I'M SUCH AN IDIOT - Please, help me anyways!

> Gucci Boy

Don Juan
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
Yesterday our school gave a huge party at a fly club! Everything was straight: I was drinkin', I was flirtin', I was talkin' with a lot of girls... BUT I didn't have the guts to talk to my dreamgirl, even tho she was smilin' at me more than once!!!

She's not the most famous girl in our school, but she is exactly what I'm lookin' for. Her body, her smile, her style... you know what I'm talkin' about!

I know that I should have talked to her last night (> I would be the most happiest man now), but I didn't and now the big question is:


We have no classes together and I always see her with other people, that's why it seems pretty difficult to me to make a move on her!

Do you think I should just walk up to her, regardless if there are other peeps around, and say: "Hey, what's your name! You're on my mind for a long time now and I would like to get to know you!" Or should I wait until she's alone?

Besides that, I'm still worried about the fact that I only see her in school and that I have to approach her there... do you think it's possible that she's in a different state of mind in school and that she might say "no" to me even tho she liked me last night!? Or do these feelings last?

Please, hook me up with your opinion and suggestions! THANX!


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by > Gucci Boy
"Hey, what's your name! You're on my mind for a long time now and I would like to get to know you!"

Say that if you want to loose ALL your challenge with her!!

I never post in the high school board, but thought I would drop by to help some of you younger boys.

You have to see her alone sometimes, no? Try approach her when she is alone. If not, make sure the moment is right, u know what I mean. When her group of friends and her dont look cosy, like you are disrupting them. This might embarass her and she might turn u down that way. Next time u walk past her, just smile. Next time, say hi. Next time, start small talk. Next time, number close.

Good luck champ!!

Salacious D

Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
Strawberry Fields
She's not going to be with someone else every second of every day. My school is pretty small, so I don't have these types of problems, however I know most of the girls I'm interested in, which is actually quite the problem in itself. Wait to see where the winds take you, bless not the day until the sun sets. You'll get another chance, don't say it's over until you're driving to college. You had a chance, doesn't that show you that it's possible to talk to this girl? You could of done it, you chickened out, now you want to do it even more. Next chance you get, if your resolve remains, you won't screw it up. That doesn't mean she'll go for you, it only means, at the very least, you'll go for her. Better than giving up because of one little mistake. You'll get another chance, and you know, even if you chicken out then, I'll guarantee that sooner or later you'll get another afterward.

Let me give you an example of something unexpected happening ("see where the winds take you"). Yesterday, at lunch, I sat with a small group of damn good friends. I usually get to the table first, so I tried to set it up so I'd be sitting next to a girl I'm interested in. I've known her for awhile, she's known me, but we're not good friends. She gets there second, she sits right next to me. As we go through lunch she explains to me, and others, about her personal bubble of space, its limits, how I'm not to go inside it at all. Needless to say, it's kind of the last thing you want to hear a girl tell you, right?--essentially, don't touch me. A few minutes later, conversational topic has changed, and I'm keeping a "Sexual Harrasment Log," something suggested by our femme nazi health teacher the year before. One of its entries read "[fat, stupid girl's] nipples glared at me and looked shifty today." The girl I'm into wanted to write something on it, what I don't know, but I initiated a conservative game of keep away, and, whaddya know, kino. I pointed it out to her--"you told me not to touch you, but you're touching me!"

I'm really not too great at the kino thing, I've been trying to get better at it. This was a chance, and I went for it. While it was happening, I was thinking to myself "hey, keep away, kino, don juans, it's working!" I just went with it, I went with the wind. It was a breakthrough, for me, and for prospects of me being with her. I mean, I've hardly ever touched this girl for the whole time I've known her, she's hardly touched me. Maybe, on monday, she'll sit next to me again, maybe we'll do some more kino. Almost every weekday from now to the middle of june I'll have a chance to improve my skills, and to get closer to this girl. Maybe I'll call her, say "wanna do something?" and maybe, she'll accept.

It's all about chance. You will get another, like me, probably when you don't expect it, like me, and maybe, through a combination of more luck and more resolve, you'll have some measure of success, like me. Don't worry about it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
please jsut approach her, dont worry, try and get her on her own, parties are good, but if not just dont worry, start talkin to her (and her friends, if she is with them)

> Gucci Boy

Don Juan
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
@ CLOONEY: Thanx for your help! I think I got your point! I still don't really know WHAT I should say to her (or other girls) when I approach her! Do you have a good advice or a smart link for me?

@ Salacious D + JSH: Thanx fellas! I guess I gotta keep tryin' and make my move as soon as the situation is right!


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2003
Reaction score
Dont worry about making the move and dont worry about what you are gonna say, because Ive found out that usually makes it harder to do. I would just get her off my mind and if you did happen to see her alone, just go up to her and talk. Easier said than done though. But ya, try not to thinka bout it too much. It makes approaching a hell of a lot easier


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
As Fezz says do not think about it, then you begin to over analyse, next time you see her just go for it, after all, the sooner you try it, the less stupid you will feel if it works and the less devastated you will be if it doesnt come to what you wanted it to.(But remember if nothing else, you can come out of it with a new friend).