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I'm having a party and need tips/ideas


Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
I needs some tips and ideas on throwing a killer party at my house. On what would make it awesome, but also on how to regulate some control so my **** doesn't get smashed/broken.
Guys, post things that you did at partys you had that were cool and give me some ideas on what to do. Thanks! :cool:


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Gaithersburg, Maryland
If you wanna throw an awesome party LT1 make sure you buy a LOT of beer, hard alcohol, and get some tables so you can play quarters- flipcup- etc. Call everyone you know and tell them to bring a lot of people. Be relaxed and make sure the people coming are fine and no sh*t will happen. Also if you are chill with your neighbors then go tell them whats goin on and say not to call the cops, or if they are far away then dont tell any homeowners.


Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Nice, another Camaro owner :D !
Good tips CamaroMike, I got the alcohol covered and I live far back in the woods. What about music? Should I try to get someone who can mix or DJ?

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
The only way that nothing is going to get broken is if you take everything that can be moved and put it into a room and lock it.

imho a DJ would be very cool but then again you can always load a player up with cd's and shít which shud run ok until some drunk guy decides its time to hear whatever he wants to hear

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Oh and keep a fund for next day emergency fixer-dudes...cause even with everything in a room don't be surprised if sumone manages to put a foot through a wall or get thrown through a door :s

Big Pimpin'

Don Juan
Nov 6, 2002
Reaction score
Make sure you got hot girls coming to your party. You dont want a sausagefest.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
One word: Bouncer.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Word up to the Camaro guys first of all, we rule :D

Second to throw a mad party you need: a lot of people (males and females), lots of loud music (be sure to get some dance/house music as it is nice to relax and chill to), card/board/video/drinking games for people to play, and lots and lots of beer if you're of age. If not, find a way to get some into the party and not get busted. Anywhere there is alcohol there is a good party :D

Most importantly have fun with it! Go around, make small talk with everyone, make sure they're havin a good time!

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Big Pimpin'
You dont want a sausagefest.
lmao dude where r u from? I use that word all the time :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
all diff. types of music is good

set up a table for beirut, (with a ping pong, trying to bounce it into beer cups)

gotta go with kegs always

talk to people a couple days in advance

go meet a couple girls at the mall, get their number and envite them over

never get too drunk at your own house

keep towels all over

shut ALL the blinds

try to keep ppl out of eye view if possible, say the basement

never say anythin blantently obvious to a girl like "So...would you like a tour of my house?"...maybe its jus me but when some girl is havin the party at her house, and i know she is feelin me, (and it aint mutual) thats the line i always get

hmmm tips...

keep music loud, try to make sure the TV isnt on and that is not the focus of attension

make it a goal to meet and talk with everyone

keep an eye out b/c ppl throw up everywhere

when callin to envite ppl over do it in a loud place where everyone is talking so that they will assume it is the happening place to be

try to never dis-include anyone if possible b/c they can always rat you out or prank your house

find beer games, like beirut, quarters, etc.

card games like kings are awsome too

make sure ppl arent going into your/your parents bedroom's

make sure to ask ppl to pay for a cover charge for drinking or else youll end up in debt quite quickly...i know its annoying but you gotta do it and ppl will respect you for it... say $5 or so dependin on how much you bought and how hott the party is

and ofcourse invite me so that everyone experience can be that much better


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2002
Reaction score
the kid who said have a bouncer gave the best tip yet.

I used to throw parties and have kids I didn't want there showing up. then I started leaving a big guy by the door to bounce. Needless to say, the people I didn't want there weren't there anymore.

Also, make sure that you do not get too drunk. I can't stress this enough. You gotta watch your ****. Personally, I never had as much fun at my own parties as I did at others. Worried **** would break. And make sure you hide things that you know you'd get in trouble for breaking. don't tempt fate man.

Speaking of hiding things, don't put all the alcohol out when people first get there. Most likely, the majority of people, and some of the best people, are gonna get to your house a little late. You don't want there to be nothing to drink for them when they get there.

Have beer only if you have to. Wanna throw a really good party? Have hard **** for guys. Bicardi Limon is a favorite. Really anything will do. Have lots of vodka and lots of rum. Don't forget to have **** to chase it with or to make mix drinks. Have some cola for sure, Code Red and Vodka is the ****, and no kind of alcohol tastes better than cranberry vodka. You can't taste the liquor in it at all. It's amazing.

Now, while you've gotta have hard **** for the guys, you've gotta have girly **** for the girls. Make sure you have Mike's Hard Lemonade, popular with both guys and girls. I find the original is the most popular, but I personally enjoy the cranberry a lot too. Bicardi Silver, Bicardi 03 (great for the class of 2003, I think), wine coolers, and Smirnoff Ice are all good choices too.

Make sure there's rooms for people to hook up, make sure there's music, though most people won't dance. Make a few mix cds and just let them go. Don't put stuff on the cd that people can't dance to. I know that sounds basic, but you'd be surprised.

Make sure you have cards too. People like to play cards. *****es love speed. I can't tell you why, but they love that game.

Finally, if anybody gets too drunk, make them stop drinking. Make them drink water and eat crackers. Give them between an 1-2 hours of this. This will not only help stop people puking on your ****, but it'll also help to stop things like guys taking advantage of really drunk girls or really drunk people doing stupid **** or getting in fights, and let's not forget alcohol poisoning. Don't wanna be that guy that threw the party where a kid died.

That's all I can think of right now. I'll post again if anything else comes to my mind. and if there is anything incoherent in here, tell me, and I'll edit it.

Have fun bro,
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Ahhh f*cking sweet post Lemeuix66. This guy has all the bases covered but I'll stress a few more points.

Make sure people know where the bathroom is and have two available at all times. One just isn't gonna cut it.

Make sure your neighbors know in advance. Even people two or three houses down. They'll be much less likely to call the cops if you go up to them in person and tell them in a mature manner as possible that you're having a "get together" (don't say party, people freak at that word) on the certain day and that they shouldn't be alarmed if they see a crowd. Tell them to phone you if they have any complaints. They likely won't because most people, surprisingly, won't want to have 50+ drunk teens against them for breaking up a party. And even if they do it's better they tell you then phone the cops.

Have your backyard accessible too incase people need to get some fresh air, a break from the noise or go outside and puke. It's a lot less conspicuous then people running in and out the front.

Don't keep the drinks in the fridge. Refrigerate them before but then take them out. Maybe put them in a cooler. At the last party I went to, people destroyed the guys fridge looking for beer.

Don't blast your $2000 sound system. Why risk someone kicking in a speaker or spilling punch all over your amp? A boom-box type system should work perfectly as long as it's loud. When you get drunk you can't tell the difference in music quality. Have lots of different CD's on hand. People get tired of the same bullsh*t over and over.

Make sure there are lots of places for people to sit down and relax. Standing for 3 hours gets tedious. If you have white carpets... you're screwed. There will be lots of spilled drinks so bring in an old rug or invest in carpet cleaners the day after.

Munchies!!! It doesn't have to be fancy. Just get some chips and put em out in bowls.

Have some pop out so it can be put in mixed drinks, used as a chaser or for those non-drinkers :confused:.

Drixsa said it, Shut down the computer and turn off the TV. They'll just take away from the socializing and become the unnecessary centres of attention.

If the cops do come, follow these guidelines.

1. Make sure the main partying is NOT going on near the front door.
2. If you're underage or there are any underage people at the party, don't let there be alcohol open anywhere. You (the host) could get slapped with a hefty $200 fine for every minor at the residence.
3. Turn down the music!
4. Greet them politely and don't try to tell them there is no party going on. They are not idiots. I have been in some cases where the cops are *******s but for the most case, if you be respectful to them, they'll be respectful to you.
5. I believe (but don't hold me to it) that they do not have a right to search your house unless they have a good reason to suspect there are crimes being committed. Drinking is not a crime.
6. If they tell you to settle it down, then for Christ's sake, settle it down. Turning the music down two notches is better than losing your party. They WILL return/pass by to check up.

A table for drinking games is also a must.

Spread the word 5 days or so in advance. There's nothing worse than putting in all the planning and only having 8 people show up do to short notice. You ever notice how the best parties are often the ones with the big crowds? Sorry but in this case 3 is not company.

GET AS MANY, IF NOT MORE, GIRLS TO SHOW UP. Sausage fests are just not cool ;)

If you say the party starts at 8:00pm, there will be people showing up at 7:15 and others showing up at 11:00. This is just the way it happens.

Although it makes you look like a fabulous host, buying drinks for everyone sounds pricey as f*ck. Most people can get thier own. You're already doing your part to host it. In an emergency, a delivery service can pick you up some at short notice.

Being a teenager, I haven't been to many "keggers" but when people get a keg it certainly attracts attention.

Be prepared to give rides at the end of the night to stupid drunk people or else have a couple of taxis booked. Don't let anyone get behind the wheel drunk!

I've never hosted a party before but if I did, I would plan on having 2 maybe 3 drinks most. Do not get sh*tfaced at your own party. If you do that you lose control of yourself and your party. Would you let 50 rambunctious liquored up horny teens in your house alone?

I don't think I'm alone when I say: When you invite people to a well-advertised party, there are always more people showing up than anticipated. Word gets around. You can't help that. So I suggest you limit your partygoers to start. For example make a list of 50 people to start. The real idiots probably will stray away knowing they're not on the list and would be denied entrance. More people will show up and it's then up to you to let them in. Obviously you'd being the cool guy you are would, and they'd feel like they owe you one. Also it gives you an excuse if your house is full and you suspect more people are on the way. A bouncer sounds like an excellent idea but I don't know how you'd go about getting one?¿?

Get some good friends of yours who you know will be there to help you with the clean up the following morning. You don't want to be left high and dry with a whole house to clean and a hangover.

If you do decide to buy alcohol make sure people pay you in advance. Most people appreciate not having to go to the effort of buying it (especially if they're underage :D). It's hard to turn someone down at the door if they "forgot to bring" the cash.

If your parents are out of town and you think you can pull it off without them knowing, well let's just say it's risky business. Odds are they WILL find out. Again be prepared. The term "get together" sounds so much less threatening than party".

Relaaaaax. Enjoy yourself. Talk to all the girls. It's an alpha male type of thing to do to host a party. Don't spend too much time with one particular girl either. Spread your attention over several and they'll value their time with you more.

Don't worry if it's a little slow at first. As more people show up and the alcohol sets in it will start to liven up. If not, spike the punch. Heavily.

It's your party so don't feel you are obliged to let in the kid who always gets pissed drunk and smashes windows. It's your ass or his. The majority of people will side with you.

If you can, drop your pets off at a friend's for the night. People often partake in doing mean sh*t to your pets when drunk. This includes your fish.

Have a place ready for someone really drunk to go lay down at. Hopefully one of their friends will look after sending them home from there.

Have a designated mudroom so people aren't fumbling around for their shoes.

Plastic cups, Ice and towels are good to have around. Put out boxes for empties. Build an empties pyramid :D

Take some pictures to remember the great time.

If some gets a little riled up just tell them coolly to settle down, you don't want the party to get broken up. Most people will respect this.

But most of all I wanna stress how important it is to lock up your valuables. Take every piece decoration that you or your parents value and lock it up in the garage or an out of the way bathroom. Some **** isn't replaceable and the stuff that is will really add up. This means anything that a partygoer such as yourself might jack when drunk and upset. Even stuff that people could knock over or break by accident. A guy I knew lost a PS2, digital camera, video camera, walkman, skateboard and gold chain when he left his bedroom unlocked. It's unfortunate but some people simply can't resist taking what is not theirs. At the same party I also plead guilty to stealing something. It was however just a box of eazy-mac that found it's way into my coat. I was drunk and hungry and thought I could eat it when I got home. Don't risk it, hide that sh*t!

This is some sh*t that I thought all you party hosters should know. Some of it's just common sense while other stuff is nice to be aware of if the situation is to arise. Good luck to anyone hosting a party. And remember as good as it tastes, Never Party with Bacardi! Haha Lemeuix66 I had a pretty nasty experience with Bacardi Limon just the other weekend! It tastes good but that sh*t makes rookies like me sick. But then again maybe it was not what I drank, but how much I drank. Hard liquor is the best but I think I'm turning into a "40 of malt liquor in a brown paper bag" type of guy :p

Ok well it's after 4:30am... might wanna hit the sack. I have a job interview tomorrow :D.


Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for all the kick ass info so far guys!
Okay, about the mix tape. What kind of songs should I burn onto a cd. Anyone have a list of favorites?
Keep the good tips coming!


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Joe, you are 100% correct about the cops not being able to search, but only AT FIRST. What usually happens is the cops will stop by, check out what's going on, then 1 car will stay and keep an eye out while another car goes and gets a warrent. As soon as the cops make the first stop, get everyone the hell out of there and make sure they ditch the beer BEFORE they get out the front door. If they throw the bottles and cups on your lawn, you are majorly screwed. By the way, drinking is a crime if you are underaged, so they have reason right there.

Ronny_Neumonic II

Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
It's your party so don't feel you are obliged to let in the kid who always gets pissed drunk and smashes windows. It's your ass or his. The majority of people will side with you.
AHHHHHHHHH me and my friends wont be going so :(

Anyways great advice joe. Seeing as he's living in the woods, I dont think anyone will call the police.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
Originally posted by lemieux66
the kid who said have a bouncer gave the best tip yet.

I used to throw parties and have kids I didn't want there showing up. then I started leaving a big guy by the door to bounce. Needless to say, the people I didn't want there weren't there anymore.

i am sorry but this just sounds like BS

no kid is just going to stand there and wait for someone you dont like to show up, unless you pay him money, which is even doubtful

maybe your jus trying to say that if someone you dont want comes in one of the big dudes there can help you out

Now, while you've gotta have hard **** for the guys, you've gotta have girly **** for the girls. Make sure you have Mike's Hard Lemonade, popular with both guys and girls. I find the original is the most popular, but I personally enjoy the cranberry a lot too. Bicardi Silver, Bicardi 03 (great for the class of 2003, I think), and Smirnoff Ice are all good choices too.
in an ideal world id agree but it jut costs too much money to supply all this. girls can drink beer/liquor.

they will not be gettin drunk off mikes, the stuff tastes like pop

Make sure your neighbors know in advance. Even people two or three houses down. They'll be much less likely to call the cops if you go up to them in person and tell them in a mature manner as possible that you're having a "get together" (don't say party, people freak at that word) on the certain day and that they shouldn't be alarmed if they see a crowd. Tell them to phone you if they have any complaints. They likely won't because most people, surprisingly, won't want to have 50+ drunk teens against them for breaking up a party. And even if they do it's better they tell you then phone the cops.
i really like this idea but it would really depnd on your neighbors, mine are pretty cool when it comes to stuff like this, but iknow a lot of neighbors that are a-hles tht would takeadvantage of this situation.

4. Greet them politely and don't try to tell them there is no party going on. They are not idiots. I have been in some cases where the cops are *******s but for the most case, if you be respectful to them, they'll be respectful to you.

it happens a lot that the cops will see a lot of cars, and they know an underage drinkin party is goin on, lets face it they used to be kids too.

if they cannot see/hear anyone in danger or see any alcohol they cannot do too much.


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by JoE BoXeR
Ahhh f*cking sweet post Lemeuix66....
Thanks man, same to you. I think that those 3 posts in a row, yours, mine, and drixsa's, combine to make a definitive high school party guide. I don't agree with the telling the neighbors before the party thing though. Nothin good can come of that. I know when I had parties when my parents were out of town, one of my goals was to keep the neighbors in the dark as much as possible. You gotta have people park a block or two away and just walk over.

Originally posted by JoE BoXeR
Never Party with Bacardi! Haha Lemeuix66 I had a pretty nasty experience with Bacardi Limon just the other weekend! It tastes good but that sh*t makes rookies like me sick. But then again maybe it was not what I drank, but how much I drank. Hard liquor is the best but I think I'm turning into a "40 of malt liquor in a brown paper bag" type of guy :p
Haha. Yeah, the taste makes you think you're drinking lighter **** than you actually are. I got sloppy drunk off Bacardi Limon and some cheap vodka on my 18th birthday. The only time I've ever puked from drinking. That taught me two important lessons, never drink too much too soon and eat a big meal before you drink.

Originally posted by drixsa
i am sorry but this just sounds like BS

no kid is just going to stand there and wait for someone you dont like to show up, unless you pay him money, which is even doubtful

maybe your jus trying to say that if someone you dont want comes in one of the big dudes there can help you out
Well, of course you gotta pay the guy. And he doesn't stay there all night. Just a few hours when the majority of people are coming. It really does help. Trust me.

Originally posted by drixsa
in an ideal world id agree but it jut costs too much money to supply all this. girls can drink beer/liquor.

they will not be gettin drunk off mikes, the stuff tastes like pop
I dunno about that man. I'd say about half the girls I've seen drink are total lightweights who couldn't handle hard stuff and the majority of them don't like the taste of beer. The girly drinks are the way to go for girls, in my opinion.
