Importance of giving her number.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
El Stud posted a valid point in his other post when he said what is the point of giving her number.

i thought well i dont have enough info as to what is a womans assumed perspective when she gives out her number.

and in speaking to some of the girls at my work over lunch.
they say:

When a woman gives out her number, she is ready to establish another relationship in her life. as in maybe friends or more.
to a woman, relationships (friends, girlfriends, family, bf husband etc) is most important. and when she gives her number out she is ready to add to that.

apparantly this adding to her list of relationships is very important to girls.

scientifically there is proof that humans can make many acquantances but only a certain number of allocated deep relationships. if someone is dropped from this number, then we go out and have an urge to fill that up with someone with similar potential.


that conversation could be some bullsh!t and my orginal concept of women give you numbers toget true..

which one? any thoughts?


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
I think that if a woman gives you her number,and it's her real number,then obviously you made some kind of impact on her. Whether it be romantic or just friendship,she apparently enjoyed your conversation enough to the point that she wanted to keep in contact with you. I disagree with Elstud. I read his thread,but I didn't reply. People have been trying to help him almost everyday for the past 2 months,but all he does is argue and make up reasons to keep doing the same things getting the same results over and over again. I refuse to waste my posts on people who (by their choice) will not be helped. He asked what's the point of getting a girl's number. Well,what does he think it is? It's to call her.
If you're romantically interested in her,then it's to call to set up a date.
If you just want to be friends with her,then it's just to talk or to get together and hang out. Seems pretty simple to me.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
I manage to get a girl's number. I find that part not that hard. It's just trying to escalate the relationship that I find difficult (see thread

I always end up being friends with the girl, even if I do manage to set up a date. I screw up somewhere. Whatever though. I'll learn through experience and take your long they aren't obvious like "GROW SOME BALLS!" hahaha....balls I got...when or not they grow is a different story eh?