Bumped into a girl who I meet in my AFC days. Fortunately she had a BF at the time and I wasn't going to fool around with that, so she never got to see me act like an AFC. But we chated and did lunch, she revealed to me that she had broken up without my even asking. Then she revealed that she had just gotten sick of an AFC she was dating and tried to complain about her emotional problems to me. So I stopped her and told her to save that for her girlfriends and "nice guy" pals. She picked up on that, she laughed at my jokes, and responded to my kino as I lead her in a direction we were walking by saying "Thanks." She even got flushed as we joked a little. When she asked me about relationship stuff I just told her, some are for fun, others turn serious, but I don't need to spend my time around a person like I'm some household pet. She picked up on that as well, she smiled a lot and kept making eye contact. In the end I offered to take her out sometime just to hang out. She tossed me a cell phone number and said she'd talk to me later. Oh and some guy tried hitting on her too but she shot his foot off by talking to much and she decided to hang out with me till I had to go back to work.(She had a day off and was shoping like most women). She is a fun gal to hang with, but I don't know if she will be LTR material or just a funtime gal. Either way I'll just going to have a good time.(She's an 8 and her attitude bumps her to an 8.5 so what do I have to lose?)
Though I know the cell phone close is shaky, I know I have an edge on her already for a few reasons.
1. She expects AFC responses in terms of calling her like tomorrow. She's not getting that.
2. She digs my DJish attitude about relationships, and she agreed to all the crap I said about how relationships should be.(Threw in a couple of bogus ones, just to see if she would keep on agreeing, she did.)
3. Claimed she liked challenges, and that she saw relationships like guys, do she liked to date and get her rocks off like us but not sleep with just anyone she meets.
4. She talks her head off around me, and was real excited to see me since we hadn't talked in a while.(Suprisingly she enjoyed my company the last time we talked even when I was at work.) And whenever I said anything she would always look at me and lean in or when walking she'd walk close, then I would walk ahead a bit and she'd speed up to keep pace.
5. She believes she is a challenge because she has had her way with AFCs, she has yet to deal with a DJ.
6. Even on the odd chance she actually comes to this website, somehow recognizes I'm talking about her, and figures out who I am. Here is my biggest reason why I have an advantage over you: I HAVE MORE THAN ONE WOMAN SWEATING ME RIGHT NOW. I AM A DJ AND A MAN SO I'VE LEARNED HOW TO PLAY GAMES. OH AND I AM THE MAN, KNOW THAT AND BOW BEFORE ME, FOR I AM THE PRIZE WHICH YOU SEEK, IT WILL NOT BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
Right so number 6 was a little over the top, but you get the point. I'm going to test her a bit and see whats what. If you guys got any input cool, but I'm not going to sweat this one little bit.(Yes I know that number 6 seemed ****y, over confident and dominating, but I'm a DJ after all.)
-Grey Fox
Though I know the cell phone close is shaky, I know I have an edge on her already for a few reasons.
1. She expects AFC responses in terms of calling her like tomorrow. She's not getting that.
2. She digs my DJish attitude about relationships, and she agreed to all the crap I said about how relationships should be.(Threw in a couple of bogus ones, just to see if she would keep on agreeing, she did.)
3. Claimed she liked challenges, and that she saw relationships like guys, do she liked to date and get her rocks off like us but not sleep with just anyone she meets.
4. She talks her head off around me, and was real excited to see me since we hadn't talked in a while.(Suprisingly she enjoyed my company the last time we talked even when I was at work.) And whenever I said anything she would always look at me and lean in or when walking she'd walk close, then I would walk ahead a bit and she'd speed up to keep pace.
5. She believes she is a challenge because she has had her way with AFCs, she has yet to deal with a DJ.
6. Even on the odd chance she actually comes to this website, somehow recognizes I'm talking about her, and figures out who I am. Here is my biggest reason why I have an advantage over you: I HAVE MORE THAN ONE WOMAN SWEATING ME RIGHT NOW. I AM A DJ AND A MAN SO I'VE LEARNED HOW TO PLAY GAMES. OH AND I AM THE MAN, KNOW THAT AND BOW BEFORE ME, FOR I AM THE PRIZE WHICH YOU SEEK, IT WILL NOT BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND.
Right so number 6 was a little over the top, but you get the point. I'm going to test her a bit and see whats what. If you guys got any input cool, but I'm not going to sweat this one little bit.(Yes I know that number 6 seemed ****y, over confident and dominating, but I'm a DJ after all.)
-Grey Fox