Look 9Volt. I've been there before. It sucks. I'm about to next my main plate within days. Crappy thing is that I dropped my other plates the closer I got to my main plate. Now the main plate is losing IL and flaking (most likely going out with orbiters in secret). Point being, it doesn't matter.
I've talked about it a little bit here... I'm getting my head focused on my career vision that is in process that still has 3-4 years till it matures.
Maybe what you need right now is to go
monk mode.
I went monk mode last fall and accomplished a ton while I stopped dating. I quit porn. I got ripped. I got PADI (scuba) certified. I worked on my wardrobe, grooming (grew facial hair). I picked up archery more. I saw various social groups actively. I was happy. For the first time in a long time I was happy for an awesome three month window with zero plates, no dating... period. Women picked up on my new confidence and began taking interest and asking me out on dates. I started plate spinning at my peak around Christmas and January till I got to a STR. It all went to hell.
Fast forward a few months and now my family and friends think I'm moody, irritable, withdrawn, and anxious/depressed 24/7. Even my grades have slipped from straight As to Bs.
Any guy who chooses a plate to be main plate and going steady should never feel depressed or downcast. It's fool's gold. Not normal.
It's amazing what a man can get accomplished when he forges his iron cast goals and let's women know they aren't priority numero uno and not even close to it.
Forge that passion and fire, man.
Once you fix what's going on within you, in theory, the quality plates should improve to match or meet your improved SMV and (in theory), will behave better.