I'm through with HS chicks and their bull


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tonight was our winter formal, and honestly, I'm disappointed. I'm not mad, like at previous dances, because those times, the only person I would have to blame is myself.
I tried tonight, and I had an alright time, even if I didn't dance with very many chicks. And I realized that your "game" means little when you are in high school. What really matters is how popular chicks think you are. And seeing that popularity is worthless anyplace other than high school, I'm going to put my effort into clubbing and picking up chicks.

The way I see it is; why waste time with chicks who are so concerned with popularity that they are willing to lower the priority of attraction?

I am posting this to remind me that this is a turning point for me, and if anyone else has made this transition from the halls to the clubs; if you have any advice, speak up.

But other than that I want to tell anyone in high school that your game matters, but theres only so much that it can do for you.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
My point is that this is exactly the reason why there is a DJ discussion forum and a HS forum, and I want to make the switch. HS is like a game where the best player doesn't always win.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
I don't think hes talking about using routines and gimmicks.

Most people here use direct natural game anyways. Very few used canned openers and the like.

Check out my post here, I talked about the same thing, how the chill guys with game don't get girls either...and even some of the popular guys too:


Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
You just don't have game, no need to blame the environment.

Before I even continue, if you are going to parties and dancing as a way to pickup then you aren't actually picking up. Dance floor game is just a little tool it isn't actual game.

The whole popularity stuff is BS, it's just a way to show who has the most social value in the school. You don't actually have to be part of the popular kids. Search my old posts back when I was in H.S (Everything Before Jul 07)

I wasn't a popular kid but I did have High Social Value...I'd consider it celeb status. I didn't hang with the so called "popular kids".

The way I got chicks was from learning to sarge. I'd approach chicks and hang with chicks. If I wasn't with a girl then I was with my friends. Even with my friends I was generally with girls.

- I made 2 chicks my body guard and would walk arm in arm with them everywhere in the hallway. (This social proof pushed my value through the roof)
- I made 1 chick my wife (I married her in my art class, broke up with her, and used Wife as call back humor)
- Did a lot of Short Set Method

These 3 things alone made chicks intimidated by me and at the same time wondering who the heck I was because I was never one of the popular kids but I was always flirting with chicks, teachers, security, etc.

Game, in high school is WAYYYYYY easier than outside of high school. All you need to do is naturally screen and if you assume High Value, then you'll be getting laid like crazy. (This is assuming your leading, and escalating) I actually wish I had one more year in High School because I would've laid all the hottest TEACHERS and the hottest chicks.

The thing about this popularity BS is that your assuming they have higher value than you and so you act accordingly. If you think they have higher value than you, then your surely not going to get with them.

In my school I never really thought about all that popularity BS, I just saw girls I liked and I approached, I had my social circle and I just acted how I wanted too.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Snow Plowman said:
You just don't have game, no need to blame the environment.
What a great way to get me to listen to your post.

Anyways, I'm not talking about techniques or methods or any of those other things I would call basic human interaction. I read The Game and it shows exactly the person you will become if you try to learn by reading thousands of posts and memorizing all these things, which sounds like you.

If that is what kind of game you're saying I don't have, thats alright; I don't want it.

And laying the hottest teachers? I'm sorry, did I miss something?

But back on the subject, I'm starting to think the girls at my school like attention better than fvcking.

L&C, thanks for that post. I'm glad to see someone else realizes that you can be a cool guy, but still not get the girls.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Snow Plowman said:
You just don't have game, no need to blame the environment.
You don't know me, or anyone else in this thread.

Snow Plowman said:
Before I even continue, if you are going to parties and dancing as a way to pickup then you aren't actually picking up. Dance floor game is just a little tool it isn't actual game.
Word? If you have enough confidence, if you can dance well and not back down when things get heated up, the "dance floor" is more than just a "little tool."

Snow Plowman said:
The whole popularity stuff is BS, it's just a way to show who has the most social value in the school. You don't actually have to be part of the popular kids. Search my old posts back when I was in H.S (Everything Before Jul 07)
Yeah, of course you don't have to be popular through high school. You won't get the hottest chicks though, if you are fine with that.

Snow Plowman said:
The way I got chicks was from learning to sarge. I'd approach chicks and hang with chicks. If I wasn't with a girl then I was with my friends. Even with my friends I was generally with girls.
Ideally, this would work. At mall pickups, at party pickups, at club pickups, this works. In high school, at least as of 2008, if you aren't either in a girl's social circle or in a circle more popular than her then you won't get any from her. OR you have to be in a higher grade than her. There are of course exceptions but they are few and far between. Really, why would a HS girl leave her comfort zone to let some other guy she doesn't know so well talk to her, when she can put out to guys who are actually IN her circle? Also, if all those guys in her circle are AFCs, she will just date a guy outside the school or she will just get fvcked by an older guy. If she's a senior, she'll bang a college guy.

This is how high school works.

Snow Plowman said:
The thing about this popularity BS is that your assuming they have higher value than you and so you act accordingly. If you think they have higher value than you, then your surely not going to get with them.

In my school I never really thought about all that popularity BS, I just saw girls I liked and I approached, I had my social circle and I just acted how I wanted too.
I've actually got a mad superiority complex. I don't talk to girls at my school because I feel superior to the scum of my school. I never assume that anyone even celebrities are of higher value than me. If anything, I assume the opposite. Its just that high school girls see a guy hitting on her who isn't in her circle or a more popular circle as an AFC, no matter how tight his game is. She will assume he is of lower value.

Plus, why date a guy who isn't popular? Girls LOVE the attention, as zubs said. Girls love sex. Girls love attention even more. A girl dating a guy outside her circle but INSIDE her school who isn't extremely popular will lose her "precious" social value. Its a downward step.

Do you really KNOW why most guys who had a rough time in high school say that college is SO much better? Because in college, they don't have to deal with as much of all that shyt with high school girls. Many guys I know who have never even made out with a girl in high school now get a TON of play in college. I hope the same works for me.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
zubs said:
What a great way to get me to listen to your post.

Anyways, I'm not talking about techniques or methods or any of those other things I would call basic human interaction. I read The Game and it shows exactly the person you will become if you try to learn by reading thousands of posts and memorizing all these things, which sounds like you.

If that is what kind of game you're saying I don't have, thats alright; I don't want it.

And laying the hottest teachers? I'm sorry, did I miss something?

But back on the subject, I'm starting to think the girls at my school like attention better than fvcking.

L&C, thanks for that post. I'm glad to see someone else realizes that you can be a cool guy, but still not get the girls.

I'm not telling you to go learn some harry potter tricks and entertain women. When I say game I'm talking about conveying your personality. In no way shape or form did I say go learn some tactics or methods and go tear it up. (Even though you'd get more results doing that than what your getting now)

Basically I'm saying in high school so longs you have high social value, then chicks will be attracted and you'll be pulling chicks. The whole Popularity BS is just an excuse and it still means your caught up in AFC land.

Popular kids are popular because they have high social value and they act accordingly. If your not getting any attention then these chicks don't think of you as high value. Social Value is what makes women seek your validation, if you don't have high social value then there is no reason for a chick to focus her attention on you.

Dancing with chicks is basically giving her validation, so just going around grinding on chicks is a waste if your trying to get women. If you want chicks you gotta actually pull them off the dance floor or approach them off the dance floor and just use the dance floor to escalate things later on.

Everyone always complains that there country, state, town, specific chicks, etc is what is causing them to not get any results. The real problem is the person. If your not getting chicks it's your fault and you have to work on it. The question is are you willing to work on it.

This stuff don't happen over night, and debunking techniques and methods is a bad start. Techniques are tools and examples of what an attractive man would do. Methods is just a reference point of going from point A to point B.

If you want chicks then start offering value, do short set method, which basically you go up to a group of chicks offer some value for about a minute and then move on to the next group. By that time you'll have met the whole room and you can always go back in any set you want. That is how I was able to get the chicks I wanted in high school.

High School is by far the easiest place to sarge because these chicks are seeing you everyday and so they will chase the shining thing everyday and all there friends will fiend. Eventually every chick will see all the chicks going for you and you will attract even more. You can basically hand pick which chicks you want to fuk.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Look, I don’t want this to turn into a debate, if we can be open to listening and give constructive advice maybe someone can learn something new on this forum (which so rarely happens)

I’m so tired of my HS because the only time people fvck is at parties or with their girlfriends. I hated the dance mostly because of the DJ (who played songs that were on the charts a couple years ago), but also because all the chicks were taken (well, it was a couples dance and I went stag).

The only part I liked about the dance was dancing with this chick who was into me.
She was a tall blond with a beautiful face and excellent figure. I had seen her in the halls before, and she would always look at me and smile whenever I saw her. I hadn’t approached her before the dance, where I saw her getting a drink. I said “you wanna dance?”, she said sure and grabbed my hand and led me into the heat of the dancefloor. We danced for a few songs (which I know was a sign of interest) and I would peck kiss her shoulders and rub my fingers over her back.

After the fourth song she said something like “sorry I promised I would dance with him” (a guy who had just come up to her). Which I was cool with, I’d just dance with her later. Only I didn’t even see her for the rest of the dance (probably because it was so dark).

I probably wasn’t assertive enough when I was dancing with her and I should have kissed her neck or something to initiate making out, which I am banging my head against the wall for not doing.

Somewhat off subject, but does SP or anyone, do you have any advice on what I should say to her tomorrow when I see her? (considering the only times I spoke to her was to ask her to dance, and to say “you’re fun!”)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
High School game can be terribly frustrating at times...especially with girls that aren't in your social circle. I'm a junior...shouldn't freshmen be easy to lay?!?!


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Wherever I please
zubs said:
Somewhat off subject, but does SP or anyone, do you have any advice on what I should say to her tomorrow when I see her? (considering the only times I spoke to her was to ask her to dance, and to say “you’re fun!”)

Be a ****y bastard

Tell her she missed out on a fun time

oh and sandman

yeah they should be

I have at least a handful


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
that would work if she had promised to dance w/ me later.

besides im looking for a way to set up a date with a girl who has interest but youve never talked to (without it being insanely awkward, as the situation is already)


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
It IS all about your game... I started learning all of this in high school. The outcome was I became more popular and fvcked most the girls I wanted to. Honestly, I never went to one dance in high school. I didn't care for it. You are just having a bad attitude over one night.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
People are misenturpreting what 'game' is. Sure someones 'game' can be all routines and canned lines, but that's just one aproach. Ever heard of natural game? 'Game' is basically just social skills. If you have good social skills and go out lots you will be popular.

I wasn't a popular kid but I did have High Social Value...I'd consider it celeb status. I didn't hang with the so called "popular kids".
High social value = popularity.

Just focus on becoming likeable and outgoing and making friends out of everyone. Chicks will follow.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
sandman6991 said:
High School game can be terribly frustrating at times...especially with girls that aren't in your social circle. I'm a junior...shouldn't freshmen be easy to lay?!?!
Yes sandman, go for it!

1.) Don't back down
2.) Be confident...these freshmen are easy targets, they look up to you as a junior!
3.) Approach, approach approach

Good luck. :rockon:


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
Its true popularity is all in HS... im a sophomore and well if someone sees some guy sarging girls out of nowhere (cough elstud cough) and having no friends.. well he has zero chance..

Now if you wanna go tease some girls with a couple friends thats cool (and imo one of the funnest things ever lol)

On HS dances you might have a chance at the dancefloor...

I dont really know its kinda different where i live, everyone knows everyone sort off.. so the "popular kids" are actually a bunch of popular kids that got kicked out of different schools and hang out together.. so most of the parties are with kids from different schools etc.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The thing is, we will never know the answer to what HS chicks are looking for in us. Hell, they dont even know what theyre looking for, so they ask their friends.

And this is why sarging will never work on them. There too insecure about themselves that they worry "what do my friends think about this guy?" and "they wont like me if I hook up with him". Im talking about social circles, and if you are outside of her circle, good luck finding a fvck.

Now someones interested in me, and I dont know if I even want to wade through the sh!t that chicks put us through, and then find out that shes lost interest. Why would anyone come to this site, then want to revert back to the idiot they once were.

I usually wing it with convo and im a pretty smooth talker, but ive never had a really hot girl come on to me without even meeting me. I dont even know how to handle a girl who has interest that ive never even spoken to.

Tommorrow ill approach her before my last class (which is apparently next to hers), but i dont know the best way to raise her interest in me and get that number, all without seeming desperate.

Got any advice?