards making it become. Then, as you continue to work energetically and your deep character begins to change – the ways in which you think, emote and act begin to change – accept these changes, allow them to come, and do not oppose them. Attachment to the ego personality, believing you are the ego personality is for most people the biggest hindrance to esoteric progress that they have. You are not the ego personality, you are Spirit, awareness. The ego personality is a tool which you use and like all tools it is easier and more pleasurable to use the better the condition in which it is in. So let go of your attachment to the ego personality, to your particular ways of doing things, and allow the changes and the progress to come.
Once this sort of attitude is in place you can then turn to focusing on balancing your chakras energetically without their being any risk of producing tension within your system and with the added advantage that progress will be swift in coming.
The techniques then. One way in which to balance the chakras is to do so one-by-one. Place your awareness within a specific chakra. Focus upon it and become aware of the way in which it is held in you personally. Then, keeping your awareness focused on that chakra, simply strongly intend that that chakra become more balanced. Direct it to become more balanced, command it to become more balanced. Do so gently, with love, with tenderness and without being demanding but do so very definitely nevertheless. Take not any **** from the old forcefields within your subconscious. As you maintain this directed focus, the chakra will become more balanced. It’s as simple as that. Energies and the subconscious mind respond to intention and will do what you tell them to do. And they will do so instantaneously. Nevertheless, because your old patternings are long established and so have a lot of force behind them whereas the force of your mind and your intention is unlikely to be very great at this stage, it will take you some time to balance your chakras. It will take you some time to overcome the established forcefields within your subconscious mind. It will take you some time to change the basic, fundamental ways in which your chakras are held, to change your character and your ways of thinking, emoting and acting. But not too much time at all really. Significant effects will be evident after your very first meditation session and within the space of a few weeks, months or years (depending on your application, the strength of mind which you develop and how much work there is to do for you personally) you will have overcome patternings that have restricted you and made your life difficult throughout many lifetimes.
Nevertheless, there is an even faster way to go about things. For any chakra to be fully balanced all the chakras below it must also be balanced. So if you focus on balancing the Sun chakra for example then all the other chakras below it will be pulled into line and will automatically begin to balance. In order to make this technique more effective begin by performing the tracking meditation 2 or 3 times (see p. “…” for more information on this). This will serve to better connect all the chakras to each other, helping to make the technique which follows more effective. On the last track go from the tip of the spine to the 3rd eye and then hold your awareness there. Focus on the Sun chakra and intend that it become more balanced. As you do so gently be aware of all the other chakras below it being pulled into line and turning upwards, focusing their energies on the Sun chakra. This is a very rapid technique. In practice though – because the lesson of the Sun chakra is very abstract and so it might well be difficult for you to be fully aware of what exactly it is that you are doing – it would probably be better to begin by focusing on the Venus chakra in this way for a while and then moving on to the Sun chakra when you feel ready to do so. Also, if you have a specific chakra or two which are significantly more imbalanced than the rest (you will…), it would prove useful to spend some time focusing on balancing it, or them, specifically too.
If you would prefer to set about balancing the chakras in a more psychological / philosophical way you will find that everything is much easier, much clearer, much more effective and much more conducive to results if you do so with an awareness of the chakras and the lessons they embody. There aren’t a million different emotions, areas of life and modes of behaviour to master. There are in fact only 12 (for the other 6 see the section: The deeper aspect of the chakras on p. “…”). Or six really because it is six basic areas of existence and two different ways in which to approach each area which gives 12. Master these 12 and that’s it you’ve learnt the lessons of life, living will be easy and a pleasure, and all your energies will flow freely and powerfully. All the various multifaceted experiences of life are just different reflections and combinations of these 12 basic lessons. Realize this and working psychologically / philosophically will actually work. Refuse to realize this and you’ll be going round in circles hitting your head against metaphorical brick walls for a fair while yet. Still, you might prefer the “reality” of the experiential pain of doing things that way, in which case feel free…
A good way to fetch a knowledge of the chakras into your psychological / philosophical work is to go through your life and write down your 10 hardest, most difficult experiences. The 10 things in your life which caused you the greatest pain, which gave you the most trouble. And then try to classify these experiences according to the areas of life governed by the chakras. You may be surprised to discover that all, or most, of these 10 experiences will fall within one chakric area or, rarely, within 2. This chakra will be your taskmaster – the most imbalanced chakra within your system. Work on mastering your personality, your ways of emoting, thinking and doing things in relation to that area and your whole life will become a lot easier. To meditate on that specific chakra in order to balance it would probably be the most effective way of doing this.
Which illustrates that the best way to set about balancing and mastering your chakras is to work on the problem on both fronts: more subconsciously through meditation, more consciously through being aware of the nature of your personality (and the effects which it has on your life) and then actively seeking to change it, to develop it. This has the added advantage that it helps in the uniting of your conscious and subconscious minds.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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Sexual energy

In traditional Chinese medicine there are three basic types of energy: Jing, Chi and Shen. Shen corresponds to mind, Chi to basic life-energy and Jing to essence, or sexual energy. Of the three, Shen is the lightest, the most refined and the easiest to move. Jing is the densest, the most substantial and the hardest to move. Chi is between the two. However, when Jing is heated and expands, as happens in a state of sexual arousal, it becomes very easy to move and indeed often moves spontaneously of its own accord. It is this spontaneous movement which is responsible for the sensation of tingly toes and intense warmth or shudders up the spine which many people experience during sex.
In time though, as you continue to balance and refine your energetic system, you will get to the stage when your sexual energy is very refined and so no longer gets hot as a result of arousal. It just expands. When you have reached this stage, your sexual energy will be of a very different form. It becomes subtle and more penetrative such that you could, for example, easily move it through your bones. It also becomes more powerful, though in a somewhat gentle way, and more forceful, yet without a compulsive element to it. This change in nature of your sexual energy will make all the techniques presented in this book more powerful and easier to master. It is also indicative of all your energies beginning to merge into one as separations within the self are overcome. Ultimately, it is this which constitutes mastery of the sexual urge.
But these considerations are for much later. For now, the important thing to realize about sexual energy is that, because it is the densest and most substantial energy in the body, it acts rather like the foundation, the basis, for all other energies. What this means is that if your sexual energy is healthy, free-flowing and powerful then all the other energies in the body will be strengthened. From your muscles, to your internal organs, to your mind. You will be able to run farther and faster, fight harder, think more clearly and sense more intensely. You will also not tire anywhere near as easily as before. In short, you will be healthier and more aware. Conversely, if your sexual energy is depleted and insubstantial, then all your senses will be dulled, your mind will operate with less clarity, your muscles will be weaker and you will tire more easily. Further, under normal circumstances, the way that the body generates sexual energy is by drawing on the energies of the rest of the body as a whole, especially the internal organs. Thereby gradually depleting the internal energies of the body. It is in fact this process which primarily constitutes that which is referred to as “ageing”. It follows that the more that you deplete your reserves of sexual energy, the more the body draws on the internal organs and energies to replenish that sexual energy, and hence the faster you age. Not to mention the reduction in strength, awareness, etc.
With specific reference to the sexual arena, the more sexual energy that you have, the more intense and powerful will your orgasms be. Also it will be easier to control exactly when and how you orgasm. At advanced levels of practice it is possible to simply decide to have an orgasm and then consciously induce it, contractions, shudders and all, having it last as long as you want and spreading throughout the body to wherever you want. Further, the more powerful your sexual energy, the more potent you become. For men this means being able to easily attain and maintain full erection as well as an increase in that “energetic warmth” of the penis which is what, for a woman, separates the real thing from a dildo. For a woman this means being able to easily attain and maintain a state of moistness and openness as well as, also, an increase in that inviting “energetic warmth”. Further, it makes the attainment of good vaginal muscle tone easier to achieve.
For both sexes a high level of sexual energy leads to greatly enhanced sensation as the senses seem, and are, more alive. Not only that, but the greater awareness and the greater control over the body and the orgasm that a high level of sexual energy allows for are both necessary parts of the more advanced techniques.
In terms of generating more sexual energy, within The Foundation Practices you have the very effective Five Tibetans to use. Two additional techniques will also be presented in the sections entitled The Male Orgasm Practices and The Female Orgasm Practices. Also when two lovers are making love and they are well aligned to each other, their chakras interreact and vortices are created which draw in large amounts of energy from the universe. This is covered in more detail in the chapter entitled Advanced Sexual Practices level II.
However, it is also necessary for techniques which gather and generate sexual energy to be combined with measures to prevent the loss and drainage of sexual energy, otherwise it would be rather like turning on a faucet to fill a sink whilst neglecting to put a plug in. The main way that a man loses sexual energy is through ejaculation. The main way that a woman loses sexual energy is though her periods. Men therefore have to learn that orgasm and ejaculation are two separate physiological reflexes and that is perfectly possible to have even more intense and satisfying orgasms without ejaculation. Thereby enabling you to eventually stop ejaculation altogether. This is covered in more detail in the section The Male Orgasm Practices. Women need to learn how to reduce the energy loss from the period and eventually how to stop the period itself altogether (a reversible process). This is covered in the section The Female Orgasm Practices. It is possible however to merely reduce the frequency of ejaculation and the intensity and duration of the period and, by practicing the other techniques, still enjoy a tremendously improved sex life. Experiment with the techniques and see what suits you best.
Finally, it should be noted that it is because a high level of sexual energy is so fundamental to the human energetic system – and hence to awareness and meditation – that celibacy was originally and traditionally recommended to monks and advanced martial artists. What is important however is the conservation and the raising of the sexual energy, not the celibacy itself. Celibacy may be an option, but nowadays it is not a very viable nor a very attractive one, so it is worth realizing that it is not the only option if you are on an intense meditative or martial arts path.

Uber noober

Don Juan
May 9, 2005
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The chakras and sexual energy

Unless you are doing special practices practically all of the energy in your system will have been drawn in via the chakras covered here. Even if you are doing special practices the amount of energy drawn into your system via these chakras will be proportionately very significant. Once the energy is drawn in in this way it will then “fall” or “rise” within your energetic system until it comes to rest at a point within the body which corresponds to its “weight”, to its comparative energetic denseness and heaviness. The denser and the heavier which the energy that is drawn in is, the lower down in the torso will it come to settle at. The lighter and the less dense which the energy that is drawn in is, the higher up in the torso will it come to settle at. So the heaviest energies in your being will tend to gather at the genital level, whilst the lightest energies will tend to gather at the forehead level. As the energies gather at a particular area, they will build up in that area and so produce within you a compulsive force to behave in a way which corresponds to that area of the body e.g. to **** (genitals), to fight (solar plexus), to talk (throat), to seek to understand (forehead), etc. It is this which constitutes the primary way in which the chakras interreact with the physical body and also forms part of the way in which the chakras interrelate to each other.
When the energy is first drawn in and settles at a particular level it will still be very much in the same form in which it was drawn in. As time passes and it remains at that level in the body it will gradually solidify and so change in form to constitute the basic energy of that area of the body. As more time passes this basic energy will solidify even more. As the energy solidifies in this way it will also usually move ******ds from the core of the body (the central route) and form the physical body itself in that area. The lower down on the torso you go, the longer does this solidification process take; the higher up on the torso that you go, the faster does this solidification process occur. In terms of the genitals, the heaviest of the drawn-in energies will gather there, with time they will solidify to form your sexual energy, which in time will solidify to form / feed your sexual / reproductive organs, secretions, and, importantly in terms of sexual practice, your nerve endings in that area. As with the sexual organs, so too with all the other areas of the body.
Now, the important thing to realize is that as energy is drawn in through a chakra it will take on the basic nature of the way in which that chakra is held in you personally. And this basic nature will stay with that energy as it solidifies, solidifying and becoming less subtle and more physical-world real as the energy itself solidifies. Thereby this basic nature will be reflected in your actions (as well as in your ideas and emotions) which correspond to the level at which the energy has settled and solidified. So for example, let us say that the heaviest energies in your system have the qualities of judgementalness (Saturn chakra), aggressiveness (Mars chakra) and laziness (Venus chakra). These energies will then fall down to the bottom of your torso where they will begin to solidify and form your sexual energy, which will itself possess these qualities of judgementalness, aggressiveness and laziness. And so your attitudes to sex will reflect these qualities as will your actions with regards to sex, as will the way in which you have sex itself. So in this example you’d probably end up being very moralistic about sex, very hostile towards people whose sexual practices differ from your own, and not inclined to put any effort into understanding sex or improving your technique. In more practical terms, i.e. regarding physical actions, you would probably tend to be a very cold, aggressive, indifferently lazy lover who disapproves somewhat of their partner, is not inclined to consider their needs or desires, and will be very forceful and demanding with regards to the satisfaction of your own needs and desires. It is because the sexual energy is composed of the heaviest, densest energies within a person’s body in this way that sex has throughout the ages been the area of human activity most subject to morality, taboos and other forms of judgementalness – as a rule the energies drawn in through the Saturn chakra will normally tend to be amongst the heaviest within the body.
However, the more that you refine your chakric system – the greater the extent to which you balance your chakras and master their lessons – the lighter and the more refined will be the energies which are drawn in through the chakras. The energies will still settle at different levels within the body according to their weight, but because they are lighter they will be more movable, more interchangeable. It will be easier for you to redirect them to where you wish them to go and of themselves they will have less of a tendency to fixedly build-up in a certain area. Your whole energetic system will be more free-flowing and so you will have less fixed, compulsive forcefields within your system pushing you towards certain activities or modes of behaviour. In short, you will be a freer, lighter, more tranquil, more easygoing person. Further, because sexual energy which is lighter and more refined in this way is easier to move and consciously direct it will make all of the techniques presented in this book easier to perform. They will flow more naturally and you’ll be able to make them more powerful, and take them deeper, with greater ease.
The other big disadvantage of having large amounts of heavy energies within your energetic system (and practically everybody nowadays does have a large amount of heavy energy within their system), is that it will tend to block your chakras. This will prevent them from opening, closing, and spinning freely and from drawing in energy effectively. As a consequence your chakric system as a whole will be less able to draw in sufficient energy to feed your physical body and form your more physical energies. Yet you will still have all those compulsive forces within your energetic system pushing you towards particular types of external action, towards emoting in particular ways and towards thinking in particular ways. Now all of this must be fuelled somehow. And if it cannot be fuelled by means of sufficient energy being drawn in through the chakras then it will be fuelled by drawing on the internal energies of the body, the body’s reserves. In practice what this means is that the energies held within your internal organs, tissues, bones and muscles, the energies which give these things their strength, which constitute them, will be drawn upon. Thereby draining and de-energizing your physical body itself. And it is this which tires you and ages you. This effect is most marked with regards to sexual energy because it is the densest by nature and so takes more internal energy to be replaced. Also, it is the one energy which most people, due to unawareness, tend to allow to go to waste most indiscriminately.
So by refining and mastering your chakras you will have a more refined sexual energy and so more balanced, more masterful attitudes and approaches towards sex. Also you will find advanced sexual practices easier to perform, master and take deeper. And further, your energies will have less of a tendency to block, causing you to be freer and less compulsive and also to age more slowly. Internal mastery, you see, will affect not only your sexual practice and all areas of your life, but more as well.

Ill post more if anyone is interested.