in need of some Advice


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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Canada Ontario
Hello, To begin this post I will introduce myself. My name is Rob, I'm 25 years old and I have a difficult situation I am attempting to solve. Any advice and best way to fix this situation I have would be greatly appreciated.

Like most stories I've gone through, this one is about a women in particular. I've known her for over a year now, we've always been good friends. Last month I asked her out. Now, she did not quit give me a definate answer, however, she is giving somesort of signs that I am unable to figure out that hopefully someone out there can.

I do know that I am a little too attached to this women and I must back off a bit, but how do I do this now that I'm in a routine? She works alone in a sub shop at night until midnight, she always calls me when working these shifts at around 10pm, asking if I could go pick her up and keep her company, I love to go because I get to spend some time with her, but I do want to distance myself a bit to try and give her more of a challege.

another thing that I've been doing because she likes it is massaging her feet, either alone watching a movie, or at a friends house watching a movie. I even sleep in the same bed as her and have my hand on her foot or leg all night long. She always seems to have her feet on my "hip" area, I don't know if it's just accidental or on purpose.

Another problem would be, I don't argue, and thats one of the only things I could think of on how to be somewhat of a challenge, or jerk, or complain. But I don't argue or complain. I never have anything to argue or complain about to her, do I just try and find anything? or would I say or do something to her?

I believe she does have somesort of "feelings" for me, however I must admit that I am a bit "whipped" and I do try to please her anyway I can to show her how I feel about her. I dont know how much to distance myself because I completely loose her. Since I've never had serious relationships and I do want one, since my partying days are nearly over I want to be able to show her that I am I can be responsible, maybe she's just not ready for it?

Now to explain a bit more, when I did finally ask her to go out with me she was speachless, and has yet to give me a sure answer, however she seems to be allowing herself to get closer to me. it's been over a month now that she's not given me that answer. whenever a friend of ours speaks to her about me asking her out, and I'm not around, she talks about it, however when I'm there she gets incredibly quiet and goes into deep thought, I don't know if it's because she is still unsure, or because she would want to wait a bit longer, or if she's just not interested at all. She in turn is also a shy person.

Making her uncomfortable is the last thing I want her to be, should I just ignore the fact that she gets uncomfortable and just flirt with her?

We do flirt, quit often, she usually starts tickling or hitting me when sitting next to her, and I in turn return the favor. massaging her feet, or laying my hand on the lower part of her leg, or on her thigh a few times.

As women, would you allow a "friend" of the opposite sex to sleep in the same bed as you if you did not find them somewhat attractive or have somesort of feelings for them? or would you call on someone of the opposite sex that you knew had some feelings for you to come keep you "company" while your working a night shift and you have nothing left to do? how about if you didn't think you were ready to date anyone, would you still want to have someone around that you know feels something for you to always be around?

I am usually someone who can read body language, and people in general and know what they're thinking or why they're doing something in particular. However I am unable to read this women of my dreams, maybe it's a good thing, and thats what's keeping me around, should I distance myself? when she calls me from home to go over and spend some time with her, should I refuse and let her think as to why I would be refusing her now?

Can anyone out there help this lost and confused Man? Thanks in advance for any advice...


Don Juan
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
You were on the same bed and nothing happened? I'm disqualifying you from being a man.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
There are not very many women on these boards, so why did you ask "As women, would you....." ?

Anyways, you're in the friends zone. It's taking her a month to give you an answer!!??? Wake up, man!!! If she were truly interested in you, in that way, she would have made her interest known to you. Also, she wouldn't need a month to figure this out. My feelings are that she's dodging the issue because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings and she also wants to keep you on her rope.

You're whipped but you're not even getting any sex from her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Date a different girl and see if there is a spark of jealousy. Be subtle. When she thinks of you with someone else, her feelings about you may change.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
HOLD UP!!! This just happened to me almost same exact scenario!!! (and the reason i looked for and joined this site...) YOU ARE BEING WAY TO MUCH OF A NICE GUY!!!

please tell me u didn't say you liked her... drop the massages, stop going to visit her... stop all that afc bullsh**!!! The girl i was seeing was always flirting and we made some serious eye contact- all sorts of great signs of interest but... it didnt work out. she came up 2 visit me at school, we start watching a movie in my bed im doing kino and all that good stuff but no sex. instead she says "do u like me?"- cause i was an idiot i said "yes of course i do" long story short, thought i had her in the bag, i was an afc like you, was nice and all that sh**, then she drops me like a bad habit... DO NOT BE AN AFC!!!!! read the dj bible and the tips on how to be a challenge and an alpha male. u'll figure out what 2 do. Make sure shes not the only girl youre seeing!!! for my sake read those articles!!!!!!!!!!!! do not make the same mistake as me