Indian Chick And Cultural Barriers


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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About a month ago I posted about this Indian chick I’ve been seeing. It seems to be picking up speed and all, but she is shy and conservative so it has been difficult getting to know her as well as I would like. She doesn’t open up and express feelings like most American girls would. How can I try to move things along and get deeper without being “culturally insensitive” or whatever and putting her in an awkward situation. I like her but I don’t feel like we communicate like we should. Any advice or tips?

I Love Girls!!

New Member
Oct 27, 2004
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Sure, just take some other girls out in the meantime. It doesn't have to be serious, just have fun and enjoy their company, and still take her out too of course. She'll come around, just give her time - and make sure to take other girls out too so you don't obsess over her.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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For anyone who has dated someone who is Indian or knows any, it just seems to me that they are different to approach, interact with, and date compared to Americans. I have never dated an Indian before and had never really thought about it until this, but they seem to have totally different ways for the most part. I'm just wondering how do chicks in India interact on this kind of level, dating and what not?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
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Hey wassup Ian? Im Indian myself and even though i haven't dated any women, this is what I noticed from many of the Indian women. There are two groups of Indian women: 1. FOB(Fresh of the Boat) women who are straight outta India and very new to the country. 2. American born Indians. With women that are in category 1, most of them are very shy/nervous around guys(moreso round non-Indians) and if you try to get your mack on with them, they'll think you are trying to rob them/rape them. However there are exceptions in that many see American guys on TV and want to date them.. However, do not invest too much cause outta nowhere, u may find out that your woman ended up gettin an arranged marraige with some guy back in India. As for group 2, the girls are straight up hoes. Many of them will sleep around in college with non-Indian guys and then end up marrying an Indian guy who her parents have picked for her. In addition, if you want a LTR with the Indian girls(from both groups), in general be prepared to be making at minimum of 60,000 a year or year and to at least have a college degree from a prestigious university. If u dont have those, you can forget it with them. Don't get me wrong, there are exceptions but this is in general. Good luck playa and let me know how it goes.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 29, 2004
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Hey wassup Ian? Im Indian myself and even though i haven't dated any women, this is what I noticed from many of the Indian women. There are two groups of Indian women: 1. FOB(Fresh of the Boat) women who are straight outta India and very new to the country. 2. American born Indians. With women that are in category 1, most of them are very shy/nervous around guys(moreso round non-Indians) and if you try to get your mack on with them, they'll think you are trying to rob them/rape them. However there are exceptions in that many see American guys on TV and want to date them.. However, do not invest too much cause outta nowhere, u may find out that your woman ended up gettin an arranged marraige with some guy back in India. As for group 2, the girls are straight up hoes. Many of them will sleep around in college with non-Indian guys and then end up marrying an Indian guy who her parents have picked for her. IAs a result, do not emotionally invest too much In addition, if you want a LTR with the Indian girls(from both groups), in general be prepared to be making at minimum of 60,000 a year or year and to at least have a college degree from a prestigious university. If u dont have those, you can forget it with them. Don't get me wrong, there are exceptions but this is in general. Good luck playa and let me know how it goes.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
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I meant forget my reply.

I was gonna say that this may not be an 'iNdian' thing. I've met very shy american girls too, it just might be in her personality, something you can either do nothing about or try talking. But be prepared, indian girls generally are prude and wont give it up easy.

I'm part indian and have lived in india.

Things may tilt in your favor if you invest in a bottle of everclear or some weed, but that depends on your definition of date rape.:D


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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Thanks for the replies. One thing I should have noted in my original message about her, she is not Hindu, but a Sikh, however, she's not really fundamentalist about it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
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you get some indian girls who are into their culture or whatever. forget her and move on coz their parents have brought them up like that.

as for the other indian girls, seriously most of them are hot sluts. i went out with one when i was a youngn and trust me she was up for anything.

damn tho indian girls are hot.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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She's not totally into her culture, she also likes American culture alot and she does seem to hold all of the traditional values (though some) of her native culture.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
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Originally posted by DonJuanQuixote
I meant forget my reply.

But be prepared, indian girls generally are prude and wont give it up easy.

That would be an understatement.

In my experience over the last few days, talking to indian women has been like trying to pry a oyster shell open.

If every other girl is open and forward, she has about ten percent of the receptivity esp when its another guy who wants to get to get to know her ( but if its a family friend, she all chatty and open ) of course, this is a general statement and doesn't necessary mean the all end of it.

I think it could be an 'indian" thing at least in the initial phases of it but I will let you know one day when I find one indian women who is as receptive as her brethen peace.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2003
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yeah indian chicks are hot, but very hard to understand. one day she might be all over you and the next day act like she dont know you. this has been my general experience....
however i've recently met some indian chicks that i hope are not like that, but we'll see..... actually the past several days have been filled with me meeting brown chicks, so hopefully something will come out of this, but i do have a tendency to mess things up, dont know how :( although it might be more of the chicks fault and their moodiness than mine....