The Federal Reserve is responsible for inflation in general.
Gas prices are going up much faster than other commodities, so you can't just sit there and blame it all on the banking/finance system.
Oil prices are going up because demand's going up and the supply is not matching it. Simple economics.
Which means when there's some turmoil in the middle-east, something like, oh, say, Libya being in virtual civil war, prices are gonna go up. Libya supplies a lot of oil to Europe. That's why the UN is so quick to lead a strike force over there while they had little desire to play in Iraq. It's a global market, though, so everyone suffers.
Add to that the fact that oil production is just NOT keeping up with demand, and you have prices that are vastly out-pacing common "inflation".
The oil transportation infrastructure is obsolete...we cling to it because better technology isn't available yet. But it's coming.
I plan on moving to a new house with a garage within the next year...when I do, I'm getting an electric car. The foray into hybrids has led to real increases in battery life and charging times, to the point where primary-electric cars are becoming feasible for commuting.
Electricity is fuel-agnostic...whether it comes from coal, oil, nuclear, wind turbines, or dams, it gets pumped onto the grid and you can use it to run your vehicle at 1/4 of the price of gas.
Gas is going up for the same reason everything else gets f**ked in this economy...people base an infrastructure on a resource that they assume is going to be plentiful forever.
The American infrastructure was based on the idea of cheap gas. That's why so many people live over an hour's drive from where they work and play...they figured gas was so cheap that they could just drive.
If people would stop f**king around and start moving closer and being more social again, it wouldn't cost so damned much.
But NOOOO...God forbid we have to put up with seeing OTHER PEOPLE every day....that's what we have Facebook for.
In short, gas is expensive because YOU WILL PAY THAT MUCH FOR IT. Why would Exxon/Mobil charge $80 for a barrel of oil when they can charge $120??
If you don't want to pay that much for it, find another way to get around.