Im not real pimp and have no interest in actually being one. I merely use the term in a way to describe how i felt ;P
Anyway, was she attractive? She wasnt the hottest ive helped but she was bangable.
Where i work we are preached at to be don juans to the customers. We have to show ultimate confidence, be friendly, and most of all try NOT to come off as if your trying to sell them something.
We basically do the shopping for the customers. So if a girl walks in and i notice her flipping through some jeans, its my job to approach her, and be like
"Hey how ya doin?" she says "Oh im alright, you?"
I reply. "Oh really?, Im alright, What have you been up to today, anything special?" she says "No not really, just kind of bummin around"
I say "Yeah? sounds like fun, ive been stucc in the mall all day is the weather still nice out?"
She says "Yeah its beautiful, we actually went swimming earlier"
I say "ahh sounds so nice, where did you guys go?"
She says "Oh we went to my friends pool"
I say "Sounds great, im definetly going to have to go swimming when i get off work"
She says "Yeah for surely, by the way, do you have these in a size 29?"
I say "Im not sure, but i can check, do you like this style only or are you into the bootcut jeans too?"
etc etc..
Basically i just small talk with them and get them comfortable with me then hook them up with clothing.
I did this same thing to the girl but she wasnt as receptive, she didnt want help at first so i just told her that when she wants to try on some jeans to let me know. 5 Minutes later she did and i helped search out some more jeans for her. I basically was just nice and confident. I treated like i treat every other customer. And she ended up giving me her #. I will call her next week.
Its so tight working where i work. Countless honeys come in. For instance, yesterday a couple of the homies came to visit me right. Well they left and returned like an hour later. They said they followed some hotties in. I scanned the area and saw them, 2 Hb 8's. My friends, being wack AFC's were stalking and too scared to even approach. He even claimed that one of them WAVED at him while they were walking in the mall.
So i abruptly left my friends as he was in mid sentence, walked right up to the hotties and talked to them. I saw the looks on their faces and i felt like an emperor. I also felt super pimp because i had just gotten brand new clothes earlier that day and was sporting a very nice expensive outfit.
Watching hot high class girls get in and out of tight jeans is the greatest.