I'm hurt!


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Well, I've gone into self destruct mode.

Completely wasted, drowning sorrows....been very stressed lately with work etc. and my "girlfriend" who is bi polar broke up with me sunday...but then text to say she changed her mind...and now just doesn't seem to want to see mee....every time I try, she is busy...or cancels...

wouldn't be a problem but I allowed myself to fall for her...so now im screwed in a pit of depression....chances are she will break up with me again...I care for her...dont know what to do! and don't give me the predictable responses "afc" "you should have run a mile when u found out she was bi polar" etc.

Im not into just fvcking girls..I am an emotional person and a sensitive human being...but it is who I am, and I would not change it...it just means I get hit harder when thing like this happen!

I hate this ****! I hate life! I hate this forum! I hate dating! I hate it all!!!!

every time I allow myself to open up to a girl I end up hurt, and back to square one!!!



Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
The good new is your growing. If my intuition is right, this is probably your worst breakup/heartbreak you've ever had in your life.

Well you've just grown a little bit. And you're about to grow A LOT.

If you think all of us (even those who pull women all the time) haven't gone through serious heartbreak where we drink ourselves into a stupor for days or weeks, then you're dead wrong. I've been there, and so has every man on this planet.

And don't feel odd for dating some bi-polar b!tch. In fact, most emotional men who would never think of cheating on their women tend to fall for the opposite--women who are emotionally desensitized and have no problem cheating on a spouse who loves them. Call it opposites attract, or whatever the hell else you want, but I've found it to be very true.

While I don't want to fall into the category of every other SS member who is going to say GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER, I cannot in my right mind tell you that staying with this girl is a good choice.

Sure, maybe if she does a total 180 then it MIGHT be understandable. But I really mean a total 180. Like she's feeding you breakfast in bed because she didn't know what life really is like without you.

But most likely she won't. Most likely she HAS been seeing someone else, or has her eye on someone else. Women tend not to breakup with their men so rapidly unless they have another branch (man) they want to swing to. And yes, I've been there too.

What's important for you right now is to hold your ground no matter how painful it is, and stay away from her until she decides to show you the respect you deserve. Because what she is doing now is exactly that; DISRESPECTING YOU. Don't get it twisted; she'll tell you a bunch of BS reasons why she wants to breakup, but it's really just hogwash to make her feel better about herself.

And guess what? When you cry to her and ask for her back, she's loving every minute of it. Don't give her that satisfaction.

I'm being pretty generous here. Stop contacting this chick and give her a week or so to get her act together. If she's not on begg-ed knee for you by next week, then she most likely never will be. And I know you don't want to date a woman unless she loves you as much as you love her, right?


Master Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
North America
WC2, your posts are always fantastic. I just went through another breakup and learned some more pretty painful lessons - but forward is the only way to go.

Keep up the good work around here.


New Member
Feb 9, 2010
Reaction score
WC2 is right. I'm in VERY similar situation, but fast forwarded a some time. I kept seeing her every now and then because "she misses me", and I did miss her too. I Still do, and that's why I'm going insane the last few weeks. I know there's only one solution: self protection, even though I have to miss out on the good moments. Break contact, if you want to keep sane.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
F!DELITY said:
Well, I've gone into self destruct mode.

Completely wasted, drowning sorrows....been very stressed lately with work etc. and my "girlfriend" who is bi polar broke up with me sunday...but then text to say she changed her mind...and now just doesn't seem to want to see mee....every time I try, she is busy...or cancels...

wouldn't be a problem but I allowed myself to fall for her...so now im screwed in a pit of depression....chances are she will break up with me again...I care for her...dont know what to do! and don't give me the predictable responses "afc" "you should have run a mile when u found out she was bi polar" etc.

Im not into just fvcking girls..I am an emotional person and a sensitive human being...but it is who I am, and I would not change it...it just means I get hit harder when thing like this happen!

I hate this ****! I hate life! I hate this forum! I hate dating! I hate it all!!!!

every time I allow myself to open up to a girl I end up hurt, and back to square one!!!

This is a classic Captain Save-a-ho fallout at it's finest.

This is why you dont date bi-polar chicks, before you know it your a depressed wreck with emotional fuc*ery of the highest order.

Next time when you feel like being Jesus and saving some chick, think about yourself first uh!