Important- Write this down...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
I have a fortune cookie fortune which I carry around in my wallet. It's the only one that I actually found to be very good, ever. It says "Wisdom is difficult to impart verbally; it must be demonstrated."

DJism is wisdom. Pure and simple. The better a DJ is, the wiser that person is towards the universe.

But when you just try to rehearse yourself to be able to impart your wisdom verbally, it is very difficult, and it is being dishonest to yourself because, let's face it, deep inside you know your not the shiznit... YET.

So instead of rehearsing the Part of the DJ and making it more difficult on yourself, become the DJ.

Start working out. Quit overeating. Quit watching too much tv. Quit sitting on your ass doing jack s h i t. Do something with your life. Get a job. Project your goals for the future. Becoma a DJ, not a DJ impersonator.Live for what you are working on becoming. Set goals, and reach them, and then set higher goals. Become wise. Become a DJ. Project what you will be 10 years from now. If you don't like it, do something to change that projection.

You will only live once, and a lot of you are already well into that life (I'm fortunate to still be young with unlimited possibilities) But it is never too late to begin on your quest to bettterment. Every second wasted is a second lost.

"Wisdom is difficult to impart verbally; it must be demonstrated."

That sentence encompasses all of the above for me.

Write it down and put it in your wallet. Begin to live your life as you have always been planning on living it.

I have to get going in a little bit because I have a busy day tommorow. In fact I have a busy week ahead of me where I plan to accomplish a lot. It will be tough considering I have to go to school for 40 hours and work another 25 hours, but I know I will be successfull.

If the ilya of four months ago would see the ilya of today he wouldn't believe it. And then the ilya of today would punch him in the face for not making these changes sooner.

In the past three months I have totally restructured my life. I have started working out heavily (but intelligently). I have started eating healthy. I have stopped getting wasted on the weekends and doing nothing on the weekdays. I have went from 3+ hours of tv watching per day to zero. I got myself a great job, and instead of wasting my money I have actually started a savings account.

And you know what?- I no longer need to act the part. I am living it.

And any of you can do the same.

All I did was begin to live my life for my goals. It is a simple philosophy but it is one that works great.

"Wisdom is difficult to impart verbally; it must be demonstrated."


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2002
Reaction score
Great motivatonal post

Way to go bro.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
ironic how the fortune cookie claims it can't impart wisdom with words, but claims this using words....
seems like a paradox to me :eek:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2002
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
Originally posted by seloifter
ironic how the fortune cookie claims it can't impart wisdom with words, but claims this using words....
seems like a paradox to me :eek: you want them to put a midget in the fortune cookie or something?! :p