In need of advice about a girl.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
I,'m 16 years old, i'm brazilian, and i live in Brazil, so forgive me if i say something wrong in english.

To the drama now: In the start of the year, in my school, i met a hot 9 blonde girl but she had a boyfriend. The boyfriend is ugly as hell, girls says he is a 3.
We became friends cuz she had hot girl friends.
But one week later a friend of mine want to make a bet with me, he said he would give me a xbox 360 if i could take her for me.He gave me 5 months.
Her boyfriend was travelling, so they were in a long distance relationship and he would return in 6 months. I became her best friend and we starting hanging out. In 2 months she was in love with me and we had sex, but she didnt broke up with her boyfriend, yes she was a cheater.
Them she was so sad after we had sex, and she told her boyfriend, and he start crying and telling her what they all have been through, that he wanted to marry her and they were togueter for 2 years.


She came back to him. She told me she missed me but we could not be friends cuz he was the man of her life and to have him back she needed to forgot about me.
She told me i did nothing wrong, the sex with me was way better them with him so that wasnt the problem.

The fact is that i was loving her too, and i see her everyday in the class, but we dont talk since april.

I know that there are others girls out there, i didnt stop playing around, but i want to be with her again, even as a friend.

My friends call me a PUA, specially for my age, i mean, i'm 16( i look like 19) and hit 25 years old chicks. But i know that i got a lot to learn yet. I really apreciate any advice or help u guys could give me.


New Member
Sep 12, 2011
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Sydney, NSW, Australia
Indeed, you've got a lot to learn. You see, that feeling of wishing to be with her is not gonna take you anywhere. Sort of AFC frame. OK, even though this girl is really hot, and probably there are very few like her there, you still need to maintain a needyness-free attitude. Although it's very unlikely to get her as a stable girlfriend, you still can enjoy a fckbudy relationship from time to time. Carry on gaming girls at school as usual with the new value you've got from this HB9, as if nothing happened and, most importantly, have fun while doing it.

One more thing, this girl is a cheater. She is aware of her beauty and that gives her the apparent right to decide who she is sleeping with. In the hypothetical scenario of you two starting a relationship, unless you develop a solid game, she will surely cheat on you with the first alpha-like dude in the neighbourhood. Keep visiting the forum.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2010
Reaction score
So you basically ruined a guy's relationship with what could be the girl of his dreams for an XBOX 360? You turned a girl who would've been faithful to her man into a cheater for a video game console? Mate, there's a lot you need to learn.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
TheJazz said:
So you basically ruined a guy's relationship with what could be the girl of his dreams for an XBOX 360? You turned a girl who would've been faithful to her man into a cheater for a video game console? Mate, there's a lot you need to learn.
No bro, i didint tried to get her just for a xbox 360, i was liking her too, i mean, in the start i was there just because of my selfishness, but when we became friends i started to really like her, and we became real friends, and i was giving up on the bet, but she told me she loved me and blah blah, so i fought for her, and grabbed what i wanted, but she a woman that just dont know what she wants, so she came back to her boyfriend cuz they were togueter for 2 years.
She is important for me, i want her at least as a friend. She said to me later that she really liked me and want to be my friend but she could not talk to me anymore cuz that was the only "term of condition" that her boyfriend gave her to accept her back.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
johno said:
Indeed, you've got a lot to learn. You see, that feeling of wishing to be with her is not gonna take you anywhere. Sort of AFC frame. OK, even though this girl is really hot, and probably there are very few like her there, you still need to maintain a needyness-free attitude. Although it's very unlikely to get her as a stable girlfriend, you still can enjoy a fckbudy relationship from time to time. Carry on gaming girls at school as usual with the new value you've got from this HB9, as if nothing happened and, most importantly, have fun while doing it.

One more thing, this girl is a cheater. She is aware of her beauty and that gives her the apparent right to decide who she is sleeping with. In the hypothetical scenario of you two starting a relationship, unless you develop a solid game, she will surely cheat on you with the first alpha-like dude in the neighbourhood. Keep visiting the forum.
I agree with almost everything u said, i dont consider my self as a PUA, i know my road is just at the beggining, and i'm gonna to work out that "needyness-free attitude", thanks for the help. But what i really want to know is what i gotta do to take her back as a friend. I know i'm young and maybe that's just a waste of time to try to get her back, but i thing that every expirience will help me in the future.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Go find another girl to fall in love with. There's nothing else that you can do as far as I can see.

The only reason why you want THIS one is because you believe that there are only very few girls who you can fall in love with. This is whats called "scarcity mindset". Which is not true at all! Don't believe what Hollywood tells you, there are thousands of girls whom you can have a relationship with. In pick up you must have an abundance mindset.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
n00bPimp said:
Go find another girl to fall in love with. There's nothing else that you can do as far as I can see.

The only reason why you want THIS one is because you believe that there are only very few girls who you can fall in love with. This is whats called "scarcity mindset". Which is not true at all! Don't believe what Hollywood tells you, there are thousands of girls whom you can have a relationship with. In pick up you must have an abundance mindset.
nice advice i will keep that in mind


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
n00bPimp said:
Go find another girl to fall in love with. There's nothing else that you can do as far as I can see.

The only reason why you want THIS one is because you believe that there are only very few girls who you can fall in love with. This is whats called "scarcity mindset". Which is not true at all! Don't believe what Hollywood tells you, there are thousands of girls whom you can have a relationship with. In pick up you must have an abundance mindset.
Good advice, thanks

CJ 101

Don Juan
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago, Il
Start focusing on other girls, there are billions of females out there and your main focus should be hooking up with as many of them as you can, you're still young and you still have alot to learn. At the end of it all SEDUCTION ISN'T ABOUT YOUR EMOTIONS, IT'S ABOUT STRATEGY, THE GUY WHO LET'S HIS EMOTIONS CONTROL HIM GET'S PLAYED AND USED......... WHEREAS THE GUY WHO KNOW'S THAT THERE ARE COUNTLESS FEMALES OUT THERE AND HAS A FIRM STRATEGY ON GOING ABOUT TO GET THEM WILL ALWAYS WIN.