oxford comma said:
hmmm that was very interesting mr.someoneelse. So you are saying I am going in for the kill too soon? Instead of just texting them with a meet up invitation, i should actually have a few random conversations first? I honestly never thought of that because all ive read on here is to NOT have conversations via text. I don't like the idea of waiting around for a few days to start a new text though, I feel like if i get a phone number I should not wait around to invite the girl to do something. I'll try your method out though, it does make sense to me since, to girls, texting is the same thing as talking nowadays.
Yes that's exactly what i'm saying.
For the older crowd, 30+, i'd say calling immediately is fine.
But if you're hitting up girls 18 - 30 then text. Texting is crack to girls, even though they suck at it, and they're not very interesting most the time.
I'm not saying wait a couple days after you get the number.
I text once i get her number to make sure I have it, and do a quick 'what's up' -> 'interesting story/thought' -> 'fluff' -> end the convo
Then start it up later that night if you got her number in the morning or start it up the next day randomly, with this you can drop in some ways to DHV when she asks what you're doing ('just heading home from the gym, Just saved a small child from a burning building, say something interesting not 'nm u'), and you can also give a flirty comment when she says what she's up to; text game, you know the deal.
After that conversation ^ I give her a day or two randomly where I don't text. Then I come back in with a 'hey dork' or whatever, back with my playful banter.
I don't mention anything about meeting up in the first couple conversations unless it comes naturally. Main reason is because I want her to think i'm testing her with my conversations, i'm poking around and seeing if I like the way she talks/responds and she knows this.
After this is done I escalate with more banter but I get more serious sexual innuendo's, talk about sex or whatever. (NOTE: this isnt the first time I flirt/make an innuendo about sex, I just do it more frequently/faster pace)
If she responds well to this and can talk about it, then I either bring up meeting up directly after talking about sex ( she obviously knows the deal )
Or after topics have changed I then ask her to meet up ( having a space between the sex talk just to be safe makes it seem less pants hungry )
That way I know she can talk about sex and how responsive she is to me, talking about sex with girls is important because it constantly makes them think of you in bed and thats a thought you want in her head LOTS.
If she's not respnsive to sex talk or flirty innuendos etc.. then I give her another week.
On average I can get a girl into my bed after about 5 - 7 mini text convo's
Some of course, way less, some longer.
Point is I dont want to meet up with a girl, take her on a date and learn all of the 'basics' about her.
have you ever hooked up with a girl at a club, or party and have her pull some LMR saying 'I hardly know you..'
The text convo's are just so she feels like she knows you, and I like the idea of talking to her first before I meet her, I dont want to meet up with some weird ass chick that I didn't notice did this or that in the 1/2 mins i talked on her on the subway.
And it's really easy once you text on and off like that several times
You can randomly just text her saying 'come over'
or 'i'm hungry, cook me supper'
and if she declines, this just turns into playful banter, convo ends, you try again in a few days.
the trick is to have this happening with a bunch of plates at the same time