I'm so ****ing pissed. I'm gonna die alone.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
Its not the women.

Its YOU.

Stop being friendly with women. Learn your lesson. Next time do what the guy did. Ask for the number right away and don't ask "Lets hang out". There is no hanging out with a women you like. Stop trying to be friends with them.

1. Get your life in order. Pursue life, career that you want and will love to do for the rest of your life.

2. Pursue women that you want to get with. Don't hang out, don't become friends. If it doesn' work out with one, know there is another one right next to you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
gonnamakeachange said:
Every girl in my life who I was ever remotely interested in never works out for a multitude of reasons.
Focus on figuring out those reasons and fix them. If you aren't getting chics, it's not likely that that universe is conspiring against you, it's that you aren't competent and creating attraction in a woman.

Why am I pissed now?

I went out with some people at the company I work at. I'm pretty friendly with one girl. A couple of us were sitting at a table having drinks. I asked her what she does on the weekends and if she's doing anything this weekend. She responds back by saying her weekends are really boring and she doesn't do much. Then I said we should hang out on Saturday, which she responded favorably.

I was gonna wait till a bit later to exchange numbers instead of doing it at the table and everything. Anyway, the other guy at the table asks her the same question... like "so your weekends are boring, huh?". And then he asks for her number and she gives it to him!!!

What was she supposed to do? Say to the guy, "Oh sorry I can't give you my number, that other guy had already suggested we hang out sometime." First off, the guy didn't ask her hand in marriage, he simply asked for her number. That doesn't preclude you from also asking. They have no relationship, there's no reason she couldn't go on a date with him on Friday and go out with you on Saturday. So why the hell didn't you ask for her number at the end of the night like you planned to??

I'm so tired of women. It's draining the life out of me. I'm tired of jacking off every night which is why I'm trying to have a more active social life but I'm ****ing pissed! How can I forget about women and just enjoy life by myself when you see women and couples everywhere you go and you know that you're gonna masturbate that night instead of having real *****?

I'm so sick of hearing advice like "just forget about women, they will come".
Forgetting about women won't make them come to you. Anymore than forgetting about money is going make a million dollars show up at your door unexpectedly. Like making money, getting women means building up a set of skills and putting in work to attain it. There are excellent materials available on this site to start you on that path. Read them.


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
Trying and failing is the way to success.
Practice makes master


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Stop being a pvssy.

You were born alone and you will die alone. Nobody will go on the final journey but you. Accept that fact. YOU WILL DIE.

Now what do you want to accomplish before you die? That's what you need to get started working on. No pity parties for grown men. Make it happen or accept your fate. Those are your choices. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
As you think,so shall you become. Keep thinking you suck with women, or learn,take the pain and get better[I took alot of pain in martial arts,but I'm better now].


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
gonnamakeachange said:
I was gonna wait till a bit later to exchange numbers instead of doing it at the table and everything.
It´s only an excuse man! There is no good excuse for this! You were fvckin´ scared asking her out at the table in front of the others, weren´t you? You have to face your fears! Next time you see a good opportunity to have some fun (like asking a girl out) which makes you scared, just do it. Go for it! Without thinking, without hesitation. Take it like an extreme sport!


What are you more scared of? Asking a girls number or fighting a guy who can probably kick your ass? You should train to fight (MMA). It makes you tough. When you are not scared of a beatdown from other guys, you are really scared of nothing. Train MMA.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
thegspwarrior97 said:
You should train to fight (MMA).
Having an instable personaltity is bad. But only bad for him. Having an instable personaltity and fighting skills is dangerous for everybody around him. If he doesn´t know how to differenciate between good and bad trainers/styles and starts to train fight he will have high probably more serious problems than now.

In my opinion MMA wouldn´t be good for him.