I feel like I'm starting to post this over and over in different threads...
Most attractive, interesting, intelligent, beautiful women are already in solid relationships.
You guys are all misleading yourselves to try and justify a pathetic lack of success.
There are plenty of extremely attractive girls out there. And by plenty, I'm talking in the
thousands. Tens of thousands if you're in a big city!! You really can't find one or two to play with every couple days?? Really?
I don't care how high your standards are, where you live, none of that sh!t matters. I live in a old-fart suburb of Chicago where everyone comes to settle down, is 40-50+, has small children, and is focused on their career. The % of <25 year olds here is like 8% and most of them attend the local high school! I would consider my standards extreme (I only go for specific heights, a very certain toned thigh look is important to me, 100% perfect white teeth is a 100% must, wide eye spacing... I even ignore girls with certain hair styles I dislike...) and even considering ALL of that information, there are still plenty of girls everywhere
even in my situation! You guys are seriously making excuses. Your continued lack of success will only grow worse if you don't accept this reality.
Also, why would you even post a NEW thread about this? Seriously??
Kind of rings to the idea of people mentioning that half the guys on here are keyboard jockeys with no real plates and spewing sh!t for advice.
Go get out of the house, if you spent less time on here maybe you'd run into some attractive women.
One of the best advice a
female ever gave me about game, and yeah, don't take advice from a female, whatever - but it was verbatim:
"Maybe you're just looking in all the wrong places."
Go somewhere new. Try a different gym if you don't like the girls at yours. Figure it out. *****ing on here isn't going to create a bunch of new vag for you to creep all over. So, case in point - Women are not scarce. Disagree. Ridiculous discussion IMO.
Old Spice said:
Just something to think about.
Instead of wasting your time thinking about something this incredibly lame, think of everything else you could be doing?