[INFIELD VIDEO] How I Approached A 10 Set Of Girls So My Students Could Makeout With Them


Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
It was 10:15pm on a Saturday night during bootcamp, and my students were feeling the early jitters. Across from us, there was a table of about 10 people, but all my students was still too anxious to approach so early on, even for a warm-up set.

I told them to stay put and just watch me. As I prepared to demonstrate an approach, one of my students quickly pulled out his phone to record. So what you're about to see isn’t high-quality footage with professional audio; it’s just him capturing the moment on his iPhone.

Just pay attention to my body language, energy, and how I'm spreading my attention to each individual in the group. I'm charming the group before ever selecting a target. At certain points, you can even hear me from across the club so projection and tonality are important (you can see me talk about tonality on YouTube).

I walked up to the group of 10 girls and opened with, "Hey neighbor!" I found out it was one of the girl's birthdays, so I immediately spiked the energy by saying, "Happy 21st birthday!" Her friends cheered her on as I tried to pull the birthday girl over to my group, but she was a bit too shy.

However, since I had the group's approval and had already won them over, I brought one of my students into the conversation. He sat down, locked in, and got comfortable. Another student, now inspired by what he had just witnessed, walked over and introduced himself confidently.

By the end of the night, two of my students managed to lockin and get makeouts plus. Not bad for my very first demo set of the night.

Check out the full Infield Rampage video here:
