I'm just about to start bullsh*tting to get women.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
I've made up my mind there's no real good reason to approach women in public. So, I'm gonna lie and ask stupid crap just to get a conversation going. I'm gonna adapt to each situation. If I see a girl walking a dog, I'm gonna ask where's the best place to get my dog groomed (even though I don't own a f*cking dog). Basically, I will make myself have something in common with whatever chick I have my eye on.

Anybody ever get into this frame of mind? How did it work out?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
California, USA
I've had this frame of mind many times, but I always revert back because of karma. If you were to end up getting into a serious relationship with one and you lied your ass off. Some of those lies will come out later on.

So, I stick to keeping it honest.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
All Ice breakers are about bullsh1t anyway, so you aren't breaking any new grounds here. What you want to do is break the ice and continue to steer the conversation into something interesting while building attraction with your target.

Its often doesn't come down to what you say but how you say it.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
gonnamakeachange said:
I've made up my mind there's no real good reason to approach women in public. So, I'm gonna lie and ask stupid crap just to get a conversation going. I'm gonna adapt to each situation. If I see a girl walking a dog, I'm gonna ask where's the best place to get my dog groomed (even though I don't own a f*cking dog). Basically, I will make myself have something in common with whatever chick I have my eye on.

Anybody ever get into this frame of mind? How did it work out?
Just don't tell any lies that could be detected. If you tell her your trained in Mixed Martial Arts and she asks you to show her some moves you'd have made yourself look kinda bad. The dog thing you should be alright with, but be ready to answer if she asks what kind of dog you have.

My rule is only lie when you have too, cause then you gotta remember who you told what too, and thats tough to keep track of.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
gonnamakeachange said:
I've made up my mind there's no real good reason to approach women in public. So, I'm gonna lie and ask stupid crap just to get a conversation going. I'm gonna adapt to each situation. If I see a girl walking a dog, I'm gonna ask where's the best place to get my dog groomed (even though I don't own a f*cking dog). Basically, I will make myself have something in common with whatever chick I have my eye on.

Anybody ever get into this frame of mind? How did it work out?
umm.... have you ever heard of any famous PUAS? are you being serious here???

bulls**ting women is an everyday part of the game. Unless of course you go natural/jerk style. But for most beginners bsing their way into women's panties is the only way to go till they develop their inner game.


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
cletus said:
My rule is only lie when you have too, cause then you gotta remember who you told what too, and thats tough to keep track of.
Unfortunately, I'm pretty good at that.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2009
Reaction score
Nothing wrong with that, if you lie you subconciously have better body language because you know what your saying is total bull**** and if you rejected on it, you won't care.

Though if your being heaps legit and try to find some real shiyt to talk about and she thinks your wierd, that is a slap in the face as you were being genuine and girls lets face it don't want a genuine guy unless she wants a marriage or something like that.

I always lie in random pick ups, I mean if you fvk her you can tell you were lieing I don't think anything would change if you tell her while she has a load on her face.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Wow...many are in favour of bullsh!tting...are you the same guys that choose to get women drunk before hitting on them? Or that maybe sleep with them after they have passed out?

The only time I might use a "line" is when I really can't think of anything good to say. I like to think I am interesting and smart enough to come up with my own openers and to have them rooted in reality and not based off b.s.

If I see a woman walking a dog, I will approach her and speak nothing of the dog. In fact, all I might say is that I don't like them, because I don't.

I would maybe walk up to her right after the dog poops and say something like: (with authoritative tone) "are you going to scoop that up?" and tease her a bit. Or something else (that was probably a bad example, lol). The point is that whatever I tell her about myself will be totally true. I might even tell her I don't like dogs and that we would never get along because she has one. All icebreakers are NOT bullsh!t, DJ Damage. I usually agree with your posts/replies but not this time. I think a real man should not need to lie.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
gonnamakeachange said:
I've made up my mind there's no real good reason to approach women in public.
There are actually tons of good reasons.

gonnamakeachange said:
So, I'm gonna lie and ask stupid crap just to get a conversation going. I'm gonna adapt to each situation.
Why not just adapt to each situation without lying? Are you that dull? Use your noggin. You can ask stupid crap without lying.

gonnamakeachange said:
Basically, I will make myself have something in common with whatever chick I have my eye on.
I am betting that you already have something in common with every chick you meet...just think about it. Don't lie bro, you don't need to. Keep it real.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
It's OK to get used to approaching i think. But generally try to transition away from it asap and keep the lie light, don't build value off of it. But that's just cause i don't like lying that much. If you get caugh later admit it, just say you wanted to talk to her.

This is mostly theory though because while i've done many 'warm' approaches, i almost never cold approach unless it's very inviting.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
SoylentGreen said:
Wow...many are in favour of bullsh!tting...are you the same guys that choose to get women drunk before hitting on them? Or that maybe sleep with them after they have passed out?

The only time I might use a "line" is when I really can't think of anything good to say. I like to think I am interesting and smart enough to come up with my own openers and to have them rooted in reality and not based off b.s.

If I see a woman walking a dog, I will approach her and speak nothing of the dog. In fact, all I might say is that I don't like them, because I don't.

I would maybe walk up to her right after the dog poops and say something like: (with authoritative tone) "are you going to scoop that up?" and tease her a bit. Or something else (that was probably a bad example, lol). The point is that whatever I tell her about myself will be totally true. I might even tell her I don't like dogs and that we would never get along because she has one. All icebreakers are NOT bullsh!t, DJ Damage. I usually agree with your posts/replies but not this time. I think a real man should not need to lie.
Wow thats prolly the worst advice i have ever read on these forums. You see a girl walking her dog and you go up to her, "Hi, i hate dogs" wtf thats stupid. I dont see that opener getting you anywhere unless the girl is really really attracted to you. Its like you watching your favorite sport team and some girl comes up to you and say blah blah suck they are bad. You think you gonna fall in love with that girl or care enough to get to know her to form a relationship. Probobly not but there is a very very slim chance that it would happen.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Prodigy746 said:
Wow thats prolly the worst advice i have ever read on these forums. You see a girl walking her dog and you go up to her, "Hi, i hate dogs" wtf thats stupid. I dont see that opener getting you anywhere unless the girl is really really attracted to you. Its like you watching your favorite sport team and some girl comes up to you and say blah blah suck they are bad. You think you gonna fall in love with that girl or care enough to get to know her to form a relationship. Probobly not but there is a very very slim chance that it would happen.
Right. Thats why I said that my MAIN POINT is that whatever I tell her about myself will be totally true.

Actually, I didn't say I would walk up to her and say "Hi, I hate dogs." But I might tease with something along those lines in an effort to get a reaction out of her.

The POINT of my post, which went way over your head, was to NOT LIE.

I admitted that my example was not the best one, so I really didn't need you to come on here with your bad grammar and spelling and point something out that was already a given.

By the way, most people capitalize the word "I". Just a tip.